New and excited!!

Hey ya'll. I'm newwwww.
My friend just showed me this website yesterday so I thought I would check it out. After one day, I am absolutely hooked! How has it been working for everyone? Are you seeing results?


  • Keri_girl
    Keri_girl Posts: 44
    I've been here just under a month and have lost 8lbs already! I'm loving how easy the website is to follow and how suppotrive everyone is. Oh ya and I'm totally hooked too!! :bigsmile:
  • mom111997
    mom111997 Posts: 101 Member
    Ooohh... emmmm... geee!!! My cousin introduced me to this site and I have been completely addicted!! You are going to LOVE it!
  • legalbeagle0299
    I've been here for a bit, but not very active. Got back on track with it yesterday and I'm hoping I follow through this time. I lost 61lbs between March and Oct last year and would like to drop another 30. So, I'm back and hoping this keeps me motivated! Good luck everyone!!
  • paucar7
    paucar7 Posts: 6
    Oh wow! Thanks everyone for responding. Good to see that this actually works & is fun!!! Good luck to everyone! :)
  • siirisampson
    siirisampson Posts: 3 Member
    YAY! I started today, my sister told me about the site, and she lives 2hours away from me. We're doing it together to make progress over the summer. So hooked! And my two coworkers that are both on WW are also hooked now! They pay for the eResources from WW, and this does it all for free! What a great, supportive and EASY (SO EASY) way to be positive about getting towards my fitness goals!