What the Heck is going on???



  • antipanic
    antipanic Posts: 64
    Keep going! Keep going! KEEP GOING!

    The first couple of weeks seem to DRAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG on forever, and all you can think about is how much have I lost, have I lost any weight, why am I not losing weight? and so on and so on. But keep at it. Stop looking for daily scale results and focus on other less obvious differences. Is it easier to climb the stairs, does your back not hurt when you get out of bed, do you enjoy the taste of healthy food more than you used to? There are a zillion little things that will add up to a very healthy change. AND the best part is, after a few weeks, time will speed up and go back to its normal pace instead of the interminable crawl that it feels like now.

    Just keep going!
  • kimdwl
    kimdwl Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for you advice I really appreciate it.

    I guess I rely on the scales as a motivator far too much.
    I know I have done great so far but seeing the scales stop/go up really does my head in.

    I am determined to push through this time though, I have given up far too many times, NOT THIS TIME.

    I don't get a lot of exercise in at the moment, with 2 young kids the best I manage is a walk with them at their speed a few times a week but with the awful weather we have had recently that stopped.
    I am trying to focus more on getting my diet right for now and exercising when I can and will try to add more in as i go.

    Someone pointed out sodium to me and it looks like these last few days of being very sick has had me reaching for easy foods which end up being far too high in sodium.
    I will watch that closely from now on.

    For those saying I'm not eating enough, that is somewhere I struggle also.
    Most days I have trouble making sure I get above the 1200 mark, I'm not hungry and feel just fine eating this amount.
    I guess I need to work harder on making higher calorie choices?

    It gets so confusing all the different theory's.

    eta: my measurements have stayed the same this week also so no change since a week ago visually, measurement wise or on the scales.
  • lulusmartie
    don't worry, not being well probably has'nt helped with your energy levels either, keep your chin up things will improve love you:happy:
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    The old adage says, you didn't gain weight over night so you can not lose it over night.
  • 20lbsorless
    i'm on day five, i've been working out, eating healthy and within my calories and not a fraction of a lb. i'm putting it down to the gym as when you exercise your body changes fat to muscle and muscle weighs more. i do feel my stomach is slightly smaller maybe this is what has happened to you.

    be happy with what u have lost and give your body a few weeks to adjust. change what you have been eating and your exercise routine up a little.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    that is fairly common. Week one and maybe week two you generally lose quite a bit. But then you will stall when while it gets used to the new program. I have heard some dietitians recommend you not even weigh the first 4-6 weeks because it could take that long for your body to adjust and then start losing again. So don't be discouraged. Keep working at it. At least give it 2 months. If you haven't started losing again within a few weeks then start getting concerned.

    I don't know anyone who consistently loses every single week. weight loss has a lot of ups and downs. One week you think you do great and gain. Some weeks you do bad and lose. It makes no sense. You could be stressed, retaining water, not getting enough sleep or food, or a whole gamut of other reasons. There is little rhyme or reasons to weight fluctuations. I have gone up and down up to 5 or 6 lbs overnight. Clearly I didn't eat 20,000 calories.

    i completely agree with this! and every pound lost is a reason to celebrate!!!!!! look how much you lost in TWO WEEKS!!!! thats incredible! i wish i could do that! just remember slow and steady wins the race!!! this journey is about learning and making mistakes! its ok! give yourself a pat on the back cuz you have done INCREDIBLE so far!!!!!:drinker:
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I guess I rely on the scales as a motivator far too much.
    I know I have done great so far but seeing the scales stop/go up really does my head in. [/quote]

    If you find a way to fix this let me know. I've lost 30kg and was all 'Screw the scale it doesn't matter' Put on 1kg and went into a funk. The scale is evil.

    In regards to more calories more fruit won't hurt. (oranges are AWESOME!) Almonds are great. You're using butter which is great. Try 100 cals extra for a couple of weeks and see how you go.

    Good luck!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Seriously... its only been a few weeks! If you are sick... your body could also be retaining water! Watch your sodium levels and see how they impact the scale as well... and I wouldn't take weekly pics. You wont see any real changes between them. I personally take them monthly now.
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    I agree with everyone so far! you've had a tremendous first couple of weeks then not been well. The body needs time to adjust so just keep going and you' ll soon loose more. From the photos you certainly look more toned.
    Looking at your diary you don't seem to have much for breakfast could you increase your calorie intake here? I try to work at 200 cals for breakfast, 300 for lunch and 400 for main meal with a couple of 50 cal snacks and milk allowance. This comes to approx 1200 cals. Also I try to keep below 5pc fat wherever possible, so personally I'd maybe pad My main meals out with more salad/veg and watch those snacks.
    But remember you're doing great get back on track ASAP.
  • kimdwl
    kimdwl Posts: 17 Member
    Seriously... its only been a few weeks! If you are sick... your body could also be retaining water! Watch your sodium levels and see how they impact the scale as well... and I wouldn't take weekly pics. You wont see any real changes between them. I personally take them monthly now.

    I definitely don't plan on taking weekly pics, I took the second pic I shared above because I felt like I could see a difference in the mirror.
    I sort of planed to either do once a month or every 5kg loss.

    Breakfast can be tricky for me and the past few days it has been pretty crappy, the morning seems to be when I am the least hungry.

    Thank you again for all the wonderful support, I am going to do everything in my power to push on this time :smile:
  • jukemaster
    jukemaster Posts: 49 Member
    I don't know that I can add anything other that what's been said. Looking at your weekly weight is fun, but ultimately we're trying to get rid of fat, which may not always mean large losses. Keep with weekly check ins, but look at your success over longer periods when trying to measure what's effective. I usually look at my success across one to two months or more. I just checked my weight and all my measurements last week, but prior to that I hadn't checked in for three months. I found out that I gained 3 pounds but my waist and hip measurements went down. I'm noticeably slimmer now and I need to have my suit pants taken in by about three inches. What happened? I gained lean muscle, which weighs more than fat. You just started so you're not going to suddenly have a ton of lean muscle, but I wanted to illustrate that weight isn't always the best data point. Take weekly body measurements and monitor your body fat percentage.

    Beyond that, the best things that worked for me and my wife involved severely limiting processed foods in our diet, lowering the amount of grains we eat, and incorporating a good amount of strength training into our weekly routine. We do intense strength oriented workouts three days a week and we spend one to two days a week engaging in a lower heart-rate fat burning exercise. She hasn't lost much weight either, but she's almost back to her dress size from our wedding day. It takes time, determination, and patience. You'll get there!