I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Fill a bag with dog poo, when the mean comments start, fling bag of poo at the head of assh*le. No more mean comments.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOL! What a joke!!

    The funniest part is that while you're being healthy and active, they're sitting on their butts at home!!

    Who's the 'fat' one now? ;)
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    It makes me sick that there are people like your neighbours in the world. They must feel so terrible and ashamed of their own fat, balding disgusting bodies that they feel a need to take it out on you.

    Balding disgusting bodies?

    If you are prepared to classify male pattern hair loss as disgusting, that makes you just as bad as the people who are taunting the OP.

    Be ashamed of yourself.

    Forgive me, perhaps I should have said fat; balding; disgusting bodies? As in balding and disgusting being two separate things.

    By the way, I find baldness quite sexy sometimes. I am not ashamed of myself, I simply have trouble with words on occasion.

    Im fat and bald. I am disgusting.

    No you are not!

    OK explanation time: I meant to say the OPs neighbours are disgusting for their attitude, it sounds like they are jealous of the OP for looking after herself, when clearly they are not. "fat, balding, disgusting" was not meant to imply that fat bald people are disgusting, it was meant as a description of how horrid they are as people, not all fat and bald people in general. What lies on the inside surely shows on the outside!

    I'm sorry to anyone who was offended for my clearly mis-interpreted message. I will go back to being silent now, it seems to be the only thing that works for me!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Sorry this has happened to you but don't let some jerks stop you from doing what you know is helping you... Just when you soon are a size 6 and they are letting their jaw drop at your gorgeous self, remind them of what it took to get there.. maybe by letting a little birdie fly their way.... OK, maybe not but... well... They would deserve it...
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm fat and I run.

    I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

    I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

    I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

    But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

    A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

    Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

    I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

    Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

    I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

    I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

    Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?

    you are my hero. sincerely.

    you don't deserve this, and your neighbours are idiots, but they hurt you. my only advice is develop a thick skin because you can't seem to reason with these idiots ( because it is THEY who are unreasonable) and please continue running outdoors, and LOVE doing it.

    Chavs have low attention spans and will find someone else to tease or harass...don't let them grind you down.

    it's so sad that good people can be hurt by pond life and scumbags.

    please dont give into them.
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    First let me say kudos to you for not letting this stop you. It's unbelievable that "grown ups" would act like this, especially a neighbor. These people clearly aren't educated, at least not on basic human skills. It's unfortunate, but the ugly truth is that there will always be hurtful people (reasons vary, but most of the time they are hurting themselves), and it takes a strong minded person to pay no mind to them. You are running on a road to physical improvement, but it sounds like you are already fit where it counts. Good for you for being strong and pursuing your goals no matter what impediments cross your path.

    Again, kudos to you!
  • GoingAllTheWay4MeDee
    This is just so upsetting!!! I am with everyone on this one, HEADPHONE!! Purchase some bright headphones so these idiots can see you have headphone on. Eventually they will stop! I am so sorry you have to go through this. Some people are just ruthless. Great job on running 8.5 miles. That is great!
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    I love it when I see people out exercising, and I especially love it if they are overweight or look unfit- it's so good to see people taking charge of their situation and doing something to get healthier. Good for you! There is no excuse for this kind of rudeness, but at least you can take comfort in knowing that as you get in better shape, the comments will get less and less frequent. Until then, I agree with the poster who said you just need an iPod so you can't hear them! Keep it up and don't let the *kitten* get you down. Most of us aren't like that. Just remember, you may be overweight on the outside, but you are losing and it sounds like you're a pretty courageous person on the inside. As for people like this, they are ugly on the inside and always will be.
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    May have been said over and over. But here is my take on it: put the headphones on and enjoy your run, who gives a rats rear what anyone else thinks. Not only that but if you are running 8.5 miles I would bet that the people making fun of you could not even come close to doing what you are doing. If they knew they would be jealous. I know I am.

    It is really strange, most people have no class. I have gone from a very large fat man to a very large fit man and I get comments and attitudes that are very similar in there intent to harm and insult.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    They don't deserve a bit of your attention. You are such a better person then what they appear to be. Losers is a word I would use to describe them. Keep your head up and your feet moving.
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    Wow, I am appalled! Keep running past them - nothing will bother them more.

    Then see if they want to race. :)
  • Mallen1953
    That is so pathetic. Rudeness has become epidemic. What's really unfortunate is that the parents are encouraging bad behavior in the child - how sad is that. Keep your head high and keep running and may the mother of all geese crap on THEIR heads!
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    You know what this just burns me sooooo bad!!! I can't stand it when people are just so mean. We live in a world where lots of people are not be active and you are showing that how amazing you are by running to stay healthy and live longer. I know it's hard, but like you said "If you have NOTHING nice to say DO NOT say ANYTHING" I'm super proud of how you're just letting those people not even effect you. You will live a better healthy life and that's what makes it all worth it! You're amazing and awesome!!
  • lwalsh54
    I would smile, wave at them, and tell them God Bless You. That will get them thinking....*kitten* lol
  • KevinHuss
    KevinHuss Posts: 24 Member
    Good for you standing up to boorish behavior. You have a lot to be proud of in your weight loss and your stamina and endurance. I would love to be able to run for two hours, that is awesome performance.

    I congratulate you on your progress, keep it up! When you reach your final goal, and are the new person you want to be, they will still be the boorish fools that they are today.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    That is why it's legal to carry guns here in the US.

    And KEEP running. I actually got a compliment on my legs today. That is a first!

    So carrying a gun makes it legal to shoot inconsiderate people?
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    You really can't fix stupid... or inbred. I'm sorry you have to deal with these mouth breathers :-(

    A lion does not concern itself with the opinion of a donkey.
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    Once while running an odd looking man who was walking a dog shouted at me "Nice try!, But you are still fat". I didn't retort out loud but in my head I thought to myself "I might be fat buy you are an a**hole". Keep going girl You are doing great!
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    What is wrong with people??? Where are these people's parents...? I know the 8yr old's parents are right there, and they're HORRIBLE, but where are THEIR parents? My mom taught me to respect the feelings of others, and that there is no excuse to put other people down. Have people stopped teaching their kids this?
    This is just WAY beyond fcuked. :( I am so sorry this is happening.

    If it were me, I would flip them off before even thinking about it. Maybe give them the full moon on the way by.

    And to all parents out there, please teach your kids that making fun of others is 100% unacceptable, and don't do it yourself. We are all equal, we all deserve respect, words hurt.

    There is NO excuse for this kind of behavior.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    ...I vote you get a dog and hand deliver poop to them since they're such ****ty neighbors.