

  • my hair -- a lot of grey there already, but still curly and full and thick and all my eyes and my eyebrows -- looking good! my ability to give it all when I think something (or somebody) worth it! my knowledge of my weaknesses prevents me from totally giving myself away -- that's kind of smart I know tons of things I learn…
  • I love this thread!!! :-) Lots of smart and intelligent and warm-hearted and experienced and LIVING people out there. Write more! I will read it all!!! *thumbs up*
  • 1. do what you want -- and what you are ready to accept the consequences for 2. be right where you are whenever possible, don't lose yourself in thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow 3. respect that everybody has reasons for doing things -- try to find out what they are before you judge 4. be nice (and honest) to yourself and…
  • I'm thankful for my sons, coffee, freckles, perfume, my brain, my body, great parents, laughing, the movies, bailey's, cheese, my kitchen, my job, friends, life.
  • Nope, definitely NOT! In case you also own a free will and motivation -- I'd say HIT IT!!! :-))) Go visit or for further information on the my-home-is-my-castle-is-my-gym-revolution that's going to take over the world. There are also pretty cool workouts as well as all…
  • I do side-leg-lifts while brushing my teeth and 50 - 100 situps before I even get out of bed every single morning. That definitely helps ;-))) When I wait for the water to boil in the kitchen I sometimes do 20 - 30 elevated pushups off of my kitchen counter. I also love the isometrics-thing: squeezing the steering-wheel…
  • Hi and welcome! First of all: Try not to get caught up in that negative spiral of losing and gaining weight. Most of all: Stay healthy, move more, get stronger. Weight loss comes automatically with that!! You can find the most awesome workouts on And you will find TONS of veeeeery good advice on…
  • Congratulations to your sweet baby! Take your time :-))) That weight takes nine months to come, it might take the same time to go away. Especially if you're breastfeeding. I myself did NOT lose an ounce until the day that my boys were eating all by themselves. Do also be careful with exercise and stay in contact with your…
  • Sounds deadly yummy! :-)))
  • Not having looked at your diary I'd say that waiting, being patient and being proud of what you've started out doing would be a good thing to begin with. I never know what to recommend when it comes to dieting because every one of us has very different needs. But eating lots of veggies, adding some fruit and lean meat to…
  • PHEW, now that looks GREAT! Be proud of yourself for having achieved this much in only 30 days. AWESOME JOB!!! :-)))))
  • I love plain yogurt just like that. For me it tastes great ;-) But I sometimes cut an apple or a banana in pieces and pour it over the fruit, add cinnamon and a dash of vanilla if I feel like it. Sometimes I only take a teaspoon of any kind of jam and -- yum :-)
  • Nope. I don't eat unhealthy KNOWIG IT. IF I sometimes chose to have a treat or two it's always only a small amount. It's all about tasting and knowing that a larger piece of the cake wouldn't taste any better! I enjoy what I eat and I experience that being full and content happens much faster than before. Ten seconds in my…
  • I do weigh myself every morning but I only record it when I lose ;-)))))
  • I'd take a big Italian salad (ask for an oil and vinegar dressing) with some fried meat, maybe a minestrone-soup (shouldn't be anything else in it but broth and veggies) -- I'd NOT go for the pasta and the pizza, because for myself carbs are what makes me gain weight. Try vitello tonnato, thats veal with a tuna-sauce, eat…
  • I love my freckles -- I got them all over my body, not only in my face but in EVERY spot that has EVER been exposed to sunlight. :-) I also really do like my hair. It used to be dark and chestnut-reddish-brown (yeah, wow!!!) but now it's slowly turning grey. But it's still thick and long and wavy and curly -- couldn't ask…
  • I try to log all my calories and activities for one day "before I go to sleep" just to keep things sorted. But ... honestly: I don't think it matters at all! :-))) Keep on dancing!!! :-)
  • Hey, great idea, I was wondering what to do with all that orange stuff around ... Thank you and have a great weekend!!!
  • I'm having trouble with eating an early breakfast (between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.) which is the only possible point in time because my kids go to school and so do I. So skipping the first break-fast would not be the problem, skipping the coffee would be ;-) and also the second breakfast later that morning: If I don't get in a…
  • I have had three kids and from all that I've experienced I can say: Your tummy took nine months to grow, now it will need nine months to go. (Hey, that even rhymes, hahaha!) She should give herself about a year to find something close to her old body. Maybe even more if she's breastfeeding since not all women shed weight…
  • Exercising, eating enough and not waiting till I'm DEAD before I have a small meal. An apple now and then and water to fight sudden cravings. A small piece of dark chocolate along with my cup of coffee and lots of veggies. But if I REALLY want to even reduce that it's definitely mate-tea. Not as a powder you just stir into…
  • I definitely believe that this video is showing the oily truth ... HOW?! I'd love to try it out myself. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • I noticed that when I didn't warm up I always got going after about 10 minutes of training, which should have actually been my warming up time. So thanks for reminding -- but I haven't read it all, yet -- it's so looooooong!!! ;-) Keep up the great work!
  • *like* Take good care of yourself, inside and out.
  • uh oh ... ... sounds like a VERY likely option. Asthma is NOT funny, neither is a bad skin breakout. You will get that checked, right?
  • You would make mine (10 in january) happy with EXACTLY THAT -- only without the popcorn, hahaha! ;-) Have fun at the party!!!
  • Yeah, the more moisturising the moisturizer is, the better ;-)))) I found that all the oilfree products actually didn't solve the problem. My skin sort of got "addicted" and never found its way out of the problem, which meant: one day without, and everything started all over again. I now go with non-comedogenic products…
  • YUP!!!! agreeeee! ("pimples of hell" *lol*)
  • Eeeeew, I so know what you are talking about! Been there so many times!!! Our skin works very well as some kind of "garbage disposal system". Maybe that cutting down on special items has started some sort of "massive cleaning process" (you said that it was actually working well, right?) and now your skin has taken over…
  • Well, if anyone does NOT EVER give me feedback on my diary, my exercises and my posts I delete them. Time is not that much of a factor, because there are people that sometimes don't do much more for weeks than just logging their food or stay completely offline, just like you had to. Sorry to hear about your friend, btw.…