Master Your Metabolism

I was wondering if anyone out there has read this book by Jillian Michaels and followed what she said and has seen results? I have been writing all my food down staying at 1200 or below and exercising 5-6 days a week burning 350-700 calories on those days and I have only lost 10 pounds in 6 months. Last summer I was diagnosised with hypothyroid and put on Synthroid so this book has peaked my interest. But wanted to see what others thought
Thanks for any help!


  • fitgirl232
    I dont know about the book, but one main reason why you may not be losing as much weight as you want is cause you aren't eating enough. Under 1200 calories the body goes into starvation mode and holds on to fat unstead of using it. Also, weight lost this way is gained back more readily. Eating 1400-1500 calories and exercising would actually probably help you lose more weight. I know this doesn't answer your question but i hope it helps!
  • lauramartin
    I agree with fitgirl....way too little calories for all that exercise. Your putting your bosy into starvation mode and your body has little calories from the 1200 that you eat to maintain your metabolism. It will actually shut down and converse the energy from the foods you've eaten. Try healthy snacks, after exercise....2ounces or turkey breast, low-fat yogurt, carrots, apple with 2 tbsp of peanut butter etc....don't give up you'll get there. I lost 92 lbs. in 7 months using TSFL Medifast meal replacements (a safe rapid weight loss program). I am a registered nurse and certified health coach. email is
  • celena1031
    I understand your concerns. I too have they hypothyroid and losing weight is a tremendous struggle- hey, having the energy to even workout is a huge plus. For us, it will always be an uphill battle. I am too on the Levoxyl but last month my doctor started me on B12 and it sure does help my energy levels. Maybe that might be a consideration. Best of luck and whatever you do- keep moving and stay regular on those meds
  • pjbeasock
    pjbeasock Posts: 1 Member
    Laura, I just sent you a private email. Looking forward to your response! Patricia :)
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    I read that book last year and I didn't read anything that was earth shattering or that I had not heard before. I'm not downing the book, just saying that for me, personally, it was redundant and I could have read most of the stickies on this site and had just as much information. If you really like Jillian Michaels approach and philosophy on nutrition and fitness, then this is the book for you.
  • owno9700
    owno9700 Posts: 24
    I agree with the two other responses to your question; I too am guilty of not eating enough calories. Part of it is because I am a tunnell vision person at work and forget to eat, the other part is because I am paranoid of putting too much in!
    I have not read the Jillian Michaels book; however, I like her philosophies and have followed a couple of her exercise programs, which I have to say are fantastic. I typically use them as my winter routines as I am a runner and biker and doing either of those in the winter in the area I live in is somewhat challenging!