Best workouts?

Im new to working out and not sure whats best do to for the best weight loss results?
Any idea that i can do at home without going to buy a video or equipment. (I have a set of 3 and 5 pound dumbbells.)

This is a repost so i can get all the suggestions that are out there!
Thanks in advance for the help!


  • I HATE to work out, but I've found Zumba- and love it! I actually look forward to my class. You can probably find a local class, or you can get a bunch of videos off Youtube. I usually burn around 1000 calories during a 1 hour class. Good luck finding something you like!
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    What about videos from the library or online, those are free. You can also google workouts at home and probably find some good workouts that don't require a lot of equipment.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    Try this site

    There are tons of exercises and programs (most free) that you put in what equipment have and what your goal is and it gives you a routine.
  • SavCal71
    SavCal71 Posts: 350 Member
    The best workout is the one you'll stick to.

    completely free & short but super intense! they'll transform your body!
  • mekit65
    mekit65 Posts: 1 Member
    you can do lunges with them do an internet search. there is probably a picture of how to do it. it will help arms butt and legs all at same time. julian does them on hre videos
  • Oh yes Zumba is really good, but don't slack on the moves!! When they shake their butt...get into it!! A workout for the dumbells you have is something we do at our gym called a pump it up class...sycronize your moves with music...make sure to do a lot of squats and lunges with the weights! I can get you the name and number of my instructor, and see if she'll make you a video or something! It is awesome, and you know you're getting an awesome burn because you're sore everytime after!!
  • Walking is free, and you can do it anywhere!! Use your weights for resistance, and to tone your arms! Check out your local gyms, and see if you can get a free pass to "try" it out-you may end up loving it!

    Good luck!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Youtube 'zumba' plenty of workouts there!! It gets you mega sweaty, you can burn up to over 600 cals per 45 mins! Its a real good excercise.. It works best on the 'muffin top' if you have one. Ive noticed mines slowly going down! And ive only been doing 45 mins everyday for about 10 days now! So it defo works! And i lost 3lbs this week from a decent diet and zumba every day!!
  • Thanks everyone for the zumba idea. I will defiantly look into trying it. I'm not much of a dancer and tried the Wii zumba game this evening and it made me sweat so much and i know i wasn't even doing the moves right lol. (:
  • You know what is so funny at our class our instructor is so little you can't see her from the back, so we randomly move around crazy just to burn the calories! After a few times you start to learn the moves!!!