I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street



  • deanotoot
    deanotoot Posts: 28 Member
    Keep on runnin!!!!:smile:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I'm so sorry people r so ugly:(
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    These people are so full of hate and anger. The disturbing part is their fostering this behavior with their son! And we wonder how the kids of today are growing up heartless and have no morals. Surely they must have their own insecurities that's why they must pick on someone else to feel better about themselves. Hang in there though, don't let them bring you down. Your doing a great thing and I am impressed that you had the nerve to approach them about because I'm a big baby and probably would have cried about it and never said anything.
  • mountainmom9501
    Just remember as your running by them that your actually doing something with your life while they are being pondscum of the earth! Next time give them your biggest smile and wave as you run past, Don't give them the satisfaction that your even bothered a bit! Those people strive for that due to their own low self worth. You are awesome! Keep going you will not only be stronger physically, but mentally as well! Lots of love!
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    I find baldness quite sexy sometimes.
    Baldness, can be very sexy....I have quite a thing for Patrick Stewart...swoon :)


    Oh so handsome! Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Sean Connery... I could go on!
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    i have never heard of this! I was a size 16 when I trained for a half marathon and never got any comments. In fact, some older women that walked on the morning would always say nice things to me about running. I dont understand why anyone would say something about a heavy set person exercising. you are exercising, its a beautiful thing! Its not like you are walking around eating a gallon jug of ice cream (that is somethign I would expect rude comments about). i am sorry people suck! keep your head and ignore these ugly people! you are a wonderful and beautiful person! dont let them get to you
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    wow, people are really cruel. dont let it get you down. sounds like ur new neighbors are a bunch of *kitten*
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Who care what jurks say....Your doing it so you will live longer for you kids!! Good for you : )
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    People Suck!

    I have had the same experience, use it to motivate. I'm an *kitten* so I'd make sure I ran there all the time. Sooner or later they will want or need something from you, then you can really be the bigger person and help them out in spite of their treatment of you. That will be the sweetest revenge.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Great advice has already been given.

    I'm a firm believer in Sowing/Reaping, Karma, "What goes around, comes around", etc. What they get will be WORSE than anything they've done to you. Believe that.

    I met a guy that was a bully about how others looked and got in a terrible car accident. I ended up having to tutor him. He was not only disfigured but also had brain injuries.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    F@#k it and drive on!
  • CressidaJL
    CressidaJL Posts: 53 Member
    Quite simply, they're bullies. They've never grown up, never learned that putting other people down to make themselves feel better is not the way forward. They never will learn this, either. They will exist, procreate, and then die. They are a complete and utter pointless waste of oxygen.

    You, meanwhile, are smart, bright, determined, and strong. They are completely inconsequential. Treat them as such. Chances are, you'll find that they get bored when their insults are perpetually ignored. And I mean, completely ignored - no flipping the bird, no glances, nothing. Do not dignify their existence by even acknowledging them.

    Earphones will help create your own world, if that works for you. I don't agree with other posters who've suggested changing your running route - why the frick should you?! I'm also afraid that the police won't take any complaint seriously as currently there's no legislation pertaining to 'being a walking poster-child for post-natal abortion', and they've not actually broken any laws.

    You'll be fine. :)

  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Just remember that their jeers speak about who they are as people than it does you. Obviously no one with any kindness in their heart would treat another human being in this way..

    I truelly am sorry you have experienced this but remember the light of who you are can not be diminished by cruelty. Keep on running as long as it brings you joy! Headphones may be the way to go to keep your positivity from waning.
  • sweatskinny
    wow that is probably the rudest thing i have ever heard. I'm sorry!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I'm glad that rude, nasty people aren't going to stop you from running. You are indeed correct, that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!

    And heck.......you're running, what are THEIR lazy butts doing?
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    :grumble: Ignore them---or you can really mess with them and say "Hey, Why don't you come join me"
  • peraudacia_adastra
    What awful awful people.

    You're incredibly awesome, by the way. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    No your not being unreasonable, poeple are so rude now a day. Keep up the good work and don't let any one keep you from being the healthy person you want to be. A lot of people ask me if I am loosing weight because I want to or if I am sick, as if I cannot or would not be able to loose it on my own if I wanted to. Any way we just have to be strong for ourselves and keep on keeping on. Best Wishes
    I'm fat and I run.

    I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

    I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

    I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

    But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

    A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

    Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

    I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

    Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

    I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

    I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

    Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Moon 'em and keep on running! :laugh:
  • avsingleton
    avsingleton Posts: 98 Member
    What Jack *kitten* they are. Speical needs or no speical needs. No one should EVER treat a person like that.

    Question: How fit are they?

    --; Get an ipod and let stupid be stupid.

    keep ur chin up and let the jack *kitten* be jack *kitten*!