tdh302 Member


  • Genetics do play a part and although we can't solely blame genetics for difficulty with reaching a particular size/weight- it can't be discounted either; it is one factor. I have been pretty much the same weight and size since i was about 25. I have never really changed much other than an occasional 5 pounds up or down -…
  • Jell-O pudding Temptations - Double Chocolate Pie 120 calories It's like a small piece of rich chocolate pie without a crust
  • I did it a year ago and I did the "lean" version- which really wasn't that much different than the traditional p90x. I personally did not like how my body looked afterward and hence, did not do another round. If you are someone who tends to increase muscle size easily in particular areas- this program will certainly help…
  • I admit that I haven't read all of the posts, so this may just be echoing what others have stated; however, here are my thoughts. I personally look at holidays as a time to be with people, or participate in activities, that I normally don't get to enjoy. That usually includes some foods that I don't normally eat or may…
  • Allison- Its important to note that although having one doesn't imply that you will have the other...celiac and hashimoto's is not uncommon to overlap because they are both autoimmune diseases. Some celiacs go their entire lives without further problems, while others may develop other autoimmune problems as time goes on.…
  • It runs in my family. I was diagnosed as Celiac about 11 years ago. I was also diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis two weeks ago and now avoid soy as well. There are tons of message boards regarding celiac disease and some good sites you can sign up for through facebook.
  • Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you!!
  • Today marks 1 week on 25mg of levothyroxine for Hashimoto's (hypothyroid). I had symptoms for over a year (cold all the time, my weight started creeping up and would not budge- never had a problem with this and I am very regimented with food and workouts, and I had difficulty concentrating for long periods of time and…
  • Well...I shocked myself. Chip time was 29:35. I have no idea how I pulled this off since I have been running like a snail for the past three weeks. I did throw some interval training in this past week, so that may have helped. Anyway...thanks for the comments and allowing me to vent last week :) I guess slow and steady…
  • I'm certainly no expert, but based on what you stated, not being on medication for a week or so could have contributed to how you're feeling now. Un-managed thyroid can also affect how you feel psychologically. So some of what you are feeling could be directly related to this, as some of the realities of your life (i.e.…
  • There are probably medical doctors and pharmacists on here who are far more knowledgeable, but I'm a PsyD student in my fourth year and taking psychopharmacology course now. Many of the medications used for depression and anxiety do have weight gain listed as a common side effect; however, each individual's body chemistry…
  • Thanks for the comments and encouragement!
  • I know some people who do weight watchers have 0 points or "free" foods, but that's a different system. On here, you're calorie counting. So you can have all the air and water you want for "free" but everything else counts and can add up if you eat enough of it :)
  • I am a 4th year PsyD student working at an inpatient psychiatric facility. It depends on the state laws, but if a neighbor appears to be at immediate risk of harming themselves or possibly others, you can call local police to state your concern and ask that they send someone to check on the person. If they believe that the…
  • I get up every chance I can. I also use stairs instead of the elevator. If you work in a building that has more than one floor, with restrooms on each level, always opt for one that isn't on your floor. If you work in a one level building, you can even take a few minutes here and there to loop the building on foot. If…
  • I've been on a couple and have one coming up in December- no problems with weight gain. Just my opinion, but once you've been through the buffet line two days in a row, the remainder of the days are not that exciting. The food is good, but it isn't so tempting that you can't just make good choices. Watch your portions,…
  • The fact that you walk and take stairs tells me that you don't "suck" at exercising. Just focus on reasonable, positive changes and keep going forward :)
  • I noticed you have Celiac disease. You may want to verify that the Slim Fast items you are using are gluten free. Most are not, so you may want to call their customer service to be sure. Just an FYI for your safety.
  • I'm in the camp of "even if you just do 10 minutes a day." A little is better than none, so you just do what you can until you begin to gain some energy. I am also in agreement with pursuing thyroid testing. I have a very hard schedule - but so do thousands of others on here- and I continued to assume that my extreme…
    in Exhausted!! Comment by tdh302 July 2010
  • Again- thanks to everyone who posted their comments. This has been helpful. Flmomoftwinboys- Special thanks to you for sharing what sounds like a similar story to mine. I am not overweight and I am 41. I have had several basic thyroid tests done in the last two years and I guess they always came back normal until now. I…
  • Thanks for the replies so far! Becky- Don't be alarmed about the Celiac/thyroid connection. It is just a correlation, doesn't mean your daughter will have a thyroid issue - hope I didn't scare you with that. Research just shows that there is a connection, but doesn't show that all celiac patients are at risk; just that it…
  • You said: "you can still lose weight and get healthy no matter how busy you are." Absolutely TRUE!! Read what some of the members here do for a living and you'll find quickly that you are not the only one with a crazy schedule. There are many on here with families, jobs, full time school, etc. all at once. They still…
  • I agree with mooz in that there are so many good replies here already, but I'll add to the pile. Internal motivation is an individual concept. No one can get someone to internalize a message; the person has to be ready for change and willing to do what it takes to get to a goal. I have worked with individuals struggling…
  • WOW!!! Congratulations on your success. 138 lbs lost is just amazing! As for your tummy...there is a saying someone told me years ago: "First on, last off." This may be what you are experiencing. Keep up the great work :)
  • I read that book last year and I didn't read anything that was earth shattering or that I had not heard before. I'm not downing the book, just saying that for me, personally, it was redundant and I could have read most of the stickies on this site and had just as much information. If you really like Jillian Michaels…
  • You are very welcome! It can be time consuming and a bit of a pain to pack all your food, but I always do this the night before so that I don't have to think about it in the morning when I'm tired and just trying to get out the door :)
    in Job Worries! Comment by tdh302 June 2010
  • Others have posted similar, but just wanted to say I understand as I am a psychology doctoral extern and spend two long days (about 15 hours including travel time) split between a psychiatric inpatient facility, the practice, and campus. No place at all to store food or re-heat. I bring an insulated bag with about 4…
    in Job Worries! Comment by tdh302 June 2010
  • Actually, our brains release endorphins, natural opiates, when we exercise, so this is the very reason it would be good to work out when you don't feel like doing so. Even just a 30 minute walk can help with anxiety and feeling down. Try doing some positive self talk prior to working out - " I'm going to do 10 minutes and…
    in Ugh!!! Comment by tdh302 June 2010
  • I'm more of a lurker than a poster, but I wanted to chime in. Cora, I have read many of your posts and I believe that you are very sincere and passionate about helping people. I also believe that you have absolutely found the magic formula for your medical concerns and body in general. I have Celiac disease, so obviously I…
  • I felt so much empathy for you while reading your post. I think it is horrible that you experienced that when you're already in a vulnerable state (half naked in an examining room!). Definitely find another doctor ASAP so that you can get your questions answered. Doctors are no different than any other professional...there…