icewyche Member


  • Thanks for the recs. Packing a homemade dinner isn't an option; I don't have time to go home, staying at the office to eat would get me stuck in rush hour traffic, and there isn't anywhere to go to eat a homemade meal. And frankly, sometimes I just don't want to fix my own meals - I do it for the whole rest of the week and…
  • Green Day - Know Your Enemy (Live version from Awesome as F**k), Holiday, and Too Much Too Soon Tarkan - Olurum Sana The Retrosic - The Storm Combichrist - This S**t Will F**k You Up (NSFW, but it's got a good beat)
  • Don't kick yourself because you aren't matching up to people on a TV show. What the cameras aren't showing you is the unhealthy and even dangerous behaviors these people are using to lose that much weight - starvation, dehydration, exercising to the point of collapse, mental abuse from their "trainers", and so on. NEVER…
  • Every so often, usually about once a month, I declare a "F**k My Diet" day, in which I refuse to feel guilty about going over my calorie allotment. That doesn't mean I go hog-wild and stuff my face, but I let myself have things like a cheeseburger for dinner, a couple of donuts at an early meeting, or a piece (or two) of…
  • Congratulations and welcome!
  • Really? Hmmm...may have to give that a try, because I'm not a fan of the sodium in DDP Cherry.
  • Technically, yes. But it'll be really hard to keep it off, plus it's not healthy and it may even be WHY you're low on energy.
  • Yeah...I do a lot of strength training, and I've noticed that I haven't reached the original weight-loss goal I set for myself (135 lbs.) BUT...I've also noticed that I've dropped 4 pants sizes and I have muscle definition I didn't have six months ago (not to mention an actual waistline), remarkably better health numbers,…
  • So...we should be "supportive" of blatantly unhealthy fad diets? Considering how hard most of us work to lose weight and maintain it in an actual healthy manner, I don't think you're going to find a lot of people signing on to that mindset. Especially since a lot of us have tried weird diets like that and can say with…
  • Um...not work. Just like all the other fad diets, which have a proven track record of not working. You may lose weight - severe caloric restriction has that effect - but it's going to be very difficult for you to keep it off....why do you think you've had to try so many diets? Not to mention the fact that you're depriving…
  • Depends on what you mean by "sore". If you're talking mild achiness because the muscles just aren't used to exertion, no; in fact, a good, careful workout can help relieve some of the soreness and loosen up the muscles. But if you're feeling sharp or acute pain, it's better to rest (and of course, see a doctor if…
  • Get rid of them - if they're hanging out in your closet, it makes it too easy to backslide because you'll know you won't have to worry about having something larger to wear. I gave my old ones away long before I hit my goal - I have limited closet space, and it made no sense to have some of it taken up by clothes I…
  • Great job! Congratulations!
  • I weigh myself every morning as I'm getting dressed just to keep tabs on my progress...but I only put it in the database if it's lower than the previous weigh-in. :wink:
  • Be very careful about taking herbs with any kind of prescription meds, especially BC...some herbs can cause it to stop working. Check with your doctor - it's not uncommon for weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight to be a side effect of hormonal BC.
  • First, always wipe off the equipment after you use it. If your gym doesn't provide antibacterial wipes, bring some, because it's really disgusting to use a machine after someone else and find it all sweaty. Second, the gym isn't a living room - don't sit on a piece of equipment for 20 minutes if you're not actively using…
  • The problem with the Kindle is that you're pretty much restricted to buying e-books from Amazon - Kindle uses a proprietary format (I believe it's AZW or a particularly restricted form of MOBI). The Nook at least uses the ePub format, which is fast becoming the industry standard, so you can (at least in theory) buy books…
  • I have a recurring problem with Achilles tendonitis - it flares up when I do a lot of jumping in ballet class or, like you, when I sit down for too long. I take a prescription anti-inflammatory (I also have shoulder issues), do the recumbent bike and the elliptical, and make sure calf stretches and calf raises are part of…
  • Don't waste your money. The only thing you'll lose is water weight, and you'll gain that back with the next drink.
  • Maybe. The caffeine and the sodium aren't the most desirable things on the planet, but on the other hand, you're staying hydrated. That's what really counts.
  • I worked in a supplement store for several years, and every time some new "miracle" product came out, we'd get tons of questions just like yours. The straight answer is that no supplement can target specific areas. Those products are more than likely full of stimulants and their safety is questionable, especially if you…
  • Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. Swimming really isn't an option for me - not only am I not a good swimmer, but the chlorine levels at my gym's pool aggravate my allergies (I know, I'm just full of problems, aren't I? :wink: ). Also, the gym is city-owned, so it's a more or less public pool which means groups of…