<<====== YES! and when he lies down on the frozen hardpacked ice, and won't go another step, I pick him up and carry him home. That counts as "hiking, carrying a 40 lb load" in my book.
Salad bump.
Yes. But you will love it anyway.
Bump for later <hugs crockpot>
Love Pinterest. Bump for later.
Yes, yes and yes. It's no different than walking - moderate (walking dog) or Mowing Lawn or Raking Leaves or Cycling 10-12 MPH, to the grocery store, which happens to be to 10 miles away! The fact that I get something done while burning calories is just an added bonus! Others may pooh-pooh it, but in my opinion, moving…
Hi, I have been using two sources - both delivery based. I use Fresh Picks ( and Door to Door Organics ( I usually order the mixed vegetable box and then add on some kale, ginger and lemon. The convenience of having it delivered is great, plus it forces me to actually make the…
Bump for later. I actually have some in the fridge, waiting for me to figure out what to do with them!
Here's a few things I usually have on hand - peanut butter of course Almond butter (mix with greek yogurt and a few almonds and a bit of honey Avocado Low fat cheese stick a few almonds or cashews Hard boiled egg Frozen grapes and the weirdest one - diced frozen chicken breast - cooked of course, and seasoned with whatever…
Keep going! Keep going! KEEP GOING! The first couple of weeks seem to DRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG on forever, and all you can think about is how much have I lost, have I lost any weight, why am I not losing weight? and so on and so on. But keep at it. Stop looking for daily scale results and focus on other less obvious…
Friends make a huge difference! Good for you for reaching out. Feel free to add me. Cheers!
You cannot wear sweat pants while riding a bike. You have to wear something that wont flop around and get caught in the chain. And wind resistance is a drag (pun!) so yes, I ride in clingy clothing. I am exercising. BUT the only thing keeping me from a wheelchair or a coffin is my helmet and my steely nerves (aka - total…
Thanks for sharing. I really needed to read this today - a reminder of the fundamentals, and the fact that this isn't rocket science, just perserverance. Congrats to you, and thanks!
Simply awesome! You look so fantastic! You must feel the same!
bump for later
For me, it seems to come and go. I find that when I have a really big exercise day, I have a tough time eating even my regular calories, much less the exercise calories. But the next day I am ravenous. Listen to your body, and try not to go below 1200 too often, you really do need the food - not just the calories, you need…
I happen to have some lowfat cottage cheese so I tried this and it is really good! Thanks for the tip!
Juicing can be a great way to add a lot of healthy vegetables (limit the fruits) to your diet. I have not tried a complete juice fast, but I juice almost every day. People tend to have strong opinions about juicing - well founded or not, so don't be surprised if you get a bunch of very direct answers. You can find recipes…
Starting weight 257 Current weight 224.6 No longer obese weight 203 22 pounds to go!
I really can't stand Twinkies, but then I tried juicing them. I throw in some sprinkles and a little almond milk, and YUM. Note, the cetrifugal type juicer works better than the single gear for this.
Flash frozen fruit (berries, peaches, etc.) are good substitutes for fresh out of season. Blend with almond milk and honey, and ... YUM. For veges, I get almost all of mine from juicing. Kale, cucumber, celery, spinach, beets, fennel, radishes, you name it, you can turn it into juice. Add fresh ginger and lemon, and it all…
^^^ This Denying yourself somthing completely seems extreme. I can eat a cupcake every once in a while and still lose weight. I can skip the gym when I feel like it and still become fit, and <drumroll> I can have a tasty beverage once in a while and still ... not be an alcoholic! Oh, and when I choose to drink, I drink…
Current weight 227 NLO weight 203 23 to go!
One of my favorite is pear-fennel. (one bulb fennel and two pears) makes a couple servings. My morning standby is apple, carrot, parsley (one apple, two carrots and a medium bunch of parsley) For green juices, I will do any combination of kale or spinach beet or carrot celery or cucumber plus lemon and ginger I call them…
You look great! I can't wait to see the next round of "after"! Well done!
I am serving twelve at home. I am making roast pork tenderloin and marinated salmon for the meat dishes. For sides, I will do a mixed green salad, roasted brussels sprouts and oven baked potato…
I juice primarily vegetables, with some lemon thrown in to make it more interesting. You can check out the Join the Reboot web site for a bunch of vegetable-only combinations. Be sure to dilute the fresh juice with water until your stomach gets used to it. Otherwise you might get an upset stomach.