Looking for new friends too. :)
Yes, I like it. It is easy to search for what you are looking for.
Have you read The Hormone Cure? It covers a lot of what your Dr. touched on.
I'm sorry for your loss Deanna. I like Primal Life Organics. I've been having some really good results with their Banished and Beyond package for acne.
Usually it takes me one week for the sugar cravings to stop. Good luck!
Very cool!
I just got "It Starts with Food" and I love it!
Thanks for posting this, it is a different way for me to think about it. I just finished week 4 and I'm dreading w5d3. It is nice to think that I've run 16 mins (with walking) as opposed to just doing 5 minutes max.
Me too!
Great job!
I did it Tuesday, but I didn't add on to it. :) We will see how day three goes for me this afternoon.
I said the same thing yesterday!! :)
Congrats! I did my first day on Sunday and hope to do day 2 today. I'm calling it a run since it was more running than I've done in years. :)
I love mine!
Great job!! I would have so much trouble turning down Krispy Kremes!
I'm curious about this too.
What advantage does greek have over other plain yogurts?
This gives me hope!! :)
Thanks, but that might be too many eggs in one day for me since I have them for breakfast too. :)