Birth Control and women



  • nikki_0522
    nikki_0522 Posts: 41 Member
    Any time I am on hormonal birth control I gain weight. The worst for me was Depo, which caused me to gain 30lbs in one year. I am currently on the Minera IUD and I have been able to loose weight on it.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    If I relied on condoms, that 20 and counting chick wouldn't have anything on me (husband isn't known for is self control). Anyways, I have an IUD -- ParaGard (the copper one - no hormones). It's been great. Love it. Anything foreign in your body can have a side effect (probably even shoving latex up your vagina) - fake boobs, metal plates, etc.
  • Angelbinick21
    Angelbinick21 Posts: 39 Member
    You won't catch me using bc pills. Same reason you won't catch me getting a flu shot - too much crud going in to my body! If there was even the slightest chance that they would cause blood clots, stroke, hormone inblanaces, etc. - why would anyone do that?! For birth control I stick to condoms or the rhythm method. People wonder what is causing all the cancer, autism,'s all these drugs floating around and contaminating our bodies.

    Ok, I'm done with my little rant. Love your bodies, ladies!
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    While I was on the Depo I ate healthy and exercised semi-regularly. While I didn't gain any weight, the scale didn't budge. I moved to Yaz and have been able to lose weight fairly easily. I've always supported the idea that if you eat healthy and exercise (which is what you should do regardless of being on birth control or trying to lose weight), you shouldn't have a problem. But everyone's body reacts differently to medication.
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    Birth cOntrol and I just don't mix. In fact , I suffer from extreme depression when taking them. My husband and I just decided on using condoms. Kind of lame but it's much better than me crying about being fat or being depressed for no reason. Its different for everyone. Before I had my daughter I could take birth control and have no side effects.. My hormones are all whack now.
  • vmbourg
    vmbourg Posts: 125 Member
    Jnh17- I thought the same but I fixed that problem by just putting them on my husband myself. He doesn't have a choice then !!! Just keep them handy by the bed side.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    I've been on DEPO for over 10 years now and I have gained weight over the past 10 years but I don't attribute it to DEPO I blame it on poor food choices and no exercise...I'm not ready to give up my DEPO anytime soon :)

    I totally agree with this! Altho I have had friends go on depo after hearing my success on it and have either gained weight shortly after or they were on the period 3 months solid. I haven't had either....well Ive been on depo for almost 8 years now. My gyno did tell me side effects and I get it filled at walgreens and the print out that comes with it lists tons of side effects. I do experience alot of these things such as hair loss, constant cold, wight gain, etc. However these things can happen for lots of reasons. Hair loss is common in the women in my family. I'm thinner than most of my family so I get chilled easier than they do!

    As far as weight gain. I dont blame depo. I had to move back in with my parents for a while and within 2 weeks I "outgrew" all of my jeans...wound up having to replace my entire wardrobe even! I have since met a fantastic guy and moved in with him. I have gained about 10 pounds more since meeting him. I guess I could blame the depo to have a place for the blame. But honestly I think it all depends on the person and their lifestyle (even consider lifestyle changes at the time of starting BC)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I am just curious how much birth control effects weight loss and gain. Based off the doctor they say there is potential but not enough research proving for sure. If a woman lives healthily she shouldn't have a problem is what I've read. But so many chicks say the depo and IUD's make you pack on weight. I think that some women are sensitive and others just are unhealthy meaning they do pack on the weight. I am promising myself I won't make that excuse for myself like I have in the past.
    I'm of average height, and average weight. EACH time I've tried hormone BC I've gained weight. And EACH TIME I've dieted while starting figuring this would be an issue. With the mirena I gained 10lbs in two weeks while dieting... and NEVER lost it.

    My honest opinion: your doc reads the brochures, which say there's no weight gain. I don't buy it. When docs and pharm companies DO say there's weight gain they say something like: "negligible" "only 10lbs". Most of us don't use "only" and and "10lbs" in the same sentence. (I remember a doc in Ireland telling me I'd "only" gain a stone!)
    I honestly believe they cause weight gain, in much the same way menopause does.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    I teach sex ed and when women ask me about gaining weight with birth contol this is my answer "Each woman is different. With birth control pills about 1/3 of women will gain weight, 1/3 will lose weight and 1/3 will stay the same." Women do tend to gain 5-10 lbs with Depo (the one you get injected once every 3 months.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    Something else to consider...or at least this is the terms my gyno used years ago. While on BC it kind of makes your body think it is pregnant (like depo, IUD's, anything that stops a period basically...i guess could also be other BC). And if you think about it that way when women get prego often times they have larger appetites and gain weight while prego. So if your BC makes your body think its prego...1+2= you may gain weight!!!

    As a matter of fact at one point I was on ortho tri cyclen and sometimes I would forget a dose or two. But with it say you miss monday and tuesday you take a pill wednesday am and pm then thursday am and pm...according to the insert. Well by the time friday would roll around I would have morning sickness from hell!! I'd even have to go home from school! Case in point...BC made my body think it was prego!
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    I'm going to have to disagree with you here. But first, I'd like to know exactly what kind of medical professional you are at only 19 years old?

    I have years of experience in womens' health, and my mother is an ob/gyn, so let me give my two cents here.

    Yes, occasionally, ectopic (ie "tubal") pregnancies can occur while on birth control. HOWEVER, the instance of that is NO HIGHER than the number of ectopic pregnancies occurring in women who aren't using any form of birth control.

    Yes, a few forms of hormonal birth control have been linked to blood clots, HOWEVER, that is relatively rare, and typically occurs in smokers, and people with a family or personal history of high blood pressure and clots. If your usage us monitored by a doctor, the risk is incredibly low.

    Infertility has been linked to iuds, but again, it's VERY RARE.

    25% of all pregnancies end in natural miscarriage anyway, and birth control does not affect this rate.

    Spreading misinformation like you did is dangerous, and can be counted among the reasons that the rate of unintended pregnancy is as high as it is.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    I'm going to have to disagree with you here. But first, I'd like to know exactly what kind of medical professional you are at only 19 years old?

    I have years of experience in womens' health, and my mother is an ob/gyn, so let me give my two cents here.

    Yes, occasionally, ectopic (ie "tubal") pregnancies can occur while on birth control. HOWEVER, the instance of that is NO HIGHER than the number of ectopic pregnancies occurring in women who aren't using any form of birth control.

    Yes, a few forms of hormonal birth control have been linked to blood clots, HOWEVER, that is relatively rare, and typically occurs in smokers, and people with a family or personal history of high blood pressure and clots. If your usage us monitored by a doctor, the risk is incredibly low.

    Infertility has been linked to iuds, but again, it's VERY RARE.

    25% of all pregnancies end in natural miscarriage anyway, and birth control does not affect this rate.

    Spreading misinformation like you did is dangerous, and can be counted among the reasons that the rate of unintended pregnancy is as high as it is.


    Thank you, Sarafil.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I've been on birth control for a million years, I have PCOS and a whole host of other issues... In the end if you eat well and exercise you'll be fine. You may need to adjust your diet or exercise but whateve- if you want it get it. Just don't make excuses.

  • sabyars
    sabyars Posts: 26
    I gained 20 on the depo! Just now finally took it off 8 years later :( Stopped bc all together 2 years ago
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Mmm. I have endometriosis so I have to take BC. Lupron has triple the horrifying side effects and uterine scarring is not an option.

    Not only does it KILL my sex drive, (as if it wasn't already bad thanks to pain during sex!) I find that I have to work harder to get/keep the weight off. I wouldn't say I pick up weight, but I spent a year off of birth control several years ago and dropped quite a few lbs the first month, and was eating like a hog because I was happily hungry for once. I find my day to day appetite to be muted on BC.. I think combined with the crazy hormone binging it's a really bad combination for me.

    The BC I'm on currently is a lot better as far as mood swing and the binging that comes with it... but I bet if I stopped taking it, the pounds would fly off. :)
  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    nuvaring = absolutely positively extremely fantastic and amazing

    Agreed! It was the only BC that worked for me, and had no side effects on my body! Pills and the arm implant thing just made me gain, spot constantly during the month, and become a crazy hormonal monster ;)

    Needless to say I have now found a different BC with no side effects ;)
  • danielleburwell97060
    I have no knowledge of IUD's but I've been on Depo and that can cause some serious weight gain. It stimulates your appetite.

    When I finally got insurance again and got to a dr in Jan I was telling her about not having regular periods and she asked if I wanted to go back on the pill and I said no, not if it would cause me a problem losing weight. She said that has been studied 8 ways from Sunday that the pill won't cause weight gain or make it hard to lose. And in fact, if your hormones are all out of whack, going on the pill to regulate your hormones, i.e. forcing your body to do what it should be doing naturally, it can help you lose weight. Same with things like sleeping on a normal schedule can be beneficial too. And I've lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks so with exercise and counting cals I've had no problem losing weight on the pill.