New 6day diet - lose 10lbs!!



  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    I know that this is going to sound crazy, and totally out of left field....but.....have you considered NOT DIETING and just eating REAL food and tracking the calories? I thought I heard someone say one time that it was a pretty effective method and is much more manageable. Or did I dream that...hmmm.....

    i am doing that and have been for a few weeks as you can see why i am on here... and have been doing well at it... im sure you have all tried fad diets before.. some that have worked and some that may not have.. i appreciate your opinions but i will give this a go

    Hey I admire the fact that you want to try this yourself, everything about this lifestyle is trial and error =) However if I were you I would budget for extra toilet paper and keep a close eye on your sodium intake, soup tend to be very salty
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Is this a real post or a troll? I can't tell...

    your pic scares me............

    and I agree that this isn't a wise choice to lose weight - cuz you'll just have to LOSE IT AGAIN when you gain it all back!!!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    The issue I have with this is the lack of a balanced diet. You are effectively denying your body of sustaining protein for much of the week, as well as the healthy fats you need to survive. 6 day diets and things like the other diets you listed as just fads and have no realistic way to keep the weight off. Like previous posters said, it's water weight that you're losing, and it'll come back as soon as you get off the diet. Your best bet is to eat a healthy, balanced meal, have a calorie deficit, and exercise.
  • EmmaCate123
    guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.

    I am normal, i have a sain mind, i am just trying a new diet that may or may not work, it maybe another fad.. if it is then ive only lost 6days...then back to how i am eating now!

    Im not going to starve myself i can eat as MUCH as i like of this stuff the whole day aslong as i meet my targets...
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    HCG is better:laugh: :tongue:
  • icewyche
    icewyche Posts: 24 Member
    I know alot of people will think this is a bad idea but I have tried nearly every diet ive heard of... Lighterlife, Slimmingworld, Slimfast, Weightwatchers, Atkins, Hopstialdiet, Celebdiet, Liquid-diet... so whats one more diet going to do

    Um...not work. Just like all the other fad diets, which have a proven track record of not working. You may lose weight - severe caloric restriction has that effect - but it's going to be very difficult for you to keep it off....why do you think you've had to try so many diets? Not to mention the fact that you're depriving your body of vital nutrients, and no, a vitamin supplement won't fill in that gap.

    General rule of thumb? Any diet that promises "Lose [x] lbs in >7 days!" is a fad/crash diet, which is always a bad idea.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    because you can eat as much of the things listed as you like & she has kept the weight off by making sure she sticks within her calories!

    So in that week, on the right day, you can eat 5 gallons of soup and still lose weight? Interesting...

    And she kept it off by sticking within her calories. can actually eat anything, not just what is said, and stay in a calorie deficit, and keep the weight off.

    Well, yes, that's the basic fundamentals of maintaining.

    Really, as you said you've tried all the fad diets out there, and yet are still searching. Why not just throw away "diets", and just each a moderate calorie deficit each day? It's designed for the rest of your life, and means no more yoyo dieting! :d
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I've tried that diet in the past, or one that was very similar (along with every other diet under the sun). I only lost a pound or two and gained it right back. Knowing what I know now, it looks to me like that diet wouldn't provide very much protein. Make sure it's not muscle you're losing! You want to lose fat, not muscle. So I'd watch the protein level, and make sure you eat *at least* the amount MFP recommends, soup diet or not.

    With all due respect to those who've lost weight by counting calories & using the "calories in / calories out" formula, that only works for some people. So, yes, some people need to change WHAT they eat, not just how much. I was never able to lose weight until I adjusted the ratio of my carbs / fat / protein to match what my body needs. And everyone's metabolism is different. You have to figure out what works for you.

    With that said, is this diet something you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life? If not, I'd recommend finding some other approach.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Enjoy your unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss. When you go back to eating normally, you'll gain it all back and probably a little extra. You should talk to your doctor before you make poor decisions.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    What's the rush? If you take your time and do it in a healthy way, you will lose the weight and be more likely to keep it off.

    I wish you the best of luck with this diet, but you have already admitted to trying several failed fad diets, so I'm not sure why you think this one will be an exception.
  • EmmaCate123
    Hey I admire the fact that you want to try this yourself, everything about this lifestyle is trial and error =) However if I were you I would budget for extra toilet paper and keep a close eye on your sodium intake, soup tend to be very salty

    haha toilet paper is stocked! i think a few people need to lighten up on here... im far from the mind of an anorexic, im just trying something that has worked for my friend

    and about gaining it back... well why would i let that happen? gym & healthy eating would keep that at bay... sitting on my *kitten* munching doughnuts as a reward would not
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Even though it will be all water weight lost, I can see how a diet like this can really do wonders for your morale. The perceived loss can give you hope and help to jump start a healthy weight loss routine.

    BUT......I wonder how much harm can be done to your metabolism in these 6 days that could then greatly hinder your healthy weight loss program later on?
  • cmal10
    cmal10 Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone ever thought how bad it is for your body to be overweight and how you got to that stage in the first place??? By over under eating for a week really isn't that much considering how long it takes someone to put weight on!! We all know how to loose weight and the right thing to do and sometimes a quick fix might just get you motivated again. What you need to remember is, its not you doing the plan!!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    What I can't understand, is why waste the time with "diets" and fads. I thought the goal was to find a healthy, sustainable eating lifestyle. If you can't maintain an eating style long term, what's the point. It's 6 days wasted, when you could have been training yourself on what is a healthy choice.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Why torture yourself with restrictive diets that don't contain all the nutrients you body needs when you can lose weight by just eating a variety of healthy foods and just eating at a caloric deficit....
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    People need to chill out. At least she's eating.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    guys If you dont like this post... simply dont respond.
    If you don't like to be disagreed with, don't post on a public internet forum.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    Is this a real post or a troll? I can't tell...

    your pic scares me............

    and I agree that this isn't a wise choice to lose weight - cuz you'll just have to LOSE IT AGAIN when you gain it all back!!!

    lol about the pic I was thinking the same thing