RoanneRed Member


  • Haven't time to review all posts so apologies if this has already been provided. For more information on how/why this may be beneficial, see for the Primal Blueprint - go to the 'Start Here' tab and scroll down to 'The Basics/Primal Blueprint 101'. All the information you need to follow this way of…
  • 41 but living in denial :wink:
  • Thanks for that site - I'm about to do some shopping!
  • Make the pizzas at home instead of buying them. You can use flatbread or mountain bread/wraps for the base, then perhaps a reduced fat cheese and other lower calorie ingredients. Another option for a base is one I've cobbled together from a couple of recipes (for 2): 1/3 cup Cauliflower Rice 1/2 cup Almond Meal 1/4-1/2 cup…
  • I think you'll have to try some and work out which one you prefer but I like the Aussie Bodies Protein FX products and you can buy them in the health food aisle of the supermarket. I often have half a serve with natural yoghurt (about 100g) as morning or afternoon tea and, because I have to eat it with a spoon, it feels…
  • When it's warm enough to drink white wine I usually put an ice cube or two in it so that slows me down a bit. In Australia, Lindeman's have a range of wines called 'Early Harvest' which has lower alcohol levels - as almost all the calories in wine come from the alcohol itself, this makes it easier to fit in.
  • You can put pieces on pizza or use in toasted sandwiches - eg. chicken, cheese and avocado.
  • Turkey/Chicken, Cheese and Pesto Chicken, Cheese and Avocado Bacon, Cheese and Banana My favourite for dinner on the way home from the gym several nights a week when I lived in Paris - Chicken and Mustard Cream Sauce, can't recall if there was cheese in it as well, probably.
  • A large part of the problem is that the calories are actually in the alcohol - lower alcohol wines can therefore help. In Australia, Lindemans have an 'Early Harvest' range which is lower alcohol.
  • Northern Tablelands of NSW.
  • I'm a former waitress and, although it depends on the restaurant to some extent, I had to smile when I saw MFP suggest it as a 'lightly active' job - I'd always consider it moderately active in the places I've worked or else you're not doing it right! The other option would be to leave you activity level as sedentary and…
  • My opinion only but I tend to agree with this - the dietician is advising you based on conventional wisdom and it's up to you whether you agree with this or not. Perhaps increase your calories slightly by increasing good fats and reducing protein by about 50grams/day. I've read that you shouldn't try to do low-carb (I…
  • Is that the one where it senses that you're in a light sleep stage of the cycle close to your alarm time and wakes you slowly so you're not dragged out of deep sleep? I like the idea of it but would probably only use it occasionally - as one of my friends noted, do you really want the electromagnetic field of you mocile…
  • Great progress!
  • Go to Settings, Profile Privacy and you can choose to have it open to everyone, friends only or closed.
  • I'm in the Northern Tablelands of NSW - don't have my diary open as I'm eating a lot differently to most people but happy to be a friend.
  • See and look for the 'Primal Blueprint 101' link.
  • I follow Primal Blueprint as well, which is a bit more flexible than Paleo diet. Neither of these is specifically attempting to be 'low-carb' but the carbs come mostly from vegetables with a small amount of fruit so you end up with a more controlled/controllable carb intake.
  • Add sliced tomato ^ Chicken, Cheese and Avocado grilled or toasted sandwiches but then I remembered you said 'no fowl'. Put it into protein shakes.
  • I'd agree with the orange juice switch for whole fruit suggestion. I work long hours so don't really cook meals during the week - last night was a pan-fried steak (I use a small frypan so the cleanup isn't too bad) with microwaved frozen broccoli and cauliflower topped with butter. If you need more flavour for the vegies…
  • I clean my teeth before dragging myself in to open the gym at 6am - THEN I eat breakfast and drink a coffee but I just can't leave the house without cleaning my teeth. I have had a couple of early morning people in with stale (not really bad) breath so at least rinsing out their mouth would be preferable.
  • I'd be surprised if you need over 300grams protein per day, even for muscle building - my understanding is 4g per kg of lean body weight is the top end of the suggestion for muscle maintenance/building (2g per lb). From a purely healthy eating standpoint, I'd suggest you desperately need more vegies (based on last 3 days).
  • To start with I'd simply say 'you'll have to excuse me but I need to keep moving with my workout' then put the headphones back in. The touching is a challenge and you may just have to tell him outright that you're not comfortable with it.
  • Just today, I received the electronic food scale that will replace the two manual scales I already had - oops!
  • I came across a Chia Seed Pudding recipe recently that I've added cocoa, protein powder and eggs to and am eating for breakfast 4 days a week - I've also experimented with switching the coconut oil for avocado, use madadamia nuts instead of almonds and this week tried coconut milk instead of almond milk.
  • If you're hungry eat something healthy - try to focus on getting your vegetable intake up with some lean protein.
  • Dr Phil for psychology but, lately, even he's been on the 17-Day Diet and P.I.N.K. Method bandwagons!
  • Yep, recently used it in a Morroccan Casserole and use it for pizza base for 2 people as follows (cobbled together from 2 recipes): 1/3 cup cauliflower rice 1/2 cup almond meal 1 large egg Ground/Dried Oregano or other Italian herbs to taste Salt to taste Approx 1/4 cup grated cheese Mix together, pat out onto baking paper…
  • While the B Vitamins in Vegemite would help with energy release, you'll probably find that Peanut Butter is more sustaining because of the protein and healthy fats in it.
  • Perhaps the following mindset ideas might help you (I used them myself when I was first becoming a gym junkie): - I may look like I don't belong in a gym but that's why I'm in there doing the work. - I look absolutely crap when I'm working out so that I can eventually look better in the real world. - I'm not happy with my…