When people shove junk food in your face...



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I just say "No Thank You". From that point forward any change in the tone of my refusal is up to them.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I'm one of those "feeders" unfortunately - when I'm bored, I bake biscuits and cupcakes, and I always have too many so I take them into work! However I never force them on people, and I'll have one myself.

    If there are treats in our office, they are left on the "treat table" and people send emails out. If I really want something I'll maybe split it with my friend or just make sure I'm working out later!
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    Gahhh!! This drives me nuts - especially when people know you're trying to eat well and try to throw you off. I work in a small office and someone is ALWAYS bringing in chips or cake or something and setting a plate on my desk. My husband tries to tell me "its ok to splurge sometimes babe, you're always too strict". If I splurged everytime he said I should I wouldn't ever eat well! Good for you for resisting - peanut butter and toast sounds yummy to me!
  • simplysarahd
    It's totally frustrating! I feel for you. I think you handled it in a classy way.
  • msminyon
    msminyon Posts: 32 Member
    I tell people who bring me (or point out) bad foods like donuts this short story: "You know recently one of our coworkers in died in the office because he was overweight and a smoker, I think I'll pass so I can stick around a while longer."
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    devil's advocate: If people don't know you are trying to eat healthy then it really isn't completely fair to get upset when they offer you a sweet. Now if they know, then yeah- they were being jerks.

    In the teachers lounge everyday someone brings something. When I run in to get a diet coke out of the vending machine (which I realize I need to break this habit) I am always coming face to face with something yummy looking. So I can so totally see your point. But I can also say some people really are just clueless and we just have to deal with them sometimes.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    First off let me just say, "LadyBug" you already look great so if you did sneak the occasional BITE of a donut, you'd still look amazing I'm sure.
    Aww thanks! I definitely indulge, I even have a weekly cheat day where I pretty much eat til I want to puke lol. But with the holiday weekend this past weekend, and some stressful stuff these past few weeks, I've been pretty bad for a while and I'm trying to make up for it.

    Glad to see I'm not alone in my frustrations though!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    shove it back and say "I'm ok you eat it".
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    It is very flustrating! My dad and mom are constantly trying to get me to eat unhealthy foods. Not because they dont care, but because they like to see that im eating enough. Thats the kind of family we are, we love food. But I just tell them no and adventually he stops. Sometimes I will cave but only if its not totally bad for me. It makes both of us happy :)

    omg same problem here. A lot of people i'm around are somewhat overweight, and they all think i'm thin & I can eat whatever I want because I'm also one of the youngest people around adults usually. I know the pain. I HATE it!! People think that just because you are thin, you should eat junk food because nothing will happen to us.

    As for you, I would say the office friends are probably feeling guilty for eating the dounut, and when they see that you don't eat it, they feel even worse. Because they realize that you got your body through restricting or limiting your intake, so they want you to eat it, so in their head they can justify their fatness on genetics not on their actions. if that makes sense?

    My mom has the same problem at her work. She's 125 & trying to maintain, and her co-workers are all a lot bigger than her, and they all eat JUNK all the time, and they always give her a hard time for packing her own lunch & eating healthy. I think people are just upset with themselves!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    It was the longest line at DD this morning for the free damn donut!!!

    My office is the same - there's always cake, cookies, etc and people make comments a lot - "Monica, it's just one piece of cake, it's just ONE, one's not going to kill you." "Uh, no, but one piece will take about 45 minutes in the gym for me to work off." When people really bother me, I basically tell them how many calories are in whatever they're eating. Hey, they want to make me feel bad for not eating it, I have no problem making them feel bad for eating it.

    Great job with passing on the donut :flowerforyou:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    Oh man I've been there. I am Diabetic and am really cracking down on not eating anything at work (bowling alley) Bowlers give us homemade goodies all the time. I just say no thank you. Some of my friends like to start explaining why they are eating the junk they eat. And I'm like nooo, it's ok! I'll be alive while you all die of Diabetus! Then we laugh. Sometimes humor cuts the tension and gets the point across. I now just turn and walk away to my snack bag. The less I make out of it, the less important it feels to me.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    Yeah I had the SAME situation today!!! Except these people KNOW I am trying to reduce body fat.....difference is.....they disagree with my choice. THAT PISSES ME OFF

    it's my choice, so why do you CHOOSE to sit there and tell me "you don't need to" or "are you trying to look anorexic?" frustrating. i am 28% FAT.....why the hell would i not want to change that?
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    You make me laugh! I love it! I completely know what you're talking about too. They just don't want to feel bad doing it alone. So if you're there eating it with them, it makes it ok. I've noticed this with family. Way to be strong!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Where I work, they usually bring in healthy food for lunch meetings and such. Today someone brought in a box of miscellaneous cookies and I may have helped myself to one (or three). I haven't really had a problem with people pushing food on me, but that's probably because I already beat them to it :laugh: .