

  • Thank y'all for all of your concerns. I really appreciate your feedback. Trust me, I didn't come to this decision quickly at all. In fact, initially I was completely against it because it felt like giving up on myself, but what I've come to learn is that I'd be saving myself. I'd be saving my children's mother... my…
  • I can definitely feel the energy difference when I did and didn't use diet pills. If you think that you need the energy to get to the gym, then go ahead, but make sure to follow up with a protein shake or supplement.
  • Yuck Adam is not a commercial singer! I can't stand his voice when he goes off on those woman notes. That kind of stuff should be saved for the opera and broadway! I can't believe Danny got sent home.:cry: At least he will for sure get a record deal.
  • :cry: So this was like the season of the old people?laugh: Or maybe it was a part of the pink streak? I'm shocked and upset that Helen won. I would have never kept myself in a game that my daughter NEEDED. That was so selfish and it really shows you what kind of mother she was. Besides, Helen looked gross. She looked weak…
  • I could walk the two miles around the base which takes about an hour or I could work out in my garage with my in-home gym for an hour. Which do you think would burn more? I have a adult trampoline, mini eliptical, resistance bike, weight sets, and a punching bag.
  • I hate that I work out all week and then go crazy for bad foods on the weekends. That can't be normal. What the heck makes my will power go on vaction on sat and sun?:angry: I need a sponser for the weekends. Any takers?:flowerforyou: They could be like, "put the milk down and back away from the ds oreos!" Help!
  • You guys drink an entire gallon of water a day? I have trouble sucking down the traditional 8 glasses. Water is so tasteless. And lemon doesn't do much because then I want to add some sugar for lemonade.:drinker: Anywho, is it better to gulp it in the morning or just throughout the day?
  • wow thanks. how do i get a sponsor like that?
  • Well, I’m in a bit of a funk today, but I need help so I’m going to be the most real that I’ve ever been. I’m able to maintain this sunny demeanor most days, but I’m so tired today. I keep having this doctor’s voice replaying in my mind. (Let me give you some back ground information.) I’ve been having this horrible…
  • I'm over 300 pounds again. I've been working at this for a little while and it seems like I haven't lost anything. I'm getting discouraged to be putting in this amount of work and seeing no loss. I feel stronger, but the scale and the tape measure don't lie. What the heck is going on? Why won't this weight get off of my…
  • I agree hmo4. I'm really tired of Ron's puppetering and Kristin saying wow, I lost 115 pounds. That is incredible and she deserves some props, but not for forever because she still has a good 100 that still needs to go. She isn't done and she shouldn't be acting like she is. Personally, I want Tara to win. At least she has…
  • limewire. but make sure to pick the songs with a checkmark cause those are virus free
  • I'm glad that you can find the humor. My husband bought me a wii because I had been wanting one and I was too fat to use it. It actually said OUCH! So, at least I have a goal of being able to use it by the summer.:explode: I was totally mad at first, but in hind sight that is pretty funny.
  • I need to know some up tempo tunes to download on my mp3 player to keep me in the zone.:bigsmile:
  • I feel like I've binged for the past 3 days!
  • I have a some what similar problem. When I'm being good, then I am really good. But when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard! I don't know how to refocus and not eat. I hate cooking separate meals for my family than me.
  • There are a lot of things going on right now and I feel like I won't be able to make a real commitment to eating right until Sunday. Sunday my husband can be home with me to monitor that I am not cheating secretly, like I have been in the past. I'm very hopeful, but this is so tough. Doctor's don't realize how much effort…
  • I'm back on the wagon myself. It's tough, but this site has helped immensely. Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • I'd like someone to hold me accountable each week. Do you want to be that person for me? Let's pick a day to report back to one another!:blushing:
  • That is udderly disturbing!
  • Hi there. I totally feel you about wanting your hubby to be proud. My hubby is in the military so he's in great shape and I don't even have a shape at all. We can do this!:flowerforyou:
    in New Comment by MommyWilson March 2009
  • hi there:flowerforyou:
    in Hello! Comment by MommyWilson March 2009
  • I have about two people to lose and I'm loving this site! Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks ladies. Right now I'm back to feeling like I can get all this weight off... funny enough when I woke up this song from Rascal Flats was on. I'm sure that weight loss was not intended to be the theme of the song, but it really helped me today.:blushing: Here are the lyrics. Feels Like Today lyrics I woke up this…
  • That might be too much information for some, but I hate that I completely fell off of the wagon. Hell, I ate the wagon! I don't want to wait to get back on until it's over, but I feel so unmotivated and all I want is sweets and carbs. Does anyone else feel like this during that time or is it just some kind of craziness…
  • Does anyone know what that means? I tried looking it up but could only find that it means you have too much cortisol. I admit to feeling stressed, but I doubt that that has anything to do with why I can't control my eating. What are your thoughts? Oh, and the results take like 2 weeks to get. Can you believe that? :noway:
  • I weigh myself every morning to see if the is any progress and I'm disappointed with the results. I started last weekend at 333. This morning I was 327.2 and I was so bummed. I don't know if I watch too much Biggest Loser or what. I just thought that since I had so much weight to lose then it would come off a lot more…
  • same boat. maybe we could chat about our motivations.
  • Does anyone else feel like they just ruined the hard work they put in over the 5 day week on the weekend? I stayed within my calorie allowance, but I did not feel like exercising at all. Now, I feel just as heavy as I did last monday when I tried to kick this thing off in the first place. I'm sure that I only gained like 2…