new and need wieght loss ideas

hey im 16 and realised i have gained 7 kilos in the past 6 months.
i was just wondering if people had starting off exercise ideas for me. also healthy tips to help me eat less calories.


  • Lady_C_the_1st

    I have just started using these workout videos on youtube, you work up a real sweat and they are really good circuit workouts.
  • charlottejenkins
    thanks for that, im having a look now (:
  • mamaredhead
    Hi and welcome!

    First of all: Try not to get caught up in that negative spiral of losing and gaining weight. Most of all: Stay healthy, move more, get stronger. Weight loss comes automatically with that!!

    You can find the most awesome workouts on
    And you will find TONS of veeeeery good advice on workouts, eating habits and all on

    Both are websites hosted by fitness lovers that try to make the most out of the things that life comes with: No fancy protein-intake, no expensive home-gyms, lots of easy recipes and tipps for an overall healthier lifestyle. I love both websites and I do the bodyrock-workouts 3 - 4 times a week (working on more *g*) in combination with tipps I found on nerdfitness. In those videos you can always find easier modifications for beginners or you can search for "bodyweight"-workouts that require nothing else but YOURSELF ;-) That's also what nerdfitness is made of more or less.

    Find out for yourself. Focus on the good stuff ;-))))
    Good luck

    Send me a friend-request if you are interested.
  • charlottejenkins
    thanks so much for the great advice. the websites seem interesting, ill check them out straight away.
    aand i friend requested you (:
  • KarenHarper71
    Options need to find what works for you. I feel it's all about knowledge. The more you know about what food contains the easier it is to control what you eat. I enjoy Zumba, walking and swimming and logging this gives me insentive to keep it up. Good luck on your journey :happy:
  • charlottejenkins
    yeah im starting to count the calories on the things i eat, so hopefully that will help.
    thankyou for your post (: