Do you ever take a break?

Do you ever take a break from working out and eating right and just have you time that does involve it worth to gain a couple pounds just from taking a break for a day, can you get back on track? Some say, hey, go take a break, do or eat whatever you want, get it out of your system..right now I made this agreement with myself and with my fiancee since hes my biggest support no breaks from 8/11- thanksgiving day and I was going to stay under my calories everyday until then. Well, I have..and lost 15lbs in the two months i did not take a break..I really want to and im fighting it...


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I have a cheat meal here & there but for the most part this is my new lifestyle. And no, I don't go hog wild or anything like that, it's not worth the extra pounds.
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I wouldn't stop being healthy, but I think it's fine to allow yourself a night out or a treat now and then. It feels like less of a diet if you treat yourself once in a while. I have a hard time getting back into an exercise and calorie counting routine if I stop for a few days.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    I think taking breaks lead to falling off the wagon, especially for a lot of us. If you want to have a little cheat, you can work it into your calories. But it just say "forget it" and give in to a day long temptation is just telling yourself that this isn't a lifelong change.

    If you want to have something that isn't the greatest, just eat it :) But don't make it a day, or even days, long thing.
  • mamaredhead

    I don't eat unhealthy KNOWIG IT. IF I sometimes chose to have a treat or two it's always only a small amount. It's all about tasting and knowing that a larger piece of the cake wouldn't taste any better! I enjoy what I eat and I experience that being full and content happens much faster than before.

    Ten seconds in my mouth -- ten years on my hips?! Not anymore!

    Good luck to you!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I just don't restrict myself at all. I'll make brownies and eat some, I just have everything in moderation. Yesterday I had McDonald's, but got a Happy Meal. Today I had Papa John's for lunch :laugh: Most days I eat healthy, but sometimes I get into an unhealthy funk. Thankfully I've developed a great deal of self control!

    I will take days off from doing lots of exercise, but on those days I'll still go for a short walk (a mile or two), so that I'm still doing something. I'll do that once or twice a week. I call them my "lazy days". Those days I make sure I eat extra healthy, though.

    This method doesn't work for everyone, obviously, but it is what has worked for me. I can't totally restrict myself or I'll go nuts. Just my $0.02 :smile:
  • tn_hammock
    I do best when I track everything I eat every day.

    That being said...nothing is really out of bounds. I just work at finding a happy medium. If I'm desperate for a payday bar...then I get myself a fun size or two instead of a full sized bar or two.....that sort of thing.

    Sometimes there is something I really really want. For example, there is a chocolate shop in my hometown that serves the most wonderful chocolate covered strawberries. They are the size of my fist. The last time I was in town, I got one and split the calories between three days. So, I ate just a little less the next two days and my net for the week was still fine.

    Math can be your friend! : )
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I think your mentality isn't in the right place if you plan to sustain this lifestyle change. You shouldn't look at eating something you want as a break from your "diet". You should eat it, but don't eat as much of it as you used to. You shouldn't look at exercise as something you HAVE to do, but instead something that fulfills you and makes you stronger.

    When you say you want to have a "me day" and your perspective is in the right place, then that day should involve being kind to your mind and your body.