jnanof Member


  • Yoda Darth Vader Buddha Ewok stew for the first two and vegetarian dish for the Buddha ;)
  • Well I can make it up 5 flights of stairs at the parking garage, feel a little burn and a little winded only because I am not warmed up. I can ride my bike 2 hours at a high heart rate. I can do Insanity and P90X workouts. I couldn't swim 2 Olympic laps if my life depended on it :tongue: Stair training is VERY strenuous.…
  • Try the unsweetened almond milk. 1 cup is only 35 calories :) My cereal picks Special K protein plus Cheerios (but they are high glycemic) Grape nuts (watch the portion size)
  • do you have a spot left on your team? I might try this one.
  • I got it for xmas and I love it. I have been not working out and snacking at the computer since I got it though. BAD!!!!! Since the new year, I have only played AFTER my workout and no snacking. Slower to level but have to participate in real life again lol :) I find it hard to be so bad as a Sith, but hard to be so sappy…
  • Eat more :flowerforyou:
  • MAke sure you are giving your body the best nutrition. Junk food makes stress worse. Fuel your body with healthy choices all the time. MEDITATE!! Its like a miracle cure for everything! Do these things as routine not only when you are stressed. Building a strong healthy foundation of body and mind will make you more…
  • I have done the P90X yoga. Its great because it focuses on your weaknesses but also points out your improvements too. One complaint people have is that it is too long. There is another version called Fountain of youth found under One on One with Tony Horton volume one I think. Just do your best and forget the rest :)
    in Yoga? Comment by jnanof December 2011
  • Very proud of you! Keep it up and thanks for sharing :)
  • I am JoAnn. I work int he Portland area. I have been doing P90X, Insanity and other Beachbody products since March. I have lost close to 30 pounds of FAT and feel great. I have 15 to 25 pounds to go (not sure what weight is going to be the magic number for me yet). My racing weight at 30 YO was 133. 145 might be just right…
  • if you are to the point of measuring weight loss in grams, its time to take a break. Just focus on eating whole grains, lean protein and veggies. I hope that most of your weight loss came from healthy exercise and not just dieting. If you can't shake the feeling of obsession, try finding a local nutritionist to help you…
  • I can't run with my dog. Its too much to watch him out pace me so easily when I am huffing and puffing with a 85%+ max heart rate and see him carrying a ball in his mouth the whole time! He is a tall Belgian shepherd mix and the best athlete dog I have every had. I have to run him on my mini bike and he still walks away…
  • plain Greek yogurt has more protein and less carbs than flavored. You can add some fruit if you want to it (increase the carbs a bit too). I add some crystal light but you seem like you are trying to avoid artificial flavorings. Its hard to meet a high protein goal WITH meat. I find i need to add a protein shake in…
  • I am not sure you can ever "allow" for fried chicken in a calorie count. Try your best to eat well for rest of that day and just splurge a little on the chicken. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. You'll drive yourself crazy trying to track every spurge. Just do a quick add of calories of say 750 and move on to the next…
  • also note that a pound of fat is NOT 3500 calories, its 453 grams times 9 calories per gram of fat = 4077. I don't understand who came up with the 3500 calorie idea. I take into account the calories that I would have burned if I sat on the couch :)
  • I have done p90x twice and am a coach, if you have any questions, please ask. joann
    in p90x Comment by jnanof November 2011
  • have you been lifting weights? you may have gained some muscle weight. Never listen to the scale. take your measurements and keep track there. also note if your clothes fit better :)
    in :( Comment by jnanof November 2011
  • I'm here, and many others are sure to come!
  • even though it has artificial ingredients I still use it a lot! Its cheap too. I also buy plain non fat Greek yogurt and add this to it. save on carbs and the plain has more protein.
  • Stick to a program. if you have the 30 day shred, do it for 30 days. Then pick something new. Thats why the predefined programs work, takes the guess work out if it. Just hit the play button every day and log your cals!
  • The only real way to limit carbs is to replace the starches (bread, potatoes, rice) with extra veggies. It was hard for me to give up the rice at dinner but now I eat fresh veggies. I switched to WW wraps at 100 cals for my sandwiches. Its hard work to keep the carbs low. I am always over mine too but at least they are…
  • you can use resistance bands that you can buy at a local sports store. I do recommend using some type of resistance to get the best benefit. Try looking for some used weights as well.
  • Big Hugs!!!!
    in 40 lbs! Comment by jnanof October 2011
  • Congrats on quitting smoking! I have done this twice and have been a non smoker for 7+ years now. The biggest help for me was knowing that cravings (any) last only two minutes, When I got a craving, I would do push ups for two minutes and I was cured of it! Also, whenever I thought about starting back up, I told myself…
  • My concept of "good" shoes changed the day I bought a crappy pair from a discount store and realized I had no pain!. Its the type of shoe that matters more. The on staff podiatrist at a GOOD shoe store said that the shoe allowed my feet to roll and that was helping my feet. She directed me to a nice shoe to buy ($100) and…
  • I have looked at 30DS and its a great program, but I think once you graduate it, you are ready to move on to something bigger!! Although you may feel like you need to complete another 30 DS if you were still struggling. If you were pretty confident with the phase 3, then I would recommend either P90X or Chalene Extreme…
  • You got it!!!
  • Commit to do better tomorrow and let it be. I try to log a head of time as well.