'thigh gap'?



  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    I never even considered a "thigh gap" until I starting using MFP.
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    My mother tells of her Personal Hygiene class in school. The teacher told all of the girls that you know you're the right weight when you can fit your fist between your thighs.

    Ah, gotta love 1950s classes, right?

    I've had a fist between my thighs before...I mean...what?

  • ChubbyStudent25
    I'm knock kneed so a thigh gap is impossible at any weight for me. Some women aren't even thin and have one. I don't really think about it and I don't think most men do either.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    'Thigh gap' seem to be the thing to have. Hardly fair as not all woman have the hips to achieve it.
    But I don't really get it...who do you do this for? Do men like 'thigh gap' on a girl?
    Same with size zero....do men like size 0 women?
    I mean... is there anyone that really believes you get a higher status from those shapes even if they don't necessarily mean you're healthy?
    What do you guys and girls think of this?

    Thigh gap is not one of my goals, I don't have the body type for it, and don't understand other some women's facination with it. No man I've ever talked to has ever said anything to me about "look at the gap on that chick" unless they were looking at porn . . . but that's a different kind of gap all together.

    On another point, I think that there is way too much focus on doing this or that to please the opposite sex. I shape my body to please me and create a form which I find appealing, if I really want to please the opposite sex I'll show a little T&A . . . you do that and they forget about every think except the gap I mentioned earlier anyway.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I think someone who focuses on trivial cosmetic or material things has bigger issues they are AVOIDING and it's pretty immature. I personally work on improving THE WHOLE PERSON. I don't focus on some silly high school thing and I don't care about those who do.
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    I'm never going to have a thigh gap, no matter what size, my body just isn't built that way, and I'm totally okay with that :)
  • bethmillerwilson
    bethmillerwilson Posts: 43 Member
    My mother tells of her Personal Hygiene class in school. The teacher told all of the girls that you know you're the right weight when you can fit your fist between your thighs.

    Ah, gotta love 1950s classes, right?

    What position are your feet in during this measurement? Are they together or hip width? This seems extreme even for those days.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I think a woman would need to have very wide hips and slender legs, or just very, very skinny legs to achieve a thigh gap.

    I didn't know thigh gaps existed until my husband and his gamer friends showed me a picture of a (fictional) video game character who was drawn to have very wide hips and a perfect triangle gap between her legs. It looked a little freakish! LOL They were attracted to it, for some reason. I have no idea why.

    I can't remember who the character was. A WoW one, maybe?
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I remember the first time I realized I was capable of having "sunshine thighs." The only way for me to truly acheive them though is to get my body fat percentage under 17% and that's not something I have been able to maintain for any length of time (I also have a stupid fat pocket at the top of my thighs)...

    Talking to a few of my meathead friends, those boys think sunshine thighs are hot but only if you have the body to support it. I've heard the same guys that say it's a thing of beauty give it an "eww gross" when it's on a girl who just has tooth pick legs. Most of the men I know prefer their women a little thicker through the butt and thighs.

    I'm at a point where I would rather not have my thighs touch (um, chafing when running and cycling is uncool) and I know that my body will NEVER be a 0. I'll take a 6, and lets be real, it'll probably be a vanity size 6 but I'll still take it.
  • helganog
    helganog Posts: 15 Member

    Can we talk about the crisis in the Eurozone now ........
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I LOVE THE THIGH GAP! Big bonus points to girls that have it.

    I'm well aware that all women can't get it, a lot of it comes down to genetics. You need the right bone structure and muscle tone to have a good thigh gap.

    The same can be said for men that have the V and a 6 pack. A lot of it is genetics.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I honestly couldn't care less. It's such an asinine thing to want to achieve in my opinion. The ways to obtain them are a) Genetic disposition and b) Getting unhealthily thin. Sure some women won't have them if they're overweight and carry a lot of it in the thighs and later develop one as they lose weight, but for the majority this won't be the case.

    And besides, everyone has one when it matters.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't have it and I will never have it. I work hard on my legs to get them to be sexy and muscular. The last thing I'd want are spindly little things just to achieve the fabled "gap".
  • AniOnFire
    AniOnFire Posts: 33 Member

    See my above inspirational photo of Krista Knee one of the Founders of Flirty girl fitness, she has the -perfect- body, (minus lack of boobs) that I am trying to achieve for myself, she has a thigh gap, and awesome biceps and a cute tummy with awesome abs.. so I am going for the thigh gap! *gasp*... I'll let you know in a year when I get there if the videos help, because I didn't have one before at a zero.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    the obsession of this small about of negative space is kind of facinating.
    I know! I mean, wayyyy back in the day women got mad because of the absence of self...now they all want it in places lol. I just wish someone would get the terminology of this insecurity down:

    Thigh gap vs the chive vs mind the gap vs the triange...what does each one mean? Triange is the only one defined :tongue: What are the rest of the shapes? There's the () hole and the () hole with a triangle on top of that hole and another one where its a gigantic gaping triangle. Is there a difference? I'm so confused :noway:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    My mother tells of her Personal Hygiene class in school. The teacher told all of the girls that you know you're the right weight when you can fit your fist between your thighs.

    Ah, gotta love 1950s classes, right?

    What position are your feet in during this measurement? Are they together or hip width? This seems extreme even for those days.
    Hip width? Holy cow how big are your fists? :tongue:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This thread needs pictures. If you have this gap insecurity, which one is it specifying, the triange, or which one of the others??? So far I've found 4 kinds:

    gigantic triangle:

    giant oval:
    Can't seem to find a pic, but it's when the thighs touch again at the top and there's no triangle.

    Bottom oval and top triangle (thighs sometimes touch here):


    So triange has a name, do the others? So which is it that people are trying to get? :laugh:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    This thread needs pictures. If you have this gap insecurity, which one is it specifying, the triange, or which one of the others??? So far I've found 4 kinds:

    gigantic triangle:

    giant oval:
    Can't seem to find a pic, but it's when the thighs touch again at the top and there's no triangle.

    Bottom oval and top triangle (thighs sometimes touch here):


    So triange has a name, do the others? So which is it that people are trying to get? :laugh:
    I fixed your post.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I fixed your post.
    LOL I know that's all the guy sees. "Ow, I can see things from here and touch it without interference" I guess. There are way to many guys who are looking for thigh gap. I started having random conversations with the Software Engineers and was alarmed to find so many guys knew what it was and looked for it. So paranoyed people are staring at my crotch now. I wish I could hide it with my thighs now :tongue:
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    My mother tells of her Personal Hygiene class in school. The teacher told all of the girls that you know you're the right weight when you can fit your fist between your thighs.

    Ah, gotta love 1950s classes, right?

    What position are your feet in during this measurement? Are they together or hip width? This seems extreme even for those days.

    No clue, but my mom said she had it. Of course, she weighed 98 pounds for most of her younger life, dropping down to 88 for a short time there. I'm an inch shorter and can't imagine being that tiny. Then, neither can she anymore. Three kids and 70 years took their toll on her, and she's a far healthier weight now.