On Maintenance, should I give away my big clothes?

So I've been spoiling myself buying clothes lately. Summer is over, and I really needed some work clothes because what I wore in June just don't fit anymore. I should really give away the clothes that are too big, and I want to, but I have this tiny, tiny, tiny voice in my mind whispering, "What if you fail AGAIN? Then you'll have nothing to wear? Maybe you should keep them, just in case." I hate that voice!!!!!! Do any of you have that little voice too? I know that this voice could eventually sabotage my successes but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. I will have to figure that out. Do you think I should have a big purge fest and give away the clothes that are too big?


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Give them away! You won't fail again. Having no clothes to fall back on will ensure this. If your clothes start fitting tight again jump right back on MFP, go back to a deficit for a few weeks, and you'll be good again.

    (If you are done having kids that is, I made this mistake.)
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Good-Bye....Give half of them away.. Sell the other half and reward yourself
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    So I've been spoiling myself buying clothes lately. Summer is over, and I really needed some work clothes because what I wore in June just don't fit anymore. I should really give away the clothes that are too big, and I want to, but I have this tiny, tiny, tiny voice in my mind whispering, "What if you fail AGAIN? Then you'll have nothing to wear? Maybe you should keep them, just in case." I hate that voice!!!!!! Do any of you have that little voice too? I know that this voice could eventually sabotage my successes but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. I will have to figure that out. Do you think I should have a big purge fest and give away the clothes that are too big?

    I donated my clothes BEFORE I reached my goal! As soon as I felt I had lost enough weight (about 25 lbs), I knew I would never go back to my old habits and gain the weight again. I decided it was time to clear out all of my clothes and give them away. I never looked back. :) My closet and drawers were so bare... but I'm slowly adding new items that I absolutely love. I won't buy anything now unless it's flattering on me. So, my answer, DO IT!!!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yes - yes and yes - get rid of them - and if you ever get fat again let it be your punishment that you have to spend money on buying fat clothes - I suspect it will make you think twice about letting things get out of hand!!

    There are some wonderful charities around that love receiving all the lovely clothes we cant fit in anymore - do it - this week!!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member

    I donated my clothes BEFORE I reached my goal!

    Me too - as soon as they are baggy on me they are out of here - I do not even allow a 5kg fluctuation while I am still losing weight - theyare too big - out they go!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Give them away. You don't really want that little safety net there, do you? If you start to put weight back on, and those clothes are there waiting for you, it may be too easy to pull them out and put them on. Instead, you'll know it's time to start to focus on your diet and exercise again. My clothes getting too tight was what led me here in the first place.
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    My own philosophy for this is to Go loud and Go proud...

    I am at the same stage as you - where clothes are too big for me now.

    I am going to enjoy pushing everyone of them into the clothes recycling bin. I will even take a photo to record this great achievement.

    I definitely dont want to go back to the size i was and i now know how to achieve this.

    I would advise you to challenge yourself - and throw those big clothes out.

    Good luck !!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but I just purged my closet tonight of the clothes that are way too big for me. If I put it on and I feel frumpy instead of cute - it's gone! No more big baggy clothes for me!! Get rid of 'em!
  • icewyche
    icewyche Posts: 24 Member
    Get rid of them - if they're hanging out in your closet, it makes it too easy to backslide because you'll know you won't have to worry about having something larger to wear.

    I gave my old ones away long before I hit my goal - I have limited closet space, and it made no sense to have some of it taken up by clothes I couldn't wear. Most of what I outgrew was pants, and my rule was that if I could get out of them without unzipping or unbuttoning them, off to the Goodwill they went. Now I'm shopping at thrift stores until I hit my target weight, which makes me feel much less guilty when those "new" clothes get too big (down side: I've found some truly fabulous pants that I won't be able to find in a smaller size).
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    You need to totally get rid of them ASAP!!! I am getting rid of mine as I go so I don't have the option to get fatter again, I don't want that so if I don't have the clothes to fall back on I have no options.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in agreement---get rid of them! I lost a decent amount of weight a few years ago and made the mistake of keeping a few items that weren't huge but were too big at the time. I was short on cash and needed to have decent work clothes, and kept those items that were for the next season. You can guess what happened--I grew to fit into them and then by the next season, those clothes were too small. It's now more than 2 years later and I'm just getting back on track.

    My other tip is never ever ever buy anything with an elastic waist! My Chicos travelers' skirts and pants were deadly--they kept "fitting" so I really didn't realize how much weight I had regained.
    My husband I purge our closet rather frequently. I lost weight a several years ago and made the huge mistake of keeping the bigger stuff. I gained all of the weight back and more. This time I have donated or given to family my clothes that are at least 2 sizes 2 big. Sometimes that means I wear a pair of pants 1 time before it gets purged. I try to only buy clothes when they are on sale, because with both of us losing weight it can get rather expensive to replace items.
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    You are all right! Tomorrow I will pull those clothes out of my closet pack them up and take them straight to goodwill!