WickedPineapple Member


  • I agree with everyone else that said that this guy didn't seem to be prepared for someone who was already getting in 25k steps a day. Why would you just randomly decide to quadruple your steps with no gradual increase? That's a great way to get injured, even just walking. I hit 55k steps once when I ran a Disney half…
  • I quit for a couple weeks a few years ago to see if stopping would help my GERD. It didn't, so I started drinking it again (except french roast, which definitely gives me immediate heartburn). This past summer I switched to decaf for a couple weeks to see if it would help my anxiety and/or insomnia. It did help a bit with…
  • Oh yeah, you should eat something immediately after, especially if you get lightheaded or dizzy.
  • Eight vials is a lot, especially fasted. I have to get a fairly comprehensive physical exam biennially for work, which includes four vials for bloodwork. This past August I got really lightheaded and my vision got just a bit hazy around the edges. I'm thinking if they took more I may have fainted. I wasn't dehydrated…
  • A close friend of mine also uses a carnivore-like diet to manage her autoimmune disease. However, even though that WOE helps her feel better, she can't manage it 100% of the time. It's too restrictive. She's been experimenting with introducing very small amounts of plants.
  • One gallon of water weighs a little over 8 lbs. This is why weighing in after drinking/eating is misleading, and why people suggest doing weigh-ins first thing in the morning (fasted).
  • Most days I get 400-500 for breakfast, and 800-900 on Saturdays when Mr. Pineapple and I go out for breakfast.
  • I've had vertigo on and off since I was a teenage. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older. My mom is also prone to it. We've both been to multiple doctors. She's also been to an ear, nose, and throat doctor who's been doing the epley maneuver on her whenever she gets it. It's hard to know whether that helps or not because…
  • I would avoid getting into the nitty gritty about your weight loss with your loved ones. Many people just don't understand this method and are highly resistant to it.
  • Instead of big pushes, try small / easy pushes. You can't completely overhaul your mindset overnight. You make small changes and stick with them. (I definitely agree with everyone above about aiming for a lot of non-weight related goals.) When you succeed with a small change / goal (for example, drinking more water), it…
  • If I'm remembering correctly, the survey comes out annually in the fall. October, maybe?
  • My favorites are balance collection. I usually get them from TJ Maxx. They were my first pair of running leggings and that first pair just started getting holes last month. I've been wearing them regularly for running, base layer, etc. for 5 years. I wear them as pj pants now. I like that they're soft, aren't too long (I'm…
  • Trying these really doesn't require bravery. We have local restaurants that serve elk and bison. I'm a picky eater, and I've tried both. I prefer either to beef, but like elk best. You just have to make sure to request it medium (it'll be dry if it's cooked more well done).
  • I actually had a similar experience of weight loss, but seemingly no fat loss. Over time it became apparent to me that I lost fat from my upper back & shoulders first, which weren't accounted for in any measurements. I didn't notice until the summer when all my tank tops showed way more cleavage than previously. Just keep…
  • I actually developed acid reflux after losing weight. (Note - I don't think they have anything to do with each other. My always healthy weight sister has had GERD since her 20s.) It was pretty bad for awhile, like I had it just about all the time and couldn't identify triggers. Even on meds it was still pretty bad. Then I…
  • In the short term, perhaps keep the chocolate powder (and sugar, if that's another food item you do this with) out of your home. Or if you live with someone, have them hide it from you.
  • I do! I'll break out the hula hoop when I'd like to get in some cardio, but don't want to go anywhere. I've logged it as light / low impact cardio. I had a HRM on the last time I hula hooped and it raised my HR less than walking.
  • So dude wants to go on "a break" so that he can get with your friend without guilt. When she rejects him, he goes back to you. He basically put you on relationship hold, then tries to manipulate/blame you?? *F* that. This is not someone you want to be in a serious and/or long term relationship with.
  • I'm currently in pelvic floor physical therapy. I'm going for the opposite issue, so kegels are a no-no for me. Although if she's looking to strengthen, I do think kegels are the way to go. There are a few different kinds of kegel exercises, which you can look up online. My PT also recommends daily / twice daily hip and…
  • I have zero expectations for the weather. It could be 25 or 85 degrees, snowing or thunder storming. Our weather is usually weird, but it's been even weirder than normal this year. Luckily I have all the cold running gear from the last time winter overstayed it's welcome. If you're running a 10k in 55 minutes, I doubt we'd…
  • We're running the same race! Hopefully it won't be cancelled again (last year there was freezing rain/snow/mix and they cut it to only the 5k). As for water, I agree that whatever you do in training is what you should do on the day of the race. Definitely hydrate beforehand. Have you been training outside? You might find…
  • I found this calculator for a variety of walking speeds/inclines, which I've found useful. https://captaincalculator.com/health/calorie/calories-burned-walking-calculator/
  • A stabbing feeling in your chest sounds more like acid reflux, which can be triggered by a variety of foods/drinks.
  • I can't hold my breath under water without plugging my nose.
  • I'm doing a 15k at the end of March as well and am following the novice Hal Higdon training plan. It's 10 weeks, so I'm starting this week. If you can easily run 3 miles in 24 minutes now and are already running 2 miles 3-4x per week, you're honestly in the ideal place to start training.…
  • I used a fitbit flex for a few years. It worked just as well on your ankle or in your pocket. And as mentioned above, there's the zip. https://www.fitbit.com/zip
  • I've usually seen mini = half marathon. If you're having trouble with the timing, why don't you pick a different/less aggressive training plan? For example, the Hal Higdon novice half marathon plans don't have short/weekday runs over 5 miles. Edited to add: You don't have to follow your training plan to the letter either.…
  • Go to a running store, ask for a gait analysis, run awkwardly in front of them, and see what shoes they recommend based on your gait. Also, are you new to running? How far/fast/often are you running? You might be overdoing it and/or not allowing for enough recovery time. My husband starting doing calf stretches after…