do i have to exercise

im 175 lbs and low on energy. ive lost 22 lbs so far, even though i started mfp 6 lbs ago. i keep putting off exercise and i was wondering if its possible to keep losing weight on a low calorie diet until i weigh less


  • PatientBearTiger
    Yes. It is possible. However, if you want to be healthy AND skinny instead of skinny fat, you need to exercise. Don't be lazy; the hard work is worth it.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You don't HAVE to exercise by why wouldn't you want to? You might end up thin but thin doesn't mean healthy. Improving your cardiovascular health and muscle tone are vital to health. If you want to be one of those "skinny fat" people then don't exercise. The more you exercise the more energy you'll have and the happier you will be.
  • icewyche
    icewyche Posts: 24 Member
    im 175 lbs and low on energy. ive lost 22 lbs so far, even though i started mfp 6 lbs ago. i keep putting off exercise and i was wondering if its possible to keep losing weight on a low calorie diet until i weigh less

    Technically, yes. But it'll be really hard to keep it off, plus it's not healthy and it may even be WHY you're low on energy.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    If you are low on energy, just walk. I never ever walked before starting to lose weight. Now I walk at least 2 miles daily (10 months later). It is so refreshing to just get out there. I find it helps bump up my energy levels as well.
  • tikikris
    tikikris Posts: 81 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far! I've found that through exercise, my energy level has increased significantly. The first 10 minutes of each workout is the hardest. Push yourself past that, and you will be amazed and how much you can accomplish. Have fun!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Funny thing. Once I started exercising, I had more energy. It made it a lot easier to deal with stress and take care of day to day things.

    The absence or presence of exercise is the difference between being light and being fit.

    Which is your goal?
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    YES!! Exercise makes the weight loss happen faster & you will feel better and have more energy... If you are worried about how exercise will impact you, start slow. Walk. I also do YOGA! I am NEVER sorry that I tooka class. The stretching and breathing will help you to feel better than ever:-)
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Why don't you give something simple like a 1/2 hour walk several times a week a try. Give it at least two weeks and I bet it will give you more energy. You might surprise yourself, not to mention the health benefits.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    There was a similar question a couple of weeks ago. I was interested in the answers because I have health issues and there is a limit on what I can do. Anyway, one poster stated that they lost their first 50 pounds with no exercise and others made similar statements. Once you lose more weight, you may feel more like exercising. I have lost 10 pounds since Sept 1 just following the MFP guidelines on calories, fat, carbs and protein. I do what I can but it really isn't enough to even log so I say yes, you can lose without exercising.
  • alhoward8
    im 175 lbs and low on energy. ive lost 22 lbs so far, even though i started mfp 6 lbs ago. i keep putting off exercise and i was wondering if its possible to keep losing weight on a low calorie diet until i weigh less

    You don't have to do P90X or Insanity, but you should at least try to do a brisk walk to get your heart rate up. Some walking (or other cardio) with strength training would be ideal.

    I don't *love* excercise myself, but I've been using the treadmill at the gym and today I went on a hike with my Mom today for 80 minutes and it wasn't a struggle! It was a beautiful day here and I burned almost 700 calories (I only counted 550 to be on the safe side) while I enjoyed my mom's company. That would not have been near as fun if I hadn't started building up my strength and endurance almost 3 weeks ago.

    Every little bit helps!
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    Technically, yes. The calorie deficit MFP builds into your daily goal is enough to lose weight. That being said, when I started at the end of June I was over 300 pounds and completely sedentary. In August, I burned just shy of 21,000 calories through exercise. If my fat lazy butt can get up and do it, so can you! I know it's hard when you don't have a lot of energy, but that's the awesome thing about exercise - doing it helps build up your endurance and energy levels so you can do more! I'm not saying run 8 miles or spend an hour on an elliptical machine, but do little things. Go for a walk. If you don't have a dog to walk, consider volunteering at the local humane society to walk their dogs. If you have a Wii or Xbox Kinect, look at the fitness games. If you have Comcast, look at the exercise videos on demand. There are some short, low impact videos that at least get you moving. Rent a yoga book or DVD from the library or consider taking a community education class. Anything to get moving a little more than you are now.
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    Yes. It is possible. However, if you want to be healthy AND skinny instead of skinny fat, you need to exercise. Don't be lazy; the hard work is worth it.

    I agree! You *don't* have to exercise to lose weight BUT you will look and feel better if you do!
  • Beautybeyondmyskin
    Beautybeyondmyskin Posts: 27 Member
    Yes losing weight with diet alone is possible but excerise will help!! And you will be healthier for it!!
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Not so much to lose weight... as the above post mentions, it's possible, but probably not the healthiest thing.

    But I understand the low energy thing and the resistance overall to exercise... I used to hate it. I felt clumsy and inadequate... it's probably just the perfectionist in me, but I couldn't just "go for a jog" when I saw other people whizzing past me, NOT wheezing their lungs out.

    My suggestions:
    -Start out small: walks... climbing up and down stairs. It will get you into the mindset... kind of building exercise momentum. Believe it or not, it actually gives you energy if you just use the time to clear your mind and think positively about yourself, the calories you're burning, the initiative you're taking, etc.
    -Experiment to find something you like to do: Something WILL click. Do some research... look up youtube fitness videos. There are TONS. Yoga, dance, guided cardio, kickboxing... endless, endless options. Look up classes and gyms in your area... walking/running trails. It really doesn't have to be a chore.
    -If all else fails, invite a friend! Some people are just social and get bored exercising alone. Try to find someone who will walk with you, or find a gym buddy. Motivation + socialization = WIN!
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I am to the point where I do not lose unless I exercise. I have a desk job so that is probably part of it. I really hate exercise, i cant lie about that but short 20 min walks are better than nothing. Just pic a few fav songs on your ipod and it'll be over in no time! You can add more later, but dont worry about that right now:wink:
  • trilikeagirl
    I "ran" a 16 minute mile at 230 lbs, and tottered around on my bike fearing the "fat-police" would ban me from the road. At 200 lbs I ran my first triathlon and felt like a rock star. At 180 lbs I ran my first Ironman triathlon.

    Don't sell yourself short, or rob yourself of the awesomeness of feeling strong.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Exercise may very well be the key to fixing your low energy! But as others have said, yes, you can lose weight without exercise.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    No, you don't HAVE to workout - but you'll see a bigger change in your body if you do. Not only that, but it'll make you feel better (energy-wise) and you'll be healthier on the inside.

    Start out slow - go for a walk everyday. You don't have to start out big. Start slowly and work your way up. :)
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    im 175 lbs and low on energy. ive lost 22 lbs so far, even though i started mfp 6 lbs ago. i keep putting off exercise and i was wondering if its possible to keep losing weight on a low calorie diet until i weigh less

    Absolutely, but your maintenance calories will decrease the more inactive you become. If you completely stop exercising for months, years, etc. Your maintenance calories will be quite low, for females might even be as low as ~1200-1500? Males, can be as low as 2000k cals.

    I've gone weeks to nearly months without exercising, and still managed to lose fat/weight through dieting only. I just made sure I monitored my maintenance cals/macro-nutrients and formulated a calorie deficit from that.

    Full times jobs, college, etc. can be very demanding on time. Limiting you from gym or exercise use, but if you can control your calorie consumption per day. You can be quite successful at still losing weight.
    Put some music in your ears and go walking for a while. Turn back when you want to. Do it again when you get another chance. Then the next day - repeat and go a little further, but be sure you have the music. If you don't want to walk outside go to the mall, with your music, and just walk. In addition, just dance. Close your door and dance your butt off, with nobody looking. Do what you wanna do. Have fun. If you never get in the habit of exercising, then at least do these. It burns more calories than you think.