Protein Powders

Hey... I'm looking for suggestions on brands of protein powders. I am allergic to dairy so most regular protein products I can't eat because of the whey protein they use. Anyone have any suggestions for protein powders that use soy or other sources as their protein?


  • exercisarah

    i'd like to hear this, because i'm allergic to most dairy products too
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    some great suggestions here. Supplement review group... great place to ask :D
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Try looking up powders that are made from soy, hemp, rice, or peas.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    If you don't have a problem with eggs , there are many brands that make egg white protein powders..Jay Robb is really good
  • Cathleenr
    Hey... I'm looking for suggestions on brands of protein powders. I am allergic to dairy so most regular protein products I can't eat because of the whey protein they use. Anyone have any suggestions for protein powders that use soy or other sources as their protein?

    pretty simple google search:
  • Legend2point0
    Go to and check the reviews for the supplement that you are interested in.

    3 things to look for in protein shakes.

    Glutamine, Branched Amino Acids, and Protein to Carb level.

    I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Stardard Whey Protein (mocha cappucino)

    All around great protein mix, even tastes awseome with water! Great pre/post workout drink!

    Shakeology gets alot of hype on here but it is way over priced. A 5lb bottle of optimum whey is around $50 and thats easily a months supply at 3 shakes a day.

    Best of luck!