duckpond11 Member


  • maybe you should take a "diet break" for 2 weeks. That means, eat at maintenance for 2 weeks. That is supposed to help your metabolism kick it up a notch. Plus it sounds like psychologically, this might be a good thing as well.
  • It's water. Your muscles are getting torn down through strength training and are collecting fluids to repair them. Ditch the scale for a month and revisit then.
  • that stomach had 5 kids!!! wow, I'm so impressed with your hard work :).
  • I have horrible PF - I've been using the New Balance Minimus shoes. They are a little more supportive than a VFF, but still a minimalist shoe with lots of flexibility. I've been wearing them just casually for a few months to build my foot strength up, and only last week started doing fast walking in them on the treadmill.…
  • gah - I am up 1 pound this week :(. I am really hoping it is just water weight. I think I'll just keep on doing what I'm doing another week and see how it goes. I do feel good about my goal of being consistent, although there is room for improvement.
  • diana - I'm sure a 1000 calorie deficit is perfectly ok in your case. The other thing that we as obese people have to realize, is that it is actually ok for us to lose some LBM as well. We've gotten very strong lugging around all our extra weight day in and day out, and our organs have gotten larger too. It is natural for…
  • So, my week is almost up - I'll check in tomorrow with weight results. So far I have only logged 6/7 days, and I am guessing that my food intake for the week is a little bit over my goal (that one day I didn't log I went nuts). But my exercise has been 100% on target.
  • You should check yourself to see if you got diastasis (ab separation) during your pregnancy. If you did, then some exercises will make it worse. Google it - there's a way you can check this by feeling on your abs for the separation.
  • no weight problem - I thought I was fat when I was a teenager, but I wasn't. I didn't get fat till I graduated from college and entered the "real" world where I had to make my own food and had no reason to walk anywhere.
  • hi everyone! I started NROLW last year and made it through stage 1. I am obese (BMI is over 35). I definitely did lose inches last year on the program and a small amount of weight. I got frustrated though because I do have so much to lose. And the fact is, that I can make myself look better only to a certain extent - you…
  • I think it's hard to say exactly how many calories you are burning when you exercise. I think you'll have to experiment and see what works for you. I would certainly give it another week or 2 and see if the gain you saw was temporary first.
  • Hi! I've restarted NROLW after a long hiatus, and am redoing all of stage1. Second workout today, and I was very sore from 1A still. Ow! But, it makes me glad I decided to be patient and start from the beginning again.
    in Stage 1 Comment by duckpond11 April 2012
  • I would like to stay consistent with my diet and exercise for the next 10 weeks. I assume some weight loss will happen as a result. So I am going to: 1. Log food intake every day. 2. Keep weekly food intake at or below 10500 (that's 1500 a day X 7) 3. NROLW at least 2x a week, walk 30 minutes at least 2x a week.
  • It gets better - if it helps you to go 2 days a week for a few weeks do it, but if you pushed through it and did 3 days a week I bet you'd stop feeling so sore after 3 or 4 workouts.
  • I did about 8 weeks of NROLW last year and found that I did not lose weight, but did lose inches. I think my diet wasn't good enough. I am restarting NROLW right now, but I have a different attitude about it. I decided that since I am obese, my #1 job is to drop fat. I will do that through calorie deficit created by…
  • ditto this - I like going what I call "lower carb", which is to say, I usually get around 100 grams a day. It really helps me stay within my calorie target, and also forces me to eat more fruits and veggies. I don't have a problem reaching my calorie goals because I eat a lot of fat - avocados, nuts, olive oil etc. I hate…
  • no - it is amazing how the combination of the following things can make a rounded belly though: - slightly reduced activity level - slightly increased calorie intake - you passed 25 and your metabolism is slightly lowered.
  • 8 oz unsweetened almond milk 1 TBSP Peanut Butter 1/2 a frozen banana big handful of spinach 1 scoop protein powder Sometimes I put cocoa powder in it if I want chocolate.
  • Well - for me it's not small. I have about 133 pounds of LBM, but I weigh 217 (yes, I am FAT!!). I can eat 133g, but 217??
  • protein powders, low fat cottage cheese, chicken breast, and shell fish/fish are pretty calorically cheap sources of protein (especially the non-oily fish, although those are great for you for other reasons).
  • I hear lots of people saying this, but I also hear a lot of people saying 1g per lb of LBM (which seems more reasonable to me). Just curious which it is.
  • of course you can! I've seen pictures of 70 year old men who look fabulous like that. I think though you have to keep in mind that genetics plays a huge role in how well we can develop muscles. And you'll have to have a pretty regimented workout/diet that is designed for building muscle. But you can do it!
  • sounds like something my toddler would like. Thanks!
  • Looks like your logging has been very thorough, that is great! how has your weight loss been? If you are looking to make a change, I would say that you should increase protein and decrease your carbs. Maybe swap some of your crackers and other carby type snacks with more veggies to increase your veggie servings. Probably…
  • congrats! That is a great milestone.
  • my reward will be.... being at my final goal!!!
  • Yeah - my mom always used to quote that at me when I was growing up (I'm 5' 5"). Made me feel like I was overweight, even when I weighed 140 pounds. My target is set to 135 right now, because I was there once as an adult and I felt awesome! However, I will be thrilled to get to 150 or 145.
  • I refuse to eat foods that I don't enjoy. I hate steamed veggies - I'd rather spend 50 extra calories roasting them in olive oil or adding (gasp) a slice of bacon to them. Healthy food doesn't have to be boring or taste bad.
  • I think the HRM would only be accurate if you were doing circuit training and keeping your HR up for the entire session. As far as whether strength training burns calories longer, there are some studies that show this but before you get excited about it, it is really a negligible amount and most likely you are not going to…