chattychick Member


  • I know my local grocery store sells individual cake slices? Perhaps buy exactly enough slices for everyone to have one piece? This way even if you are tempted to have more there isn't more to have.
  • I'm in. My current weight (as of this a.m. is 193.6. I would like to lose 7 pounds by Valentine's Day which would put me at 185.6. Surely I can make that happen!
  • I'm seriously considering getting back on "the Beach". About 4 years ago I lost 60 pounds in 8 months on "the Beach". I kept it off for about a year and then I moved to...South Korea. Home of rice. I should be honest and say the Dunkin'Donut runs I did every morning while there (because it was in the bottom floor of the…
  • I think you mght want to try to up your calories. I eat 1600 a day on days I do not exercise. On days I exercise its more like 2000. Try it, at least. But yes, I am sorry that you are in that frustrating spot! It really does suck!
  • how often do you work arms?
  • Great job! I am so proud that you got out there and did it! I highly recommend couch to 5k as well!
  • I had a UTI last summer that for some reason messed with my periods. Get checked for that
  • Ithink it varies by individual and type of work out. Spend a little more and get properly fit and evaluated.
  • That wasn't a very nice way of congratulating you on your success. Sorry that he was not polished in his approach. But congrats on your success so far! You should be proud of yourself!
  • I'm totally with you- I tend to be all or nothing. I too am finding that the middle ground is the healthiest place to be!
  • I actually usually have the opposite problem. When I eat poorly it sets me back a few days worth as far as good food choices.
  • For beignning runners five fingers may not be the way to go. (I am not an expert so take what I say with a grain of salt). When your feet have been used to one type of shoe and you switch to something so radically different it can throw off everything about how you run. You may want to consider running in good old running…
  • I think the heat naturally makes me feel more sluggish in my runs. Be sure you are hydrating enough.
  • I'm currently in the high 180's (at 5'8) and have one too. Here's hoping I lose that dang blasted thing!
  • I try to plan accordingly. For instance, this coming up Friday a group of friends and I are headed out for Mexican food and margaritas. I am planning to do a workout on Friday (which is not a normal workout day) and am limiting myself to one frozen strawberry margarita, a handfull of chips and salsa, and am splitting an…
  • devil's advocate: If people don't know you are trying to eat healthy then it really isn't completely fair to get upset when they offer you a sweet. Now if they know, then yeah- they were being jerks. In the teachers lounge everyday someone brings something. When I run in to get a diet coke out of the vending machine (which…
  • The YMCA is supposed to go on a sliding scale fee- so those who cannot afford to pay the full membership can get "scholarships". I joined the Y a few years ago- and at that time I was not employed full time. My membership fee was $31 a month. Since I have maintained membership since then, I still pay in that range (it has…
  • I totally agree. For me it was (and is) easier to continue running and keep the rhythm, rather than stopping and starting! I think you'll do fine. Remember- don't worry about speed just keep going!
  • Ieat a very small snack mid afternoon (say around 3 p.m.). My workouts are done around 6 p.m., and I cannot work out with food in my belly. So I eat after. I think you have to figure out what works best for you.
  • That is fantastic! You should be so proud of yourself (especially for placing first in your age bracket!)
  • I think you may need to eat more, actually. If you are working out 2-5 times a week and only eating 1250 cals a day that doesn't seem enough
  • Way to go!! I had a similar experience this weekend. But mine was a red dress that I bought 3 yrs ago (too small cause they didn't have it in my size). I kept it in my closet, tags still on and tried it on this weekend and it fit!
  • Maybe outside exercise will be easier for you to do and enjoy? I hate the gym, and prefer to run outside (if you are not a runner then walk, roller blade, whatever). I bought the People issue of people who lost half their weight and have it on my fridge so that whenever I go to eat that is what I see. It has helped a bit.
  • That is awesome! I've been a runner on and off for ten years and my time is about the same as yours! I am VERY impressed!
  • So much of running is mental, and it can be so hard to get past blocks. Like others suggested I would say couch to 5k would be a good start. If your city has a running club consider joining it.
  • I've been running on and off for ten years. It sounds like it could be a very bad case of runner's knee, but the others are correct- you need to go see a doctor. If it is runner's knee there are these black knee strap things that sporting good stores sell that can help, but honestly the best thing to do is to listen to…
  • After being out of the running game for two years I completed the couch to 5k program in March. Since then I have completed 2 5ks and yesterday I completed a 10k. The hardest part for me was the middle of the training program. Stick with it- you will do great!
  • Welcome, Ashley- I am also new, but so far loving this site! Let's unload together!
    in Hi!! Comment by chattychick April 2011