

  • id have a chocolate protein shake with full fat milk and peanut butter,
  • Personally I would start it now, that way you will build muscle instead of loose it, and you will be toning as you loose too
  • The theory is simple for abs to show body fat needs to be low. It's all diet. Loose body fat and the abs will show no amount of crunches will help unless body fat is low enough
    in ABS! Comment by Emma1903 October 2011
  • Swimming, cycling, pull ups, press ups
  • Hit is great for fat loss, just get on a bike or treadmill for 15mins do a 2:1 ratio. So walk for 2 mins then go as fast as you possibly can for 1 min then back to walking for 2 mins and repeat. Sounds easy but if you make sure you go as hard as you can on the sprint you will be sweating! I believe the best way to loose…
  • Get some dumbbells and do some side bends, squats, Bulgarian split squats, lunges, dumbbell flys with them. Or resistance bands are good. You can also do the above exercises without the weights or use cans. Crunches and press ups are also good.
  • A small amount of carbs such as sweet potato is also good post workout to re fuel glycogen stores.
  • But you could save some money and just have the bcaa before your fasted workout as your fueling your other workout with your protein and carb shake so don't really need the bcaa unless it's to help with doms
  • It sounds horrible but it tastes yummy. Mix choc protein powder with 20g ground almonds and 20g peanut butter, with a little soy milk until you like the consistency. It's like a chocolate peanut butter pudding
  • You don't really need bcaa before a workout unless you are training fasted to reduce muscle catabolism, if you have eaten before your workout you don't need it.
  • Pre workout you don't really need anything if your goal is loosing weight, post workout a protein shake or some chocolate milk is the best choice.
  • My protein have the best range of flavours! Coming up second would be phd but they are more expensive and don't taste as good.
  • If you have to have cereal I would go with oats every time. Add seeds, berries, nuts, or peanut butter
  • You are better off replacing your fruit with leafy green veg for a more nutrient dense option, but lower sugar fruits in the morning are a good option such as berries. Otherwise I stick to veggies. And yes you can eat too much fruit because of the amount of sugar in them, if you are going to eat say a banana or apple make…
  • Governments say grains are good because of there fibber content but it's better to get your fibre from vegetables. The government also recommend eating fortified breakfast cereals, it's only because there fortified that they have any nutritional value! Grains are a big industry, they are often recommended because they are…
  • I still crave both sometimes, but I substitute rice with cauliflower rice now, don't eat any grains any more, and it's crazy that I still crave them as I feel so much better without them, as a sweet treat I will have some very dark chocolate now or a chocolate protein shake with a little bit of peanut butter is the best!…
  • In my view I'd do more weights say 3 times a week max of 45 mins each time and do some hit training twice a week say 15 min session. Weights burn fat and build muscle which in turn makes you burn more calories at rest. Make sure your eating high protein too so that you don't encounter muscle wastage. You should leave…
  • Are you eating high carbs? If your working out a lot you might find some gain from water retention in your muscles. Open your diary and people can give better advice.
  • You can do it, but it will mostly be water you will loose through your glycogen stores. Just go low cal below 600 and carbs below 50g a day. When you go back to eating more cals the water weight will return
  • If you are struggling with calories then eat full fat item not low fat diet options. Eat nuts, avocados and remember you don't have to cook with oil you can put it on salads too. Also oily fish like salmon is great. Can I ask why you have cut out red meat and dairy? Apple juice is just full of sugar I wouldn't bother with…
  • also chocolate milk is great after workouts
  • just read the primal blueprint then you will understand what grains do to your body. all carbs are not bad, but all grain are. you can quite easily and happily get all the carbs you need from vegetables. you will probably find that most people eating primally have a more varied and healthy diet than those who eat grains.…
  • it depends on the fruits your eating and how much of it your eating. 2-3 portions a day is fine. stick to lower sugar fruits if your worried. berries are great.
  • got it and i love it, it is the single reason i am now into nutrition and lifting!
  • Try eating more cals and less carbs 200 carbs a day is way to much! Try sticking to under 100carbs a day and see how that goes
  • Nothing cereal is not the best choice to start the day. Try some eggs instead
  • In all honesty you dont need grains at all. If you have your Marcos right then you should feel fine, if you want to loose weight then carbs between 50-100g is plenty, get this from dairy and fruit and veg alone. If you really need a boost after a hard workout have a sweet potato. Make sure your fats are higher to…
  • I think the whole debate about does a glass of water count as water if I add some sugar free cordial to it, is ridiculous, if people want to go to this extreme then you might as well figure out how much water the food you eat contains and count that towards your intake. It doesn't have to be pure water to count towards…
  • Yes it is still a fluid, anything you drink is a fluid so should count towards your fluid intake for the day, just log the calories as well as counting it towards your fluid intake.
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