I have been a runer on and off for 12 years. I initially started because my boss' running partner injured herself and she stopped me in the office and said "you are my new running partner". This was long before couch to 5k was vogue, but in essence we pretty much did the same concept. I ran for years, suffered a hip injury…
When I had this issue I wore an IT support strap for a few weeks and lowered my mileage for a few days. Have not had any problems since. Good luck with your marathon!
Once while running an odd looking man who was walking a dog shouted at me "Nice try!, But you are still fat". I didn't retort out loud but in my head I thought to myself "I might be fat buy you are an a**hole". Keep going girl You are doing great!
Invest in the up and coming company called Apple.
I eat the dannon light and fit vanilla greek yogurt. 80 calories for 5.3 oz. ANd I add in 1 TBSP of dark chocolate chips (70 calories). It's a delicious treat and not so bad on the calorie front. I watch my sugar intake in other places. You just have to decide what works for you
Sounds like shin splints to me.
Dunkaroo missers:
Honestly, if you are planning to run an actual 5k it is going to be outside- so you might as well prepare for it outside. However, whatever gets (and keeps) you moving!
I ran my first half marathon a week ago! It's such a great feeling of accomplishment! Welcome to the club! (And I got the decal too!)
Awesome! Keep going!
thanks everyone!!!
honestly, I up my exercise on flo days (it helps with cramps), so that helps offset the munchies. And for th emost part (not always) I try to use mind over matter and force myself to eat healthier options. Like I said, I am not perfect in it, but I figure if for 80% of the time during flo days I am eating healthy, moderate…
current weight: 179.8 challnege goal weight: 174.8 NSV: I can do the monkey bars on the school playground. My arms are getting stronger!
Chomps or Sport Jelly Beans. The Chomps are easier to chew (and for me chewing and running seems difficult). June is gonna be hot so you'll want to have hydration down pat!
I have been an advocate of both mornings and evenings at different times. Currently I do most of my running after work (around 4 p.m., except on Wednesday when I do it with my running club at 6). In the past I used to get up at 4:30 a.m. to run bfore work, but lately I like sleeping in. Do what you can do.
I use a Garmin watch. And I LOVE it. It tells me pace per mile, which helps me to know if I need to speed it up or slow down.
On my long run days (8-10 miles) I easily burn off a thousand calories. I think the more intense the exercise (like running), the easier it is to do so.
way to go!
I'm in. I am training for a half marathon (April 28th!) and would absolutely love to peel of 20 pounds by June 1st (actually I would love to peel off more than 20, but realistically with the training I am assuming I will be eating more and probably losing less). Anyway, here's to all of us being successful!
chocolate. hands down.
The man who coaches my local running group says to NEVER run while holding hand weights. It can throw off your balance and cause serious injury. That said, maybe doing some HIIT would help. Sprint as hard as you can for a minute and a half, then recover. Repeat a bunch of times. Supposedly this really revs up your…
With an avg loss of 5lbs per month nine months or so. But everyone loses at a different pace
what an unbelievable inspiration!
Yesterday I ran a 5k (a course I was told was unlikely to PR on because it was narrow and hard to pass people, and parts of it were "off road"). Guess what?! I PR'd. My new best 5k time is 33:55. I realize for most people that is pokey but I am so proud of myself!
I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on t.v.- but, I can vouch that my running has improved since I have upped my water intake. And as a result of that I have lost a bit of weight. SO it all seems to be connected. Drink up.
5k: 35:11 10k: 1:09:32 Half" Currently training Full: No thank you
I feel you. I have been tracking my calories religiously, running religiously (even half marathon training. Granted I am only now up to 7 miles and I run only 4 days a week, but the other two days I am doing something else). And you know what is frustrating: according to the scale I am up 2.4 pounds. GRRRRR. But... and it…
He's a douche. You are better off without him. Love is unconditional- otherwise it isn't love.
food journal
I think cornmuffin looks like Jennifer Gardner.