Cookies are calling my name...



  • Sqauterina11
    Sqauterina11 Posts: 60 Member
    How about you sit down right now plan your day tomorrow so that you can get in a nice long workout, and earn enough calories for 4 or 6 cookies and a glass of milk? If you know you can have some tomorrow, it will get you through tonight. And then you can enjoy some mom-made cookies without feeling bad about it.

    ^ This! Very sensible approach!

    Or, if this is a special treat that you might not get very often, then why not allow yourself the luxury of a bit of a splurge? If you're generally consistent in the long run, one day of delicious cookies will not undo all your hard work and is no cause for guilt. (Says the person who enjoyed the hell out of three pieces of delicious cake yesterday and didn't even feel a bit bad about it).

    If I plan a treat, I never eat the treat.. the thought of it killllllls me. A win, win I guess. :flowerforyou:
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    My mom brought over a container of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for my daughter. I did eat one and I logged it. I am literally sitting here obsessing about them. I am afraid once I put my daughter to bed in 30 min I will go down and eat half of them with a glass of milk. I wish I had more self control. At times I feel like food is my "drug" and I'm an addict. Sitting and having a binge is like a high for me, of course afterwards I just feel awful. I wish having those cookies downstairs didn't have an effect on me...

    I understand how you are feeling.. I want to know what to do to.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Oh no. Now I feel like baking some. :smile:

    Thank God I dont have baking soda or butter at home.
  • judtod
    judtod Posts: 85
    Explain to your mother how difficult this is for you and ask her to please just bring enough for one serving for your daughter next time. Tell her homemade cookies can be her special treat when she visits grandma.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    put them in a safe and burry them in the back for me every time...
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    Lady I feel your pain. I love anything sweet. LOVE LOVE LOVE COOKIES. Cake squares chocolate. I find it very hard to resist and say no sweets. I know I am a true sugar addict. I fight with this everyday. I have no advice on how to handle this. I just say no to them as much as possible but often my sweet tooth wins me over.
  • ixa73
    ixa73 Posts: 24 Member
    Don't do it! I ate 700 cals over yesterday - white choc chip homemade - they weren't worth it. Have to work out twice as hard today and it's raining outside..... don't want to ride in the rain.....
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    put them in a safe and burry them in the back for me every time...

    or drop them on the bathroom floor behind the toilet and pick them up again and then ask yourself if you want any.
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    I keep other foods in the house to help with the sweet tooth. If I'm craving sweets, I'll get graham crackers/peanut butter, or some fruit, or some yogurt. Then I get a bit of a nutritional punch for my sweet tooth!
  • what_lola_wants
    what_lola_wants Posts: 129 Member
    Crave for something healthy instead. Tell yourself, there is yogurt in the fridge. It taste better and healthier... Brain wash yourself !!!
  • FedoraNinja
    FedoraNinja Posts: 45
    I want you to take your thoughts and just distance yourself from them. Just analyze how you feel.

    Yes, you do crave cookies. But those thoughts and feelings, despite being legitimate, don't shape your actions. They don't hold sway over you.

    You are not your cravings. You are your actions. This you is the culmination of all the sweat and effort and good decisions you've made thus far.

    You've got enough grit to stand by your goals. I know it. :heart:
  • TaraM430
    TaraM430 Posts: 26 Member
    I did NOT eat the cookies. They are still out there but not calling my name like last night. I really think it helped me posting about it because I kept reading all of the responses and I would have felt extra bad after all of the good advice. Self control is still something I have to work on.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    Sounds like your mom thinks love and food are related. I used to bake etc but... I realized I was using food as a love substitute. Does your daughter want to be in the same weight loss cycle as you are in?? You don't want this either. Don't start with food and love being one.

    You are an adult. Ask you mom NOT to bring cookies or other sweets. Fruit, veggies etc are fine. Come over for a talk or walk.

    Toss the cookies in the trash after you eat one and give one to child. Let her know the issue with you and food.
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    I know the feeling. And the freezer doesn't stop me either. What stops me is an empty cookie jar. I just posted on my MFP status a couple of days ago that when I bake, I now only do it when I know that most of the product will be given away or eaten by others. So for bake sales and birthdays. Then if there's 8 cookies left and I eat 5, leaving one each for the other family members, it's only 5 cookies. 5 cookies is a lot, but it could easily be a dozen over the course of a day if I didn't give away the rest. Good for you for showing restraint.

    The one thing I've found that does sometimes work is a shot of protein. So when I'm really craving another cookie, I will try to eat some meat or drink a protein shake and that sometimes (not all the time) will stop the cravings.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I did NOT eat the cookies. They are still out there but not calling my name like last night. I really think it helped me posting about it because I kept reading all of the responses and I would have felt extra bad after all of the good advice. Self control is still something I have to work on.

    Congratulations, that is a huge step. Everyone is tempted but there is no shame unless you give in. Pat yourself on the back for staying strong. Super cute daughter by the way.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Out of sight, out of mind! If it's there I WILL eat it ): I'd trash it/give it to neighbours (or at least share)/give it to the homeless/stick motivational pics on it or the cupboard that holds it to remind yourself to stay focussed!
  • kimberlypayne
    kimberlypayne Posts: 9 Member
    When the urge gets too strong for me I try on something that doesn't fit or something that USED TO FIT and its amazing how quickly that urge passes. I'm totally depressed but at least I don't want to eat the cookie anymore.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Put the cookies away!! (Put the in the freezer, back corner of the cupboard, etc)

    Ma'am, step away from the cookies!!!

    I've done the freezer thing and it worked! You are stronger than those cookies!

    Ive tried the freezer thing also but frozen cookies are great as they melt in your mouth. I just do not buy them very often or ill just get a few and promise my kids I will save the cookes for them to eat and I willl but if I get too many I will eat all them up except for the ones I promised them. Heck ive even thrown some away then hour later pulled them out of the trash (provided there not nasty or anything) So now i put them down the disposal if I really want to get rid of them.
  • Jelly_Bean313
    Jelly_Bean313 Posts: 12 Member
    Whenever I get a craving for something sweet I indulge in a Skinny Cow Ice Cream. They are low in calories, but you can not tell the difference in the taste. I am constantly surrounded by sweets and junk food so my cravings have a tendency going rampant. Quaker Popped Rice Cakes, Caramel Corn, Apple Cinnamon, and Chocolate satisfy a sweet tooth. Skinny Cow Ice Creams help so much.
  • peaches3creme
    Maybe not applicable since they were made and they're not yours...

    But ANY leftovers that I'm tempted to eat, I cover in washing up liquid, or something equally as gross.

    I do this too! Left overs get covered in some form of detergent ... Illl tell people it to keep the kitchen fresh as i hate the smell of bins! lol :flowerforyou:

    This is a really good idea I actually haven't tried yet...
    Hiding does NOT work (I always get them and eat them all at once, if not that day then the next),
    And freezing HECK NO (it's soo easy to remove from the freezer as soon as they're in!)
    Duct tape etc? (same thing I will remove lol)

    What works for me? THROWING THEM OUT. Better, just so I don't feel deprived: if I'm craving cookies it probably means I'm hungry, so I will prepare something healthy to eat like veggies or chicken and save one cookie (or chocolate) to eat after so I don't feel deprived (throw the rest out immediately).