
I had lost 3 kgs on here since I started, then last week the scales told me I've put 2kgs back on! This is very disheartening and makes it hard to keep going! Of course then I feel crap about myself and it makes me want to eat Tim Tams lol
Words of advice and encouragement would be nice right about now if people wouldn't mind :)


  • jnanof
    jnanof Posts: 52 Member
    have you been lifting weights? you may have gained some muscle weight. Never listen to the scale. take your measurements and keep track there. also note if your clothes fit better :)
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    ooo ... send the tim tams my way :) can't get them here in California very easily. I tend to gain when I get close to the time of the month. Give yourself a little more time, it probably took you longer to put on the weight, it won't come off easily :(
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    You'll have setbacks and you'll have good weeks. I was feeling bummed out the other day when I weighed in and have gained 3lbs back BUT I know that I am healthier-my face is less fat and I can run 23minutes now, so I'm trying to keep it up!

    Also, a lot of things can affect your weight-water, urine in the bladder, stool in your colon, if you ate.