kobzal Member


  • Glendale!! :smile:
  • Just set a 5k PR on Memorial Day, 24:18.
  • I do my 5x5 workouts in pink chucks too! They're fun!
  • bump... Had my first stall today at 60 lbs on overhead press. I got in 3x5, 1x4, 1x3. Kind of disappointing, I thought I would be able to lift heavier. Oh well. After about 5 weeks (sometimes only getting in 1 or 2 workouts a week), here's where I'm at: squat - 90 bench press - 65 barbell row - 55 overhead press (stall…
  • I was doing P90X, but I started having trouble fitting in such a long workout. So I switched to stronglifts 5x5, which I do with free weights at the gym. It only takes me 35-50 minutes per routine. In just the month I have been doing it, I went from being able to do zero "real" pushups to doing three! That is a big…
  • I just ran a half marathon yesterday in the rain (Santa Clarita, just north of Los Angeles). When it rains, I wear a brimmed hat or visor, a lightweight longsleeved top I can take off and tie around my waist and tightfitting running capris or leggings that won't soak up extra water. It's kind of fun to run in the rain,…
  • I run three times a week and lift three times a week. I have a half marathon in two weeks and I do stronglifts 5x5. So far so good. I am hoping the weightlifting will help me run faster!
  • I too work and have a 3 year old at home. Two days a week after work, I do sacrafice time with her to go running. However, the rest of the time I have tried incorporating some excercises while at work. Every time I go to the washroom I will either do a set of pushups, some walking lunges, squats, any body weight exercise I…
  • Thanks, I definitely do not lift and run on the same day. I run 3x a week. I know lifting 3x is optimal, but I was thinking if I drop that down to 2, and keep my 3x per week running, maybe that will give my body enough chance to recover. I have my longest run of the season, 14 miles, on Satuday, then after my race on Nov.…
  • I have been struggling with this because I run. I like to run and I want to get faster. I am hoping to PR and run a sub 2 hour half marathon in a few weeks (so I know I picked a bad time to start 5x5, but I got so tired of putting it off). However I also want to lower my BF % and do some recomp and get stronger. Running…
  • I did my first SL 5x5 workout today! It only took me 35 minutes, which is awesome because I was having a hard time fitting the 1h20min P90x videos in. Since I have been doing P90x and I run, I thought I was pretty fit. I am suprised how tired my muscles are though after just doing the bar weight! I was also having a hard…
  • I like to get running shirts or pants that have pockets built into them. I do have a spibelt though, for when I have to carry a lot on my longer runs.
  • 4 : one pair of Brooks and one pair of Newtons that I rotate. one pair of Avi Bolt II lightweight trainers/racing shoes. one retired pair of Brooks I wear for yardwork.
  • This is the exact same thing I do as well.
  • I've been competing in endurance events sice 2006. I have done sprint triathlons, olympic distance triathlons, numerous 5ks, 10ks, and I am currently training for my 6th half marathon. When I race my only goal is to beat my previous time.
  • I run with a group called Moms in Motion. The fastest girl on the team got pregnant with her second a few years ago and I could not run faster than her until she was well into her 8th month. =P So if you were running before, running while pregnant should be no problem. Congrats!
  • I agree! Biking is great cross training. I was a mentor for a season of team in training triathlon training. A girl on the team said that due to the biking and swimming, she took 13 minutes off her half marathon time. You can do intervals and hills to get your heart rate up.
  • I have a few different kinds. In a capri style I have 2 from new balance, one from adidias and one from lululemon. One of the new balance ones has weird seaming and chafes, so I don't use it for longer runs. The others are all good and I really don't have any complaints. I also have a long pair of saucony running tights…
  • The Garmin FR 305 actually doesn't use heart rate to calculate calories burned unless you have had a New Leaf VO2 test at a New Leaf Test facility. It uses a speed/distance/weight calculation in absence of the New Leaf test. What kind of HRM do you have? If it is newer, it may actually take heart rate into account. My must…
  • Started training this past Saturday for the Santa Clarita (California) half marathon on Nov. 6. Kicked off training with a 6 mile run incorporating 4 x 400m at race pace. This will be my 6th half. My PR is 2:06:12, hopefully I can beat that this time!
  • I've actually run some of my fastest times after a night of drinking.
  • I'm 5'6.5" is that close enough? =) I am currently 146, down from 162. My goal is 135-140, but I started strength training, so I am not sure where the scale will fall. As long as I lose inches, it doesn't matter so much.
  • I think that your injured running pace is still faster than my all out running pace. =) Nice job and way to push through. I've heard great things about the SF race. My running coach was an ambassador this year and said it was the most fun she had at a marathon ever. She "took it easy" and ran a 3:42. *sigh* and my ultimate…
  • I also chafe, so I always wear spandex capri's running, no matter the weather. You can also get some body glide, or similar product, to prevent chafing as well.
  • Unfortunately my commute to work is about 25 miles. I have biked it quite a few times before though, when training for a triathlon. It's not hilly, but lots of stoplights, so it would take about 1:30 to 2 hours, depending if the lights were in my favor.
  • I use a hemp protein powder. It's very green, and tastes, well, green, but I like it. =) It doesn't have as much protein as a whey protein powder, but I find it is easier on my stomach. I've also been reading that the protein in hemp protein powder is absorbed better by the body, so you actually don't need as much compared…
  • I was wondering about this too. I begin training on 8/6 for my next half and I currently do p90x (only the weight days, on the cardio days, I run instead). I have heard both that weight training and endurance training can be counterproductive, because why do you want to bulk up if you are trying to become faster and more…
  • It's funny for me, running is one of the only times I am super focused. I pay attention to the way my foot falls, how my posture is, my breathing, heart rate and I am forever calculating pace in my head. Not like when I am at work sitting in front of the computer all day...then my mind wanders. =)
  • I started running 6 years or so ago at age 25. I used to listen to music. Then I got an ipod touch as a gift, but with no arm band. I was too lazy to buy one, so I just stopped listening to music on my runs. Now I prefer it that way. Plus I run a lot at night and I don't like not being able to hear what's going on around…
  • Mine is 47-50. It was in the mid 60s years ago before I really started focusing on working out.