PMS is KILLING my hard work. Advice???



  • kindra3434
    kindra3434 Posts: 177 Member
    Im the same way....although since I started my healthy clean eating I haven't had those cravings. I would suggest loading up on fiber since it keeps you full and satisfied and drink LOTS if water and I usually do water pills (diuretics) during that time.
  • donnabirch123
    i've head that making sure you have enough iron in your diet helps with cravings :-)
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
  • j3nnal3igh13
    Thanks a bunch ladies!! Lots of good tips. Now, I should be able to get through this a little bit better every month.
  • doctbone
    doctbone Posts: 3 Member
    I understand that this isn't the answer for everyone, but continuous birth control to keep hormone levels stable may be an option to talk to your doctor about.
  • crystallayne
    crystallayne Posts: 109 Member
    I freeze the low calorie Hawaiian punch in my ice cube trays. I suck on those bad boys when the cravings get really bad.
  • wranglerwomen
    wranglerwomen Posts: 96 Member
    I loved your link! especially since i just ate a big piece of pumpkin pie. made me feel a little better that your article said pumpkin is good to have during PMS. :)
  • Momma1213
    Momma1213 Posts: 56
    You are not alone! I'm there right now although today has been a much better day for food craving. I'm so frustrated. I was down to 128 and then last night I was at 137 and this morning to 134. All I want to do is eat, eat, eat. Sugar, salt, protein, carbs. I'm not discriminatory at all on what I want to eat. This month I've had a ton of water, some dark chocolate treats, and I try to keep my portions down on what ever I eat. It's certainly no cure all and I find that I am still hungry no matter what but that's pretty much all I can do. I take my vitamins too. I'm interested in the raspberry tea idea as I drink a ton of tea.
    Does anyone fine that coffee effects weight gain during this time as well? I do like my coffee, Sumatra, and I've been trying the coconut milk additive, So Delicious, and I do not add any kind of sweetener.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
  • MarleyGetsFit
    MarleyGetsFit Posts: 9 Member
    There is good news. You actually burn an extra 300 calories when your body prepares and has it's period because of what is happening on a molecular level. That explains the intense hunger pangs and feeling of exhaustion (I can't remember the link but it was a medical journal type).

    Also, I've just been eating bigger portions of spinach or salad to feel full. And I've added Chia Fresca to my diet especially during and before my period. I replace the sugar with honey so I get the sweetness. The chia seeds expand so they make me feel very very full for a couple of hours. Also I will make chia pudding with raw cacao and it helps with chocolate cravings and I stil get the benefits of the raw chocolate. I think I have found my work around!!! CHIA SEEDS & RAW CACAO!!! :happy:
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    I make sure I drink lots of fluids. Water or hot soup. I'm usually bed-ridden due to cramps in the first two days lol. I do have crazy feelings of wanting to eat alot but when I think of the water weight that I already have due to my period, I don't binge. I know chocolate is bad but I have a few squares just to keep me satisfied :)
  • sezhep
    sezhep Posts: 57
    This is me right now. So bloated and lethargic, and hungry ALL the time! I am still motivated to go to the gym, as I find exercising helps with the cramps, but all I want to do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat! I have recently started doing cardio in the mornings before breakfast (optimum fat burning time), and I don't think that is helping with the hunger cravings either, but hopefully once TOTM has passed I will get that under control. Mostly I just want to munch on sweet things, it's so hard as I live right around the corner from the supermarket, and just found myself in there buying some tasty treats :( One thing I am going to try is Options hot chocolate. Low calories and kills the chocolate craving? I'll soon find out! Definitely taking the protein advice on board, I know that is what keeps you fuller for longer, it's just so unappetising :( Haha, I'm a lost cause!
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    There is good news. You actually burn an extra 300 calories when your body prepares and has it's period because of what is happening on a molecular level. That explains the intense hunger pangs and feeling of exhaustion (I can't remember the link but it was a medical journal type).

    Also, I've just been eating bigger portions of spinach or salad to feel full. And I've added Chia Fresca to my diet especially during and before my period. I replace the sugar with honey so I get the sweetness. The chia seeds expand so they make me feel very very full for a couple of hours. Also I will make chia pudding with raw cacao and it helps with chocolate cravings and I stil get the benefits of the raw chocolate. I think I have found my work around!!! CHIA SEEDS & RAW CACAO!!! :happy:

    THANK YOU!!! :happy:
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    honestly, I up my exercise on flo days (it helps with cramps), so that helps offset the munchies. And for th emost part (not always) I try to use mind over matter and force myself to eat healthier options. Like I said, I am not perfect in it, but I figure if for 80% of the time during flo days I am eating healthy, moderate amounts than the 20% coupled with exercise that I am not won't kill my efforts.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I know the feeling. This weekend has been brutal and I have been craving chocolate all the time!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I wonder what it is that makes you a bottomless pit? I wonder that every month. It's one thing just to crave the salty or sweet or both. Or meat. Must have red meat. But seriously, I don't get full when it's my TOM. Best time to go to the county fair since I can try everything. lol It's crazy. I don't know how to control it. I usually have single serving sizes of veggie chips or pringles, or whatever. At least it's not a super sized bag and I won't want to open and eat all of them. I also always have dark chocolate bars. I can usually eat one and not feel like getting more since it's richer than milk chocolate. More water, high protein and work in the cravings with your calories. It doesn't always work for me, but I try.
  • thebamboophoenix
    thebamboophoenix Posts: 58 Member
    I take a combined supplement of evening primrose oil and starflower oil and I swear it has changed my life. The capsules I buy are one-a-day but you actually need to take two per day to get the serum levels in your blood. No cravings, no sore boobs, no mood swings and sometimes my TOM comes as a complete surprise. It's not an instant fix, but persevere and after a couple of months you should be starting to feel a difference.

    I notice now if I've stopped taking them - I refer to them as my magic yellow pills. I climbed Kilimanjaro in February and still took them up the mountain!!

    I have recently had a mirena coil fitted which may well alter my cycle, but I will continue to take them anyway.
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    For those chocolate cravings:

    dark chocolate sugar-free jello pudding: 60 calories
    Chocolate vitatops (deep chocolate and chocolate mint are my favorite!): 100 calories

    Even better: heat a vita top in the microwave, dump on some sugar free jello pudding, add a few strawberries and a small amount of fat-free reddi wip (2tbs is 5 calories) and you have an amazingly satisfying chocolate fix dessert for under 200 calories that is ALMOST as good as a brownie sundae.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    PMS is horrible for me! The emotional part aside, my food cravings are just terrible. I can eat from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, and that's exactly what I used to do.
    Now, I recognize that this time of the month is going to have this effect on me, and I just deal with cravings. I have 70% dark chocolate in the house and I allow myself 5 squares a day, when It's that time of the month. I also make sure and drink tons of water and workout, which also seems to help.
    I gain between 3-7 pounds every month, during my TOM- I hate it! I am just glad it disappears as quickly as it appears! :)

    This is my plan of attack too! Also low cal versions or sugar free versions of stuff, even though I usually don't do artificial sweeteners, seems to help. I allow myself to eat crap when my cravings are bad, I just make it modified crap lol
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I just went through this myself - still got some leftover cravings on the go. I have a few little tricks up my sleeve for when this happens, however, so I don't have to worry about the TOM or my diet being wrecked. :wink:

    I know this is gonna sound crazy, but indulge. Yep, you read this right, that's what I said. But do it sneaky. Cravings for a bag of potato chips? Buy a single serving bag of baked chips. A fraction of the fat and calories. Want chocolate? Buy a peppermint patty. It's under 5g of fat for the entire thing. No guilt!!! Want something else altogether or are just a little short on cash? This is where I have my little bit of fun. You can also have this for your stash away from your fiance's junk. I keep a bunch of snack bars like Special K or those Temptations 100 calorie snacks around, and buy some sugar-free candy like Russell Stover and Sweet and Low so when I get a bad craving, this keeps me satisfied!!! And, there's no guilt with the candy. Try this and see what happens - just make sure your fiance doesn't find your stash!!! LOL :laugh: