katey1240 Member


  • Did you start??? I'm in. I will start tomorrow! I need something structured, as what I've been doing (giving myself too much freedom and only counting calories) is toooooo much freedom for me and I have a tendency to need more structure to get started. Keep me posted!
  • Agreed. I find that when I'm McD-ing, I don't have the cravings for junk food like I do when eating a higher animal protein diet. :o) Kathy ("friend" me - we can talk vegan sometime!)
  • OMG!!!! Sounds like a post I actually authored myself! Spot-on! Over the last 1-1/2 years my life spiraled out of control (but in the very best way!). I met the man of my dreams (only took me 50 years), and it's been one wonderful day after another. Before I knew it...POOF! Up 10 pounds (maybe even 12 if it's been a bad…
  • Cool. Okay, so what's the 80/10/10? Is that Pro/Carb/Fat, or ????
  • Hooray!!!!! Finally!!!!! Thank you :)
  • If you have a set of bells, then a pair (or one) of exercise resistance bands is all you need. Lunges are great for the glutes, hams, and quads and you can do these with or without the bells. Jump squats are also great, and can be done without any equipment. The entire upper body, including abs, can be done with no gym…
  • Okay, without looking at your diary, YOU are your best critic. What does it look like? You look young, so I'm not going to suggest that age affects your metabolism. The types of food you choose DO make a difference. I just make a post this morning on my page to my "friends" that I used to think that a calorie, is a…
  • I appreciate that you posted it, because of me...I've never read it. Thanks!
  • P.S. - when I work out on the elliptical, I also get the tingling in my toes after about 25-30 minutes. So you're normal. I think its from positioning. If you get on the treadmill and exercise and DON'T experience any tingling, I wouldn't stress out about it.
  • Know the difference between "pain" and "discomfort". Pain is an actual physical problem that would lead you to believe you've possibly injured yourself. If your muscles are on fire because you haven't exercised in a while, that's a good thing. That's a lactic acid build up. In order to make gains in the exercise room, you…
  • I agree on all counts with MonsterBoogie. The worst possible thing you can do is to put time constraints on your weight loss. Okay, what if you only lose 9 in three months? Are you going to be disappointed? IMHO, carbs are necessary for energy, at least for me. High protein diets are hard on my kidneys (which is why they…
  • Hey!
  • Well, I'm almost twice your age, but I'd love to!
  • Definitely bring something!!! It's not really about the food, and who can/cannot enjoy it! Its about the work community and enjoying time together as a group and camaraderie. Bring your diet food and sit down with everyone at the pot luck and just enjoy getting caught up with each others lives, etc. Let's face it....if we…
  • I agree with you 100%.