I am taunted by neighbours when I run up the street

I'm fat and I run.

I run for my health and because I enjoy it.

I am over 13 stone and a size 16 (down from 18 stone and size 24).

I now can run continuously for 2 hours covering 8.5 miles and I am proud of this and enjoy running :)

But I get a lot of negative comments from strangers, normally from young males who wind their windows down to shout comments at me as they drive past. Luckily I am hard of hearing so I miss the actual words screamed at me but it is clear from facial expressions and tones that the comments are negative...I ignore and keep on running.

A few weeks ago, new neighbours have taken on a house which needs a lot of building work done on it and hence are frequently outside the building and their young son has taken to pointing laughing and making various remarks about running and my weight, to and at me, which I ignore as he is a young child (around 8yo) and knows no better.

Then I 'met' his father, who joined in with his son and shouted so loudly across the road that I heard him clearly, despite my deafness/hard of hearing issues. He pretended to speak in the affections of a person with special needs and screamed 'Run Forest, Run' at me.

I crossed the road and asked him not to call me names in the street. He sneered and said he was only singing as I ran past and didn't get 'my ****ing problem'. When I explained that I received enough comments from strangers and expected my new neighbours to be more courteous. His wife screamed from an upper store window, that I was '****ing over reacting' and that I should '*expect* comments when I run outside'.

Am I being unreasonable to expect neighbours to be polite to each other, not to mock them ?

I accept strangers might be nasty but is it acceptable to be pointed at, laughed at and name called on my door step....as I am *fat* and I run outside.

I may be old fashioned but I operate on the 'if you can't say anything nice, say nothing' policy and would never shout at strangers on the street.

Sigh, this won't stop me running but it just makes it harder for me to get out there. Why be nasty for no reason ?


  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    *kitten*! Put on your ipod and keep on runnin' ...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Yep, I agree, headphones and keep going.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Keep the headphones in and the music turned up, that's what I do. Humans are *kitten*.
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    Keep the headphones in and the music turned up, that's what I do. Humans are *kitten*.

    What she said. Horrible people :grumble:
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Some people have no class :(

    Keep running gal! It sounds like you have some cruel trash for neighbors. I don't know why they would pick on someone trying to better her health.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    Holy crap. Good on you! I would never step foot outside again if I met with that. I would also be tempted to set the neighbour's house with bait so skunks move under their porch or something. I cannot even understand this level of rudeness! You should not have to expect anything like that. What is wrong with people!!
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    People are soo mean and rude and stupid.
    Keep on running. Dont let stupid people get in your way.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Be proud of what you have accomplished and just keep running. You're wonderful.
  • Blown_Away1
    Blown_Away1 Posts: 123 Member
    Keep doing what you enjoy, don't let others ruin what makes you happy :happy:

    Awesome job on running by the way :flowerforyou:
  • size is not a measure of health, clearly if you can run that long you are very healthy! Screw them! "The only thing you can tell from looking at an overweight person are your own prejudices against overweight people"

    Walk up to them and say "if you think Im so huge, why dont you race me? 5 miles!" Because you know for SURE you could outrun them anyday!

    Shut them right up....
  • Thick2Fit1991
    People are just mean and that will never change, seems to me the digusting repulsive ill mannered are the ones who reproduce the most awful of them. So headphones and ignore it, you are better then they are!
  • TrashyAbercrombie
    TrashyAbercrombie Posts: 51 Member
    *kitten*! Put on your ipod and keep on runnin' ...

    I totally agree with this! The people who say negative things are obviously unhappy with themselves and lack the motivation that you have. I would always go run really early in the morning before too many people were out and about that way no one was around to say negative things.. maybe you could try that?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Headphones on, music loud, rock out.

    I totally admire that this isn't stopping you. You are full of awesometastic. Those a-holes will eat *kitten* when you're at your goal and they're still giant douches.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Unfortunately some people are morons. Running is such a wonderful thing to do don't let anyone mess with your fun!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Your neighbors are rude dillholes.

    And you have amazing self restraint; I would probably try to fight them.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Good for you for ignoring them and, even more difficult, approaching them and asking them to stop. It just proves that you are a bigger person than they are. That was not a fat joke. :( You and I had the same starting points and we have the same present weight. I know how hard it is to ignore comments. I could NEVER approach someone and ask him to respect me. I'm more of a "Run Away and Not Look Back" type.

    ETA: I'm actually, more of a "Poop on the Hood of Their Car When They're Asleep" kind of person, but I think you get the picture.
  • ninabaz
    ninabaz Posts: 75 Member
    The Thing is you are out there doing it what are they doing? Sitting on their butts and taunting you. I bet they can not do what your doing a d they know it. I get the same thing people Maki g comments as they drive by but I ignore it. Because I know how hard im working and it doesn't matter what they think. Make a list of people who you truly care about what they think of you and when you hear those things take out your list if their name is not on it then their opinion doesn't matter.
  • itsjilly
    Good for you!! Don't let them bother you, I was worried about that when I started to run. I figured good for me, atleast I was doing something.

    i saw this link on MFP, its a little bit different than what your putting up with, but worth a read :)

  • splitendswoman
    splitendswoman Posts: 41 Member
    *kitten*! Put on your ipod and keep on runnin' ...

    Couldn't have put it better myself - you say you are fat - but soon you will be thin and healthy, if you hold your head high and keep on running. Your neighbours, however, will always be dumb *kitten* - you win!!!!!!
  • laurenmcallister
    laurenmcallister Posts: 37 Member
    That's so beyond unacceptable. I am so, so sorry you have to go through this but just think... You've already come so far and how long will it be before you look SO MUCH hotter than that trash!! ;-)