
I've been feeling really down and discouraged lately..I've also been feeling really anxious and stressed.. Any idea on how to make working out fun so that i actually look forward to wanting to do it?

Thanx :)


  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    If you force yourself to do it the first few times, you will probably start to find that you feel stressed about NOT doing it! And once you start to see the results that is the motivation you need. Exercise is one of the best stress relievers and if you push yourself at the start you should start to enjoy! Good luck!
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    Actually, our brains release endorphins, natural opiates, when we exercise, so this is the very reason it would be good to work out when you don't feel like doing so. Even just a 30 minute walk can help with anxiety and feeling down. Try doing some positive self talk prior to working out - " I'm going to do 10 minutes and if I really can't keep going, I'll stop", or even just " you can do this and you'll feel great when you're done!" Sounds so corny, but it really is effective. Having said all of this....if you are physically sore, tired, beat, whatever...just take a short walk or do some stretching.
  • Bratkins
    Bratkins Posts: 47
    I just do lots of different things. I lift weights four times a week, cardio two days a week and abs two days a week. But I have a 20 minute pilates vid that I suppliment for abs if I am bored and I also throw Yoga in there too. All of that plus walking a dog and actually Hula Hooping (you can do this in the living room while watching tv) makes it easy to keep going.

    Now I get cranky when I dont work out. :)
  • mjjensen
    mjjensen Posts: 1 Member
    I found a bootcamp and I thought way, but I have been going a year and have lost 30 pounds and feel so much stronger....I can't believe that I go to bed early and get up really early for bootcamp I go to bootcamp from 5:30-6:30 Mon.-Fri. It's amazing when I don't go, I feel so different, yucky, I've met a lot of nice women and we encourage each other. If I wasn't in a routine like that it would be tough.... Finding someone to work out with makes all the difference. Hang in there....YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I hated to exercise and just a few months ago if you told me I would get up at 6am every day to workout I would laugh at you. But now if I miss a workout I feel awful. I am stressed and angry. Exercise is now like a drug to me (or like food was). When I am upset I walk or run, when I am hungry I exercise, when I am bored I exercise. If you find something you like to do (mine is P90X and couch to 5k) and keep with it eventually you will look back like I just did and think Wow! is this really me?!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Do you go to a gym?

    I find going to the classes boosts my commitment to working out, I meet people, feel part of something, and try something new. Monday i'm trying Zumba! (I have 2 left feet, but going for it anyways). I like it because I can change it up. It keeps me motivated and there are so many class options.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member