

  • Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins
  • Don't worry about it too much. With diet/exercise changes your menstrual cycle will change a bit too but will settle back to a normal routine
    in Lady Issues Comment by red4560 May 2011
  • Just FYI, Your weight fluctuates throughout the day on a normal basis. You are lighter in the morning than you are at night. When losing weight sometimes you lose weight. gain more and then drop it further than you initially lost! Isn't that great!
  • You must eat at least 1200 calories of food a WITHOUT exercise. So if you exercise you have to eat more. A good protein diet is the way to go! Easy on the carbs though. It'll take a while for body to change to the new routine but you will lose weight!
  • Start doing exercises that tone your muscles rather than trying to lose weight for now.
  • Don't worry! Sometimes it takes longer for the body to realize a change in diet. Are you drinking more water and less of other fluids? That should definitely bring some changes. Also decreasing your carb intake (bread) and increasing your protein intaking helps as well. Umm lets see, lighter meals in the evening than in…
  • I don't think its the might want to consult your gynecologist...have you been on this BC awhile now? Your body may be going under some stress so your cycle may be changing up a bit. See your doc. You might need to get a different BC.
  • Give us some tips on how you stayed motivated and nutritonal tips, exercise tips, etc. Now you gotta keep it off! Congrats to ya! :flowerforyou:
    in So now what? Comment by red4560 May 2011
  • sure does! It keeps you watchful of what you eat and how you are progressing.
  • Coffee is awesome! Never give it up! Though if you put a lot of cream and sugar in it, have it in moderation.
  • Do stretching exercises!
  • Well when I try to lose weight in a short amount of time I go on a water diet. No other drinks except water. I also go on a no bread diet. Drinking water only for 2 weeks made me lose between 2-5ibs and on a no bread diet for 2 weeks made me loose another 2-5 ibs. So you can always try that. You are basically losing "water…
  • Boil them and and chop them up and add them to a salad! Balsamic vinagrette is a tasty choice to a salad and the texture of egg whites is pretty good with tomatoes and leaf lettuce! Yum!
  • Hmmm... Thats verrry good make sure you are eating healthy and exercising right and not overdoing anything but other than that I think its great! I would double check with you doctor though just in case.
  • Positive thinking will end in positive results!
  • Well, I personally don't work out in my make up because I just sweat it off and it can clog your pores but that's my opinion. I just wait till after I work out, take a shower and then worry about make up.
  • Your body is getting rid of toxins! I know its a weird thing your body does but there you have it! Your body is under some stress (good stress mind you) of changes that you are making by losing weight and changing your diet. It'll clear up soon. You can always try that acne-free stress control stuff they sell by neutrogena…
  • I'm in the same postion you are in! I don't have to lose much but I want to lose it! Lets cheer each other on!
  • Depends on what exercises you were doing too
  • to bed to sleep some more....then up to dress....:embarassed:
  • You won't get weight gain if you are under your calorie intake but you are over your sugar intake if you are eating NATURAL sugar like fruit.
  • over eating one day won't set you back. Its over a period of time you have to watch out for.. For eating out and going to friends' places you'll become friends with "to-go" boxes. Just eat small quantites but don't eat till you are full, especially for dinner. good luck!
  • When you find out how to do that let me know!:tongue:
  • Its a good snack to have on hand in case you get the munchies...keeps the weight down too
    in Trail Mix Comment by red4560 May 2011
  • Totally agree. Low-impact exercise works and water always helps. That bloating sensation that you get is I think because all the water you actually hold while you are on your period. It would probably explain the few extra pounds you gain while you are on your period....
  • Yeah, your body is changing! Your diet changes will affect your skin as well. It will go away don't worry.
  • you can always have a pack of trail mix on you if you get hungry: its filling in small quantities and its healthy! I am always hungry so I know how you feel. You should also try eating more protein too. Carbs and sweets will only fill you for a short period of time...
  • well I don't know about sagging skin but I have had experience with rapid weight gain or loss you get strech marks that don't go away for a looong looong time...
  • Hi Well I've just started recording what I eat. I'm trying to lose weight too. I'll be there for support for ya! :flowerforyou: