First half marathon

sdopps Posts: 27 Member
I'm running my first half marathon in 9 days. A couple things:

I purchased some sport beans and am wondering what people's thoughts are on when I should take them? Do I take them before the race? During the race? If during the race, at what point? Do I take them before the race starts and then some more again during the race?

Secondly, any advice, tips, etc. about running my first half are appreciated and very much welcome!


  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    The first bit of advice is to not do anything on race day that you haven't already done in training.

    So, as for the sport beans, if you haven't used them on a training run, I wouldn't use them during the race.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    The first bit of advice is to not do anything on race day that you haven't already done in training.

    So, as for the sport beans, if you haven't used them on a training run, I wouldn't use them during the race.

    Also, there are some GREAT tips here:
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm running my first half marathon in 9 days. A couple things:

    I purchased some sport beans and am wondering what people's thoughts are on when I should take them? Do I take them before the race? During the race? If during the race, at what point? Do I take them before the race starts and then some more again during the race?

    Secondly, any advice, tips, etc. about running my first half are appreciated and very much welcome!

    CarsonRuns' response is, as usual, sound.

    If you need fuel during a Half, it would be very late in the Half. While we don't need fuel in a race as short as the Half, my preference is to "top up the tank" so I'll use gel toward the tail end of the race. is a trusted source for info energy gels
  • Tribonian
    Tribonian Posts: 39 Member
    Definitely agree that a race is _not_ the time to innovate or change your routine. Since you still have a little time before the race, you could try the sport beans in a training run and see how it goes.

    I sometimes research the race to see what gels or refreshments are provided by the organizers and try them out on a long run first.

    Race pace is usually faster than a training pace so you may hit glycogen depletion earlier; main thing is to make sure you don't have an adverse reaction to your fuel of choice.

    Good luck and have an awesome race!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The first bit of advice is to not do anything on race day that you haven't already done in training.

    So, as for the sport beans, if you haven't used them on a training run, I wouldn't use them during the race.

    What Carson said!

    The other bit of advice I'd offer is to watch your pace. It's really easy to go out too fast....aim for a negative split. If the race has pace bunnies stick to the one closest to your expected finishing time.

    You don't need to go overboard carb loading (I'll usually have chicken & pasta the night before) and stick to tried & true foods for breakfast. Surprise birthday parties are fun, surprise digestive problems during a race kind of spoils things......
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Eat at least two to three hours before the race and then don't eat anything until after you start running. The reason is that after you eat you get an insulin spike that accelerates carbohydrate burning and inhibits fat burning. You want this insulin spike to be gone at the race's start.

    After you start running you don't get the insulin spike so you can eat then without a problem.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm running my first half marathon in 9 days. A couple things:

    I purchased some sport beans and am wondering what people's thoughts are on when I should take them? Do I take them before the race? During the race? If during the race, at what point? Do I take them before the race starts and then some more again during the race?

    Secondly, any advice, tips, etc. about running my first half are appreciated and very much welcome!

    If you havn't trained with sport beans then DON'T use them on your race..same applies to equipment like shoes, clothing etc...don't do anything different frpom your training.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Runner's World has lots of tips too. If you're trying to figure out pacing strategies, here's an interesting "how to" from them:
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    The first bit of advice is to not do anything on race day that you haven't already done in training.

    So, as for the sport beans, if you haven't used them on a training run, I wouldn't use them during the race.

    This, this, and a thousand times this.

    It's bad enough to introduce a new article of clothing on the day of a race that may or may not chafe/ride up/be uncomfortable, etc. But to introduce a food item of any kind can be disastrous. You could end up with an upset stomach, cramps, a sudden need to find a porta-potty, or any number of other things.

    Also, I found that I do better with half marathons when I don't carbo load the night before. I prefer to up my carbs (no new foods!) to about 60-65 percent of my daily intake for the three days prior instead of the normal 50 I keep it at while training. That tends to work better for me, energy wise.

    Finally, make sure you get plenty of sleep. Not just the night before but starting at least two nights prior to that. Few things can make up for a lack of sleep on the morning of the race.
  • txbandman
    txbandman Posts: 78
    You have gotten great advice in the replies to your post. Hope you really have a great time - what a great way to celebrate your amazing weight loss! Congratulations!
    I ran my first HM this past Saturday, and the ONLY thing that I did on the race that I hadn't done in training was to take water at the waterstations. Unfortunately, that was not a luxury I had on my training runs, but I knew I would need to running a half in the Texas July heat. Even so, just a couple of swallows at each station, because I knew that it wasn't something I had done before.
    Once again, have fun, and congratulations! I would love to hear from you after the race to hear how it went!
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I will echo what most of the posters said, don't use the beans if you haven't used them before. I have found that the beans, gu's, poweraid and some of the chews upset my stomach when running. So don't try anything new on the day of a race! With 9 days left I suspect you have at least a few training runs left...if you really think you will need some sort of energy boost try the beans right after you start a run and see how your stomach settles (it won't be the same as running the distance of half, but it might give you an idea of how you will react) Otherwise stick to water and gatorade (assuming that is what they are handing out)

    Don't start out too fast is the second best advise. If there is a pace group, you don't have to run with them but keep them in your sight. Start out slow! you can kill a race by simply starting out a little too fast at the beginning, it will take a lot more out of you then it will to finish fast.

    right after the race DRINK YOUR CHOCLOATE MILK (or other pre-race favorite drink) but get some good protein and carbs in you right after the race, I forgot that fact after my last half and was more sore the next day then I should have been.

    Have fun! And I predict you will be signing up for your second half the day after your first (they are addicting!) :)