Aussies help! Protein Shakes in Australia


So I have recently decided to give protein shakes a try. I usually go to the gym at night, 3-4 times a week (after dinner - so around 8pm), and when I get home I am super hungry. I thought instead of eating calories, maybe I will have a protein shake instead as I have heard they are good for muscle recovery.

I guess my first questions would be would you recommend protein shakes in this way, or do you think it is a good idea. I would usually consume a snack of between 80 - 160 calories after my workout but this would be replacing that. I know most people have them in the morning (from what I have read anyway) and so is it ok to have them at night instead? And do you think this will aid my weight loss and at the same time make my body I guess in better shape (I don't seem to be increasing in fitness at all which is annoying).

Also I should add that, diet wise, I think I am ok with protein as I have a chicken salad for lunch everyday and usually some sort of chicken, meat or fish at dinner. Is it good to have lots of protein or is it bad to consume to much protein? In regards to wight loss. I don't want to bulk up, just would like to tone up and loose weight obviously. A little more muscle would be nice but yeah someone mentioned only consume protein if you want to build up muscle. All I want is something that helps them recover and repair after a workout (maybe will stop them being so sore - I wish!). So would you think protein shakes are a good idea or suggest something else.

Secondly, I have heard many brands that people like but they seem to be from America. So I was wondering if their are any Aussies like myself (preferably in Melbourne as that is where I am from) that could recommend a protein shake? Something sweet like vanilla, chocolate or Strawberry would be great. I am also looking for something that is hopefully low calories (as low as possible) but also helps with muscle recovery, as I will be drinking this after the gym so would like something that would be good for my body to help with this.

Also, to those giving me good brands to try, would you mind including how you drink it and also maybe a cost? I live out of home and on a low wage so that, unfortunately, would be a factor. It would be great to if you could add whether you find that they fill you up and stop hunger cravings or not lol. As this would be replacing my usual after gym snack.

So yes any tips, suggestions, recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've tried a Blackmores (Pro definition for women maybe?) shake and it tasted pretty good.
    You can get it in Woolworths and they sometimes have single serve sizes which is great to test it out.

    I haven't bothered to get any more though as I prefer to get my nutrients in food rather than in processed shakes. I think it costs $3 or $4 per shake - same price to buy the single serve sachets as the bulk pack. Again, if cost is an issue, I'd rather spend that on food but if you like them - go for it.

    If you are already getting enough protein in your diet, it's probably not going to do anything magical. But, if you like the idea of having a shake then its not going to hurt - from what I understand you can go pretty high with protein before you run into problems.

    Edited to add: I just remembered, I tried a Ladybird brand shake last year (vanilla and chocolate) and they didn't taste horrible, but the texture was not very nice.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm in Melbourne too. I usually get either Musashi or Aussie Bodies. Just pick up some containers and compare the calories, protein, etc. I find that Chemist Warehouse is usually pretty cheap and they have a decent range.
  • Aequitas503

    I use the ASN Hp100 powder/shake. It comes in chocolate (the one I have), cappucino, vanilla and maybe strawberry I'm not sure. You can't get it from the GNC shops, the supermarket or chemist wharehouse.

    I got mine from a shop called Massive Muscles (or similar, can't remember offhand) on Chapel St.

    It's got the lowest calories/fat/etc of the powders I've seen. 1 scoop (which is normal for one shake) is 105 calories and low on fat and carbs and has 25g of protein.
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    I love the Cookies & Cream flavour GNC Pro Performance (from GNC stores found everywhere) and have a shake immediately after a workout as high, easily digestible whey protein with low carb within half an hour of a workout helps with muscle repair and recovery. This is especially important if you do not want to become skinny fat while on weight loss program!

    It is VERY difficult to bulk up especially if you are a female. Our estrogen hormone counters muscle growth. Even guys have difficulty bulking up (which is why some resort to steroids &/or growth hormone) and really need to work VERY hard and to consume a HIGH calorie diet with an enormous amount of protein.

    If you are working your muscles hard they tend to tear and then repair making them stronger and leaner than before. This is what leads to soreness. Part of the repair process means that water is carried to the repair site which may seem like bulking the muscle at first. But no, this bulking is only temporary till the repair is completed, which is why you may actually put on weight after excessive muscle strain (ie. due to water retention needed for muscle repair). Considering that you need the protein for muscle repair it makes sense then that after a workout to quickly take something like a whey shake, which is easily digested, as it has so much pure protein. A good protein whey should be low in sugar no more than 5 gm carbs total, high in protein of at least 20 gm and low in calories for weight loss.

    Another thing you can try and I know people have used on skiing holidays is to drink chlorophyll. Swisse have a good one and you can get from Coles. Chlorophyll is the green nutrient from plants. It is known to neutralise lactic acid in the body released after heavy workouts so that you can keep skiing without your muscles ceasing up on you the next day!

    For budgeting, whey protein is relatively inexpensive, transportable and you can mix it with either water, moo milk, soy milk, rice or almond milk as a meal. Also consider having more legumes in your diet, they are one of natures power foods rich in protein, carbs and fibre AND cheap! You can buy ready cooked in cans from Aldi for less than $1, rinse beans add tomato, greens, olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and dinner is done!

    Have fun whichever way!
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
  • Becca224
    Becca224 Posts: 36
    Thank you guys for your advice, I have a few options to try now. Thanks!
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    They've got the best prices around and a fantastic range.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If you're getting adequate protein from whole foods then they aren't really required hence being called "supplements". But if you do need to up you're protein, try out bulk nutrients. Cheapest around and good quality. The type doesn't really matter so much but I use casein because it cooks better and is better in protein sludges etc.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I use Define strength: Protein for women.

    I get it from Chemist Warehouse for about $25 for 500g, or $40 for a kg. Taste great and I prefer vanilla.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    do NOT get Evolve Lip whey choc. Tastes like @ss, hahaha!

    if you're getting enough protein naturally, why take a supplement?
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I think you'll have to try some and work out which one you prefer but I like the Aussie Bodies Protein FX products and you can buy them in the health food aisle of the supermarket.

    I often have half a serve with natural yoghurt (about 100g) as morning or afternoon tea and, because I have to eat it with a spoon, it feels more satisfying than just drinking a shake.

    As I prefer chocolate, I've also been known to mix protein powder with Swisse Trimshot (and some extra cocoa) and then the yoghurt. The Trimshot is more to fill you up so is high in a prebiotic fibre and low in calories.

    I've also been known to add half a banana, half a punnet of strawberries or some crushed nuts.

    After you workout is generally the best time of day for protein shakes as that's often what they are designed for.
  • oonga
    oonga Posts: 336 Member

    these guys have different types, WHey protein as well as mixes like the Elite 3.)0which is an equal blend of 3 different proteins, fast, medium and slow release .

    They do have a flavoured NZ WPI which uses organic cacao, vanilla or cinnamon for flavour. No artificial sweeteners either.

    The others are unflavoured and you can add your own flavours. I love that they are high in protein,low in carbs and don't have other stuff just added :)

    The guy who runs it is fantastic with support and advice as well, has answered any questions, emails promptly and honestly. Has told me not to bother with some things for my needs etc...
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member

    these guys have different types, WHey protein as well as mixes like the Elite 3.)0which is an equal blend of 3 different proteins, fast, medium and slow release .

    They do have a flavoured NZ WPI which uses organic cacao, vanilla or cinnamon for flavour. No artificial sweeteners either.

    The others are unflavoured and you can add your own flavours. I love that they are high in protein,low in carbs and don't have other stuff just added :)

    The guy who runs it is fantastic with support and advice as well, has answered any questions, emails promptly and honestly. Has told me not to bother with some things for my needs etc...
    Thanks for that site - I'm about to do some shopping!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I live on the Musashi range. Either the low carb, or high protein vanilla flavours. They're yum. I tend to make my own protein shakes, because the ready made ones on the shelves are usually full of garbage, whereas you can fill yours with fruits, soy/skim milk, and natural yoghurt ^_^

    But I reckon I feel more full and strong if I eat an actual source of protein after a work out, rather than a processed one. Up to you though!
  • catti41
    catti41 Posts: 24 Member
    bump to read later