Cookies are calling my name...



  • rycolter01
    rycolter01 Posts: 5
    I know how you feel. Freeze them. I had to do that when my dad made me a huge peach cobbler, that my husband does't eat. I had a serving everyday for 4 days then realized that I was gaining weight. My dad suggested that I freeze it. It's been frozen since February.

    You an also ask your Mom to only bring over a 1/2 dozen next time.

    Good luck.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    How about you sit down right now plan your day tomorrow so that you can get in a nice long workout, and earn enough calories for 4 or 6 cookies and a glass of milk? If you know you can have some tomorrow, it will get you through tonight. And then you can enjoy some mom-made cookies without feeling bad about it.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Hide them!!! Step away!! lol Its not worth it!
  • juniper73
    juniper73 Posts: 2 Member
    I put them in the freezer too. My home made choc chip cookies are my weakness and my binge food, so I rarely make them. I am always conflicted by wanting to make home made treats for my kids (rather than store bought) and my tendency to eat "inappropriately" around them - argh!

    Just wanted to say I feel your pain xx
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    How about you sit down right now plan your day tomorrow so that you can get in a nice long workout, and earn enough calories for 4 or 6 cookies and a glass of milk? If you know you can have some tomorrow, it will get you through tonight. And then you can enjoy some mom-made cookies without feeling bad about it.
    ] another great idea!!
  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for your replies! The instant support is great and reminds me that I'm not in this alone!

    you#re never ever alone :flowerforyou:
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Put the cookies away!! (Put the in the freezer, back corner of the cupboard, etc)

    Ma'am, step away from the cookies!!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Ugh. I don't have any good advice. I'm right there with ya.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i like 100 cal cookie packs from keebler, fruit, individual applesauces, yogurt, gogurt, fruit snacks
  • keriluvs
    keriluvs Posts: 2
    Put the cookies away!! (Put the in the freezer, back corner of the cupboard, etc)

    Ma'am, step away from the cookies!!!

    thats awesome!!!! i completely understand!!!!
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Food itself isnt my drug, but there are certain foods that are. Like cookies. There is nothing nobody can say, or nothing I can do, to not eat a dozen cookies if I got the chance. I don't allow them in my crib. My granddaughter brought some over for her snack when she slept overnight, I took them, and dared her to bring any more here, and warned my daughter. So that will never happen again. I don't support any cookie peddlers either, mean as that may sound, but I'm not going to set myself up. I LOVE COOKIES BETTER THAN SEX
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    Buy a safe that only your husband (if you have one?) knows the combination to and have him throw them in there xD
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am not strong enough to have a lot of them in the house, yes freeze them or give them away!
  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    Put the cookies away!! (Put the in the freezer, back corner of the cupboard, etc)

    Ma'am, step away from the cookies!!!

    Because I m British I read MFP in an American accent..... well my take of an American accent which makes whit a whole lot whittier for me!!
    On the other hand..... yep get away from the cookies. Enjoy a sugary fruit :):flowerforyou:
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    Change your name :-)
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    WOW! Lots of good ideas here and a lot of comments that made me chuckle! :laugh:
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    Oh no. Now I feel like baking some. :smile:
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    My mom brought over a container of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for my daughter. I did eat one and I logged it. I am literally sitting here obsessing about them. I am afraid once I put my daughter to bed in 30 min I will go down and eat half of them with a glass of milk. I wish I had more self control. At times I feel like food is my "drug" and I'm an addict. Sitting and having a binge is like a high for me, of course afterwards I just feel awful. I wish having those cookies downstairs didn't have an effect on me...

    Does this happen to you every day? If not, enjoy some more cookies! There is nothing wrong with enjoying some cookies so long as you can fit them into your weekly target. Try focusing on your weekly goals instead of your daily goals. For me the increased flexibility of doing so takes away all stress and guilt from my food choices. I can eat basically anything I want on one specific day and still hit my weekly calorie and macro targets.
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    Good advice, but I'm coming off a bad weekend from celebrating Mother's Day. It's important that I stay on track the rest of this week. You make an excellent point though!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    How about you sit down right now plan your day tomorrow so that you can get in a nice long workout, and earn enough calories for 4 or 6 cookies and a glass of milk? If you know you can have some tomorrow, it will get you through tonight. And then you can enjoy some mom-made cookies without feeling bad about it.

    ^ This! Very sensible approach!

    Or, if this is a special treat that you might not get very often, then why not allow yourself the luxury of a bit of a splurge? If you're generally consistent in the long run, one day of delicious cookies will not undo all your hard work and is no cause for guilt. (Says the person who enjoyed the hell out of three pieces of delicious cake yesterday and didn't even feel a bit bad about it).