Weekend binge

Does anyone else feel like they just ruined the hard work they put in over the 5 day week on the weekend? I stayed within my calorie allowance, but I did not feel like exercising at all. Now, I feel just as heavy as I did last monday when I tried to kick this thing off in the first place. I'm sure that I only gained like 2 pounds of the 6 that I lost, but still... I don't want to take a couple of steps forward then 2 or 3 back. That will take forever and not give me the health and results that I want. Grrr! I'm so upset with myself.:explode:


  • MommyWilson
    Does anyone else feel like they just ruined the hard work they put in over the 5 day week on the weekend? I stayed within my calorie allowance, but I did not feel like exercising at all. Now, I feel just as heavy as I did last monday when I tried to kick this thing off in the first place. I'm sure that I only gained like 2 pounds of the 6 that I lost, but still... I don't want to take a couple of steps forward then 2 or 3 back. That will take forever and not give me the health and results that I want. Grrr! I'm so upset with myself.:explode:
  • angelinaz
    angelinaz Posts: 262
    I am going to send you one of my angels to be with you so that you aren't so hard on yourself. I love you and you will do this. If you only ate your calorie allotment, I am sure you will feel better in the morning than you do tonight. My week-end food was tough this week-end, too. Tomorrow is a new day. I went to your homepage. I love your slogan. Peace and blessings. When you look at your babies and feel the love, transfer that to you and feel the love grow for yourself. :heart:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they just ruined the hard work they put in over the 5 day week on the weekend? I stayed within my calorie allowance, but I did not feel like exercising at all. Now, I feel just as heavy as I did last monday when I tried to kick this thing off in the first place. I'm sure that I only gained like 2 pounds of the 6 that I lost, but still... I don't want to take a couple of steps forward then 2 or 3 back. That will take forever and not give me the health and results that I want. Grrr! I'm so upset with myself.:explode:

    Why not do 30minutes of excercise to get yourself focused...I see so many people waiting until "tomorrow" the issue is and maybe its just my opinion but ..sometimes there are things we can do immediately...yes they wont be our normal routine but we will feel better afterwards....you could take a few minutes and do some yoga moves and meditate and focus on your goals rather than wait until tomorrow...get a notepad and write to yourself all the reasons you want to succeed..im sure they will outweigh the 60minutes or so it takes to excercise daily...we all have "fat"days thats where we are tested and must push through...otherwise we are left with guilt and thats a horrible feeling....good luck in your journey ..stay focused ...your personal health and well being are just as important as anything else you do daily that requires your attention.