Do keep in mind that lowering your heart rate is a mechanism to reduce the load on heart and protect your body from complications associated with hypertension.
Tenormin is Atenolol. And Metaprolol is also a beta blocker. It is the first choice anti-hypertensive drug unless contraindicated due to some reason. It does slow your heart rate but it also causes blood vessels to dilate meaning more blood flows to the muscles and organs. It may affect the calorie burn but most of the…
Whey Protein is produced from whey, a by-product of cheese production. Protein of choice for beginners. Then there is casein and creatine which are for more advanced body-builders. Optimum Nutrition gold standard 100% natural whey, vanilla is the one i use. It is all natural with no artificial flavors. 1 scoop gives 24 g…
Up your fat intake. Eat a lot of nuts - Almonds, Cashews, Pistachio etc. Nuts are dense sources of energy. Small amount provides a good deal. Plus they are rich in 'good' fat. Avacado is also rich in fat. Pulses, beans are good sources of protein. If you can add sprouted pulses to salads. Milk and diary products are good…
From the homepage, go to goals and then click on change goals at the bottom of the page. Update your new goal weight and how much you wanna lose per week. That should do it.
I read somewhere that the incline should NOT be increased to more than 2% when running long distances at higher speeds. It affects your achilles tendon.
Googled to find out more about your tea. Came across this article
If you eat healthy, your body will cleanse itself. Green/Herbal tea has anti-oxidants and it does boost up your metabolism a bit. So it's good anyways. I just don't believe in that 'cleansing' claim.
Yes they are. Though i understand your problem as well. Can't you eat one meal at home and pack another one for the ride??
Treat week 1 of c25k as level 1. Take as much time as you need to perfect that. I mean start week 2 only after you can easily finish week 1. Even if takes a month. Then treat week 2 as level 2. There is no point in advancing further if one can't do the previous level comfortably. I understand c25k program can be tough.…
Recommended Daily Allowance[RDA] of sodium is 2500mg. You can follow your sodium concentration by editing from your profile. Now keep your daily intake around that, you should be fine. If you need to get rid of that excessive salt that you think you already have, drink plenty of water and consume less sodium/salt. For any…
Ok so body has to maintain the concentration of sodium within a range for normal functioning. Concentration of a substance is defined as the mass of the substance per unit volume. Hypothetically lets assume that the normal concentration of sodium in the body is 1. Now if somebody takes 5 mg of sodium, then the body retains…
I edited the post a bit. Try reading it again. I will try to make it more simple.
The body has to maintain an ideal concentration[concentration is mass per volume i.e. c=m/v] of sodium for normal functioning. The ECF range is 134-145 meq/l. You don't need to know the units and stuff. Now the important thing is if you eat more sodium, then to maintain the normal concentration of sodium in the body, it…
Be patient. It takes time for others to take notice.
Glucosamine chondrotin is prescription medicine for Osteoarthritis. Shouldn't be taken unsupervised. Take an NSAID if you think pain interferes with your normal functioning.
That's a targeted study. It is specific for one disease or to be more appropriate syndrome.
Only pill i take is one a day multivitamin.
Oolong tea from China has been proven to be effective in weight loss. I haven't tried it personally but some reputed companies make it like Twinnings from London. You can order from Amazon. Green tea is also a good source of anti-oxidants. So even if it doesn't help you in losing weight, it's still good for you. Twice a…
Your abs look sexier than hers. Don't really like a 6 pack on girls. Just my POV
Losing inches is a NSV [Non Scale Victory] If your clothes are looser but you are gaining weight, most likely possibility is gaining muscle.
If you really enjoy such food, you could and you should but not too often. MFP recommends a diet composition with 55% calories from Carbs, 30% from Fats and 15% from Proteins. Do follow that and keep Sodium in check.
Fat is being replaced by muscle. Time to celebrate :)
Yes there are some. You can write a separate post with 'Trying to gain weight - need friends' in the title. It may help. Welcome to MFP
I reduce it by 20%.
Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Ab exercises, Swimming, Skipping, Running, Bicycling. There are some free videos on youtube for the beachbody p90x program. May want to check 'em out.
4 082.33133 to be exact. 3500 is used on MFP to make the weekly calculations easier.