msbanana Member


  • bump for picture posting and more food porn...
  • The cat picture's killing me... I can't tell so, kitten.
  • Yesterday was a "rest" day for me. I spent the entire day moving all of our really heavy furniture around and sweeping mopping and dusting. Today was upper body again. 20 minutes of HIIT on the tread with a topspeed of 9.5 for 4 intervals of .15 miles each. Bench- Pyramids top 6 reps at 135# Incline Pec Fly- 3x10 35# each…
  • Pretty typical work day for me: 5am- Coffee with whole coconut milk 8am- 2 hard boiled eggs and fruit (grapes, berries, watermelon, banana whatever) 11am- 4 cups of lettuce/spinach topped with cucumber, bell pepper 4-6oz or meat (tuna, left over meat from dinner the night before) and maybe a half an avocado or more hard…
  • Yesterday was my rest day. Today I hit a "light" day. Dragged the bf along and so far he doesn't hate "Gym Anna" too much. WOD: 15 minutes of HIIT, top speed on tread 9.5mph. (1.55 miles completed) Squat- (backed it off a little today trying to break a plateau) 5x5 200# Single leg Romanian Deadlifts- 3x8 60# Box Jump- 24"…
  • Today is Upper Body!! w00t!! So, come gym time: 20 minutes HIIT on the tread ( 3min @ 4.0 mph, 3 min@ 7.0mph, 1.5 min@ 4.0mph, 1.5@ 8.0mph, 1.5@ 4.0mph, 1@8.5mph, 1@ 4.0mph, 1@ 9.0mph, 1@4.0mph, 1@9.0mph and work back down) LIFT!! Bench 140# 5x5 Overhead press 65# 5x5 Bent Over Row 95# 5x5 Assisted Pullup 3x10 Incline…
  • Yo! I'm Anna and a long time MFP vet. I fell of the perverbial wagon HARD last year and packed on 50 of the 120lbs I'd previously lost. I had 3 pretty serious injuries in a row and when my dreams of the 2012 Toughmudder were dashed I sunk into a DEEP depression (it wasn't just the toughmudder but I believe it was the straw…
  • I'm in! Let's do this thing. I'm actually only shooting for 25-30 but I'll join ya for the adventure! My plan, I'm sticking with strict Paleo lifestyle (it's what's always worked with my body and allergies). Lift hard 3-4 days a week and Cardio, light to heavy 4-5 days a week. Personal goals- Run a 12K by November Half…
  • I really like HyperFX. I've used 1MR and a half dozen other supps. I think HyperFX is my favorite. Also, creatine in a small preworkout drink isn't going to get you jacked unless you start using HGH. Avoid illegal steroids and keep lifting and you'll get that look you're going for. :)
  • Agreed- My boyfriend pulls this crap. It does ZERO good. It solves nothing. You want to "drive home a point" you need to make your point first. The silent treatment is passive agressive bs for people that can't deal with their emotions.
  • I'm Anna, my friends and family have called me Anna Banana my WHOLE life and some have just straight dropped my first name all together and just call me Banana. YEARS ago, I was out with some friends one evening (drinking) and some dude starts talking to us. I didn't introduce myself because I wasn't interested. Someone…
  • My grandma's favorite cucumber recipe (and mine) slice cucumbers (rounds) red onions place in a shallow dish top with salt, pepper and garlic powder, healthy splash or white vinegar (white or red wine vinegar is really good too) dilute to your preference with water and refrigerate until cold and ready to serve. So yummy! :)
  • Cold in the blender with 2 scoops of chocolate protien powder or hot with a splash of coconut milk and stevia or nectresse (monk fruit). Or if it's really good coffee black no sweetner.
  • This is my favorite mug!!
  • I was playing word association, and that's what your profile pic brought to mind...
  • Ahh! Zombies!!! By far one of the best Zombie movies, also Redneck Zombies the WORST zombie movie ever but still totally worth the watch.
  • ^^ this ^^ I've had a few friends that do this and ya know you can get all butt-hurt or get over it. Don't make plans with her if they always fall through. If you need more like minded female friends and you're not that socially active try something like or something where you can rely on the fact that some…
  • I feel your pain, I grew up eating 50's style comfort food (raised by my grandmother). the only saving grace is that my grandmother also struggled with her weight and learned healthier option, taught me portion control and never forced me to clean my plate. That said when I was on my own and no longer in competive sports…
  • Ha! Sea what you did there?
  • I remember the first time I realized I was capable of having "sunshine thighs." The only way for me to truly acheive them though is to get my body fat percentage under 17% and that's not something I have been able to maintain for any length of time (I also have a stupid fat pocket at the top of my thighs)... Talking to a…
  • To me at 16: Bad *kitten* happens to everybody, you're not alone. Keep your chin up and stop wishing for a miracle. Life will happen for you at it's own pace. Be patient. To me at 21: Don't stop. He doesn't mean anything and this bulls**t dream you're putting your money on is just that, it's bulls**t. You're beautiful,…
  • Be wary of the nut butters- although high in fat most store bought are also sweetened which means they'll likely exceed your carb limit. If you need to up your fat intake, make sure your carbs are mostly veggies and add in things like an avacado, buy tuna fish in oil (I hate it but it works to add some fat), use butter on…
  • I've been on birth control for a million years, I have PCOS and a whole host of other issues... In the end if you eat well and exercise you'll be fine. You may need to adjust your diet or exercise but whateve- if you want it get it. Just don't make excuses. :drinker:
  • Your progress is AMAZE-BALLS!
  • Cheers! Welcome to the 100 club!!!!! Here's to many more amazing milestones! You look great!