

  • Thank you ladies. That's what I figured but wanted to question it. My most recent fasting blood sugar tests came back slightly high (still) so I'm doing what I can to reduce that. :smile:
  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your breasts may not go down with weight loss. There was a time I lost 30lbs and gained a cup size! (And that ws without specific chest related exercises.) As the weight comes off you may notice the decrease in breast size but it is different with every person. By the time I…
  • For me it's about 3 hours but that's because I have an hour commute to work and hate eating on the train. I get up in the morning with enough time to hit the gym, shower and get out the door to catch my train. But I'm never usually hungry until I get to work so it all works out for me.
  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your breasts may not go down with weight loss. There was a time I lost 30lbs and gained a cup size! You have to look at a number of things, first you are taking the right steps at a young age to do what's best for your health! As the weight comes off you may notice the decrease in…
  • When you are here you are never alone! We ar eal here to help and support each other which is what I love about this site!
  • BRUINS!!! :drinker:
  • I don't need cheat days simply because I allow myself evil little snacks each day. Today is was a large M&M cookie and my typical snack of peanut butter. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. I even have pizza once a week! The whole point of this is moderation and learning how you can eat. If you feel you need a cheat…
  • I've been here just under a month and have lost 8lbs already! I'm loving how easy the website is to follow and how suppotrive everyone is. Oh ya and I'm totally hooked too!! :bigsmile:
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new here, less than a month, and I love it! This has been the easiest weight loss ever for me! Feel free to add me
  • Ok I know that this is an old post but I want to thank everyone for the information! I am currently working with my doctor to get pregnant and this was something that I was curious about since I'm down almost 10lbs. I have a bit more to lose to get to a healthy pre-pregnancy weight but it never hurts to have information!
  • Great job! The plateau is scary but you made it by and will continue to blow it out of the water!
  • Small splurges are ok, or at least in my mind they are. I would still watch how much you eat but give yourself a little treat. Have a great time!
  • Logging everything is the only thing keeping me on track. When I see that I'm eating too much and not exercsing enough it gets me off my butt and at the same time it shows me that even an occassional cheat day is not all bad!
  • Happy birthday! You look stunning! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm not sure of the accuracy of the Wii Fit Plus so sorry my answer is going to be a bit general. What I do know is that every scale will read your weight differently and it also depends on the time of day that you are weighing yourself plus what you are wearing at the time you weigh in. I refuse to let my doctor weigh me…
  • You look amazing! How long have you been at it?? It says you joined the site in April, did you lose the 50lbs since then?
  • I have to take a moment to congradulate you on your struggle and success! I can't even imagine what it was you went through or the heart ache you endured in order to turn your life around. I do know that this will be a lifelong struggle for you. You are an inspiration to me simply because like all of us you are doing what…
  • I agree with adding the veggies to your diet (if you aren'y already.) But I also recommend you take a close look at what you are eating. Are there low calories options that you can replace some of these foods with? I know for me I switched from Whole Wheat breads to Oatmeal bread. The bread that I eat is only 70 calories…
  • My new bikini was delivered yesterday so I'm hanging that up and I will work until it fits! :flowerforyou:
  • I have a Driod cellphone and the MFP app that I downloaded has a bar code scanner. I do my best to scan everything that I can so that the values are correct. If I am eating something that I don't have a bar code available for and I need to use the sources here then I look for the closest match to my food that has the most…
  • HAHAHA! That's a great way to look at it! Congrats on the weight loss!! I just checked my friends list and all my friends are checking in!! WOOHOO!
  • I'm with you!!! HERE WE COME!!
  • Ok I think this answers my question and proves what people have said about MFP low balling the number. From what I just figured out I'm right on track with my daily protein intake. Thanks everyone for the input!!
  • Amazing! Great job!!
  • I'm a very random drinker but was successful at avoiding it at a cookout yesterday. Let's see if I'm as successful at todays cookout!
  • I agree with everyone! I have the free version and it tracks distance, speed, calories and it keeps a history so I can see my progress. I even log my morning workouts into it and post the results on Facebook to keep the encouragement coming from friends. :love: