Can't get back on track... :(

I started over on January 11th and on April 4th I was down 15lbs. I did have a couple setbacks, Valentines weekend turned into a week and a half of binging and I ended up gaining 7lbs. Got back on track on Feb 23rd and was doing great until Easter weekend hit. I totally lost control and haven't been able to get back on track. When I weighed in last Saturday I was up 4.2. I'm just feeling lost right now. I am an emotional eater. I like to eat when I'm stressed, sad, tired, mad, annoyed, you name it. I also have a bad back and knee issues from overtraining for a half marathon last year. Everything has been sore lately and that effects me being able to exercise. I want to be active but I have limitations and I miss running very much. Just feeling down in the dumps and stuck in a rut. Everyday I wake up saying today is a new day, clean slate, and then I end up blowing it, usually at the very end of the day. I was starting to feel good, I had gone down a size and I just blew it, again. Sorry for the long rant. If anyone takes the time to read this I would appreciate any advice although deep down I know what I have to do it's just the DOING it that I'm having a hard time with.


  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I am the same as you! I have a day like easter where I seem to lose control and eat to extremes, then it takes me forever to get back on track! I know logically that if it was just the one day it would not really affect my overall process but it's like something in my head overrides that and I can spend the next several days/weeks basically binge eating to extremes! Then because I know I will have gained weight I'm afraid to weigh myself and start over, and it just seems like a vicious circle. I am an emotional eater too. I know that isn't really helping you but I identify with your situation and just wanted to say it's not just you! :-)
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks so much for your reply! It helps to relate to others who are going through the same thing. :smile:
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    That's how I am feeling today too! Weighed in and gained weight from last week, its only a lb - but I have been between the same 3 lbs for like 2 months now. I have to be better at this! I just jumped back on MFP after trying & eventually cancelling WW. I was never utilizing it. Now that its (finally) nice outside I am trying to get outside more, downloaded an app to count my steps and I have to stop eating out. HAVE TO. Last night's dinner out was an entire day of calories. Hmph.
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks. I appreciate everyone's responses. How true it is to say that worrying doesn't lose weight, I think it actually does the opposite for me!