

  • This just brings tears to my eyes, because i dealt with an eating disorder last year. I lost a lot of weight in a little time, and for me, it was because I wanted to be skinny and beautiful. i had a lot of people tell me i had a "perfect" body, which i loved, but at the same time i cringed.. because if only they knew what…
  • *bump* i'd like to hear this, because i'm allergic to most dairy products too
  • I know exactly where you are right now. I used to have an eating disorder. It was soooo hard letting myself put on weight.. I gained all of the weight I'd lost back, (only about 15-20 lbs, so not overly too much but it was still hard but more than what I wanted to gain back) and now I'm just trying to lose about 10 pounds…
  • I know exactly where you are right now. I used to have an eating disorder. It was soooo hard letting myself put on weight.. I gained all of the weight I'd lost back, (only about 15-20 lbs, so not overly too much but it was still hard but more than what I wanted to gain back) and now I'm just trying to lose about 10 pounds…
  • right now i've been using a duffel bag filled with my handweights and medicine ball, lol. but i did just recently order a sandbag after training with my homemade one for about 5 months, but i've still been getting good results even with just the duffel bag filled with weights!
  • www.bodyrock.tv - it's free! and it definitely works!! i was a skeptic at first because the workouts are usually relatively short, but I have the best body I've ever had thanks to bodyrock! it's intense! i usually do around 20 minutes of interval rope jumping afterwards
  • i just finished it along with tuesday's workout just before you posted :) i love bodyrock! go team USA!
  • www.bodyrock.tv! i burn around 12 cals per minute, and the workouts are short but super intense if you're doing them right! they work every part of your body, and fast! completely free website and workouts!
  • www.bodyrock.tv completely free & short but super intense! they'll transform your body!
  • thanks for your input!
  • take a knife, stab it a few times so it can breathe, then stick it in the microwave for about ten minutes. then cut it open. if it's not done you can microwave it for more.
  • i usuallly just get a kid cone!
  • 30 day shred is only 10 dollars but it requires dumbbells, but it works!
  • i haven't gotten mine for about a year now.. i'm not pregnant/married/sexually active. I'm just extremely active in that I exercise a lot. It's happened to a lot of my friends who work out a lot too, I don't think it's too big of a deal, but I guess I could be wrong.. either way I don't mind not having it ;)
  • i used to be just like you. it's so unhealthy, and yes, you may feel full, but that's only because your metabolism has slowed wayyyy down. You probably don't think you're in starvation mode, but chance are that you are. Once you start eating a healthy amount, to answer your question, YES, you'll gain the weight back, and…
  • the very first day i started 30ds i did both level 1 & 2... and then the next day i did level 3 & then 1. I also add it in with my running and yoga routine. I've been doing 30ds for like 3 months now, and how much you do is a personal preference, but doing multiple levels or adding it on top of what you already do won't…
    in 30ds Comment by exercisarah June 2011
  • it depends if you are doing the exercises consecutively or separate throughout the day. if you are doing them consecutively, I would recommend doing your weights first and then cardio. When you do cardio, your body is using up the energy stores in your body, so by the time you get to weights you'll have far less energy.…
  • THANK YOU! i'm at a healthy weight, and it's even a low weight for my bmi, and i've been told numerous times that i'm TOO skinny, but i don't always see it as a compliment. Just because i'm "skinny" doesn't make a difference. I'm human, and being skinny doesn't mean i automatically stop being self conscious. Though we may…
  • it's not super hard, you'll survive, but I always think of level 2 as the sweat level, because i'm always sweating waaay more by the end of level 2 than I am by the end of levels 1 or 3
  • I run cross country and 5ks I run because I want to run a marathon I run because i LOVE it I run because it's my form of therapy I run because it keeps me sane I run because it keeps me in shape i just really love running :)
  • exactly! I think this is something we forget waay too often! thanks for bringing this up!
  • I totally agree! I always drink water before any of my meals out of habit, and I tend to get full a lot faster.
  • Honestly, you don't really need to switch much up food-wise. just do what's worked for you before, you'll be more comfortable that way. Also, a 5k is a pretty short race, so you don't really need to "carb up" too much. You should have a good amount of carbs before your race, but no need to have excessive amounts. I…
  • I'm here for you, I've been there, and have struggled with it a lot.
  • wear tennis shoes ALWAYS, and make sure your knees are in the right positions while doing squats!
  • oh my gosh! i thought I was the only one who had this problem! I had to get physical therapy mine got so bad, but I've been icing and stretching it often. I also take aleve every 12 hours to get the swelling down, but this has been going on for a month and a half and still hasn't gotten better. It's put my regular running…
  • I feel your pain - SO MUCH! I recently injured my knee, I don't know what's wrong with it, but I've been to the chiropractor and I've been wearing a brace and it isn't doing anything. I've literally just been so frustrated that I've started crying. Running helps me in every aspect of my life, so this is a huge challenge…
  • This is very common when someone starts out running. I used to get terrible shin splints in track, but after a while of running my muscles adapted, and I'm not very passionate about distance running. It's always important to stretch before and after you run, and one good stretch for that is to put the bottom of your foot…