TaraM430 Member


  • It’s only a relapse if you want it to be. No one is perfect. Those couple days do not cancel out the past 6 weeks of mindful eating. You’ve got this! :smile:
  • Tara- 1 The Binge- 2 Days Binge Free - 1
  • Ahhhh I have the same problem. But I know it's NOT about hunger for me, it's because I use food to relax and unwind. As soon as my kids are in bed I want to watch some TV and EAT. It's a horrible habit, eating in front of the TV, mindless eating. I always save 100 -150 calories for a snack or dessert during that time of…
  • So far so good, going to make dinner soon. I did exercise this morning, I did a Jessica Smith dvd and I also did my therapy exercises for my knees. For the past several days I have lost control in the evenings. After the kids go to bed I want to relax with food. 8pm is the witching hour for me...
  • Thanks. I appreciate everyone's responses. How true it is to say that worrying doesn't lose weight, I think it actually does the opposite for me!
  • Thanks so much for your reply! It helps to relate to others who are going through the same thing. :smile:
  • Hi everyone! I was doing OK until I got off track Easter weekend and I haven't been able to get back on the wagon since. I joined this group looking for some motivation and support and as well as offering mine. I'm a stay at home mom with knee and back issues so I am limited as to how I can workout. This is mostly about…
  • I also struggle with binge eating. I am an emotional eater so I like to eat when I am stressed, sad, tired, mad, you name it. I was doing good yesterday until the very end of the day when I binged on some Easter candy. When I binge, I eat so quick, it's like I don't even really taste it and I always do it when I'm alone.…
  • I have done WW meetings twice. The first time was last year right after I had my second baby. I lost 22lbs in 10 weeks. After I stopped going to meetings some of the weight crept back on as I stopped following the program. I rejoined WW meetings this past January but my head really wasn't in the game and I hated having to…
  • I will be happy to add you! I am a stay at home mom of two and am down 28lbs so far. I am close to my goal weight but the real challenge for me will be to keep it off as I am usually bad at that! I'd love to help support and motivate you! :)
  • I had a section last April when my son was born. I have a daughter also but she was born vaginally. I had a good experience with my c-section. I was surprised that I was able to move around as much as I did afterwards, but I know that is not the case for everyone. My son was born on April 11, 2012. I joined weight watchers…
  • You just have to hang in there. Mix up work workout routine after a month or so because your body needs that change for a boost. You may have to play around with your calories a bit too and see how the scale responds. I'm down 28lbs since January but at first my head wasn't in the game and I was going on and off the…
  • As the kids get older it gets easier. My husband goes to the gym at 7:30 in the evenings, right after our 1 year old goes to bed. I try and do a DVD during nap time and I set up something for my 5 year old daughter to keep her occupied while I exercise.
  • I feel that food addiction a lot. I am an emotional eater and I like to binge when I feel sad, depressed, or frustrated. I was also raised in a family where every holiday/celebration revolves around food and where feeding everyone is a way of showing love. You are right, you can't escape food, you need it to live,…
    in Addiction Comment by TaraM430 May 2013
  • First of all, I am so sorry you have had a rough few months. Dealing with all of that would be challenging for anyone. I find it hard to stay on track also. I'm an emotional eater. I will do really well for a few weeks then I will have a bad day, get depressed and go on a binge. I wish I had the answer for you but I…
  • Thank You! :smile:
  • I did NOT eat the cookies. They are still out there but not calling my name like last night. I really think it helped me posting about it because I kept reading all of the responses and I would have felt extra bad after all of the good advice. Self control is still something I have to work on.
  • Good advice, but I'm coming off a bad weekend from celebrating Mother's Day. It's important that I stay on track the rest of this week. You make an excellent point though!
  • WOW! Lots of good ideas here and a lot of comments that made me chuckle! :laugh:
  • I think it's natural to be envious of other people. If you want to use her as your motivation, go for it, just be careful. Getting in shape only really works if you do it for YOURSELF and to live a healthier lifestyle. I don't think you are being a bad friend, it's not like you are telling her, "Watch out, I WILL BE hotter…
  • Thanks for your replies! The instant support is great and reminds me that I'm not in this alone!
  • Feel free to add me as well. I am a mom to my 5 year old daughter and my son who just turned 1. I am finally back at my pre-pregnancy weight (I had gained 55lbs) and now am working on an additional 15lbs.
  • Although it does not get as warm up here in PA (usually), I find myself gaining back lost weight during the summer. The heat turns me into a slug and with all the parties, bbqs, and treats around it is so easy to gain weight. My goal this year is to try and stay as active as possible this summer!