Tribonian Member


  • Most of the literature I've seen recommends after workout- "recovery" proteins within 15-30 minutes of completing a strenuous workout. See e.g.:
  • The Samsung got pretty well panned so I'd steer clear until they get it sorted out. I bought my wife a Vivofit and she loves it, but she has no interest in getting a HRM so I can't speak from experience there. If it were up to me, I'd get a Vivofit and pair it with a mio link HRM (optical sensor, so no chest strap).
  • Definitely agree that dcrainmaker is the place to go for comparing the two. I bought my wife the Vivofit and she loves it. Lighting has not been an issue. Both are waterproofed. To my mind not having to recharge was a big factor but the feature my wife seems to like most is the inactivity alert. Gave the Loop seiours…
  • I got a pair of water bottles for that purpose. Plastic milk cartons would probably work nicely since they have handles.
  • I feel your pain- I had to scratch my first attempt at a marathon due to shin splints and I was very emotionally invested. Went to a sports therapist who prescribed several strength exercises to correct my stride and I haven't had shin splints since. Running with a minor injury often leads to major injury over a long…
  • Finding time to train is always a challenge, especially for long endurance runs. (I try to run into work a few days a week and get a long run in on weekends). I'm in a slight training slump but am motivated by the thought of the next race day- the crowd before a half or full is like none other. You'll never be surrounded…
  • I also started running about three years ago and like the HM distance. I also swim and commute by bicycle when I can so get some cross training along the way. The only exercise that sped me up was interval training. My joints can't handle running on consecutive days so I use an elliptical trainer in the garage for my…
  • Definitely agree that a race is _not_ the time to innovate or change your routine. Since you still have a little time before the race, you could try the sport beans in a training run and see how it goes. I sometimes research the race to see what gels or refreshments are provided by the organizers and try them out on a long…
  • When I started running, I would occasionally get some numbness/tingling an hour or so in. When I asked my doctor (also a runner), she said it is fairly common. Apparently the pins & needles come from hands going to sleep because the muscular activity in your arms is negligible compared to your legs. She recommended just…
  • Training for my first full, the SF marathon at the end of July. I just want to finish that one (but will disappointed if it takes over 4:00). Before then, I have my first trail half marathon on Fathers' Day at Burton Creek in north Lake Tahoe, and a half lined up in October (Lake Tahoe). If my time is ok in SF, I may try…
  • Sorry if this post doesn't land in the right spot, but thanks for the responses to my unconventional approach. Yes, I am running a half every other day at around 9:00/mi. I was doing shorter more frequent runs but that apparently contributed to shin splints and being sidelined for Nov-Dec. Bottom line is that at 43, my…
  • Great thread, thanks for your insights. I have been running since last July and have finished 3 HMs (1:58, 1:43, and 1:36) with my first trail HM in June and the SF full in just over 9 weeks. I had some injuries last fall so I am limiting my running to every other day which has me worried but I am cross training on my days…
  • Apr. 1: 13.1 mi running, I mi hiking Apr. 2: 1 mi swimming, 2 mi walking, 1.75 mi. running Apr. 3: 1mi biking, 10 mi running, .5 mi swimming, 3 mi biking Apr. 4: 1 mi walking, 1 mi swimming, 1.75 running Apr. 5: 1.7 biking, .6 swimming, 10 running, 3 biking = 52.4
  • Apr. 1: 13.1 mi running, I mi hiking Apr. 2: 1 mi swimming, 2 mi walking, 1.75 mi. running Apr. 3: 1mi biking, 10 mi running, .5 mi swimming, 3 mi biking Apr. 4: 1 mi walking, 1 mi swimming, 1.75 running = 37.1
  • Apr. 1: 13.1 mi running, I mi hiking Apr. 2: 1 mi swimming, 2 mi walking, 1.75 mi. running Apr. 3: 10 mi running, .5 mi swimming = 29.15
  • 13.1 miles yesterday.
  • I have only tried the Wahoo Fitness which does everything you describe for the iPhone. There are times when it is as buggy as bat poop but I still like it. A lot.
  • I only started running in September and have only run 2 events but agree that it is better to earn the shirt. My race day shirt is a Team Parkinson's jersey that is not linked to any particular event, just the cause. I'd either tell the charity to keep the full donation, or drop off the event shirt at a homeless shelter…
  • Running my second half marathon this Sunday- wish me luck! Sep. 25, 2011 Lake Tahoe Half Marathon 1:58:04 Oct. 16, 2011 Wine Country Half Marathon ??:??:??
  • Joined MFP in April, lost 40 lbs., started running in July, finished my first half marathon in September. Have another this weekend then will start training for a full marathon. Just wanted to add to the chorus of people who have already pointed out that seeing other runners inspires me no matter what kind of shape they're…
  • After 3 months of 100, I'm still nowhere near able to do 100 pushups all at once. I am, however, able to do many many more pushups than before and am definitely stronger. I recommend it. Plan to try 200 situps starting next week.
  • I'm running my first half marathon on Sunday after 2.5 months training- anything is possible. I did do a lot of endurance work on an elliptical trainer to make it easier on my knees until I lost enough weight. I think that helped a lot. Also, don't skimp on a good pair of running shoes!
  • Had this problem a month ago. I use band-aids mostly and body glide if I don't have band aids. Cotton shirts are a killer- it has not been an issue since I started using shirts that wick well.
  • Started training on an elliptical in April to save my joints- especially my knees- from grief. By July I'd lost enough weight to run a bit and discovered I really enjoy it. In a mania, I signed up for a half marathon on September 25th, my first organized event since Spring 1986. Wish me luck, I'll need it!
  • I have phases when I eat a lot of the same things over and over, like when certain produce is in season. Every 3 or 4 weeks I find something else that I really enjoy. Lots of repetition, but no drudgery.
  • 34" -> 29" in 4 months.
  • Started training 3.5 months ago and was working out a lot on an elliptical (which I still love) but then was on vacation two weeks ago and needed to get my yayas out so I went for a jog. I routinely see molasses pass me on hills and couldn't care less. I've always been a biker for the commuting, the scenery, and the…
  • I've been training for 3.5 months and started out doing 75-90 min on the elliptical a day. It worked out very well for me- after about 2 months, I added in strength training every other day. Once I got into the "normal" range for BMI and figured my joints could take it, I added in jogging. I still hit the elliptical but…
  • For convenient, I really like a salad some mornings- just spring mix, shredded carrots, and rice vinegar most of the time but I'll add in sunflower seeds, whatever fresh vegetables are around, or a small portion of meat (usually pastrami or grilled chicken breast). I also find carrots or falafel with hummus quick, easy,…
  • Thanks for the link to the guidelines. Looks better than the pyramid.