TheAnie Member


  • Yeah, when I worked as a cashier I hated that. I'd make a show of slowly trying to peal the coins up off the wooden counter. Or I'd put their change on the counter when it was time to give it back. Even if they had their hand out. Because I had my hand out and they ignored it. When my company went into liquidation I just…
  • The minestrone soup is awesome. But that 100 calorie bowl of soup has 1020mg of sodium.
  • Still waiting on the registration to open up for DC but I'm hoping to do this with my friends. I doubt I'll be able to run the whole thing, but it still looks like so much fun!
    in Color Run Comment by TheAnie March 2012
  • You look awesome, and such a short turn around period! What does your exercise routine look like?
  • When I was younger I used to think it wouldn't matter. And then I had experience on the other end of the spectrum. I am a non-believer and was dating a believer. It all came to a head one day when he informed me that he still believed I was going to hell. He had intentions of marrying me as well. I realized I couldn't live…
  • Those stuffed peppers look sooooooo amazing!
  • Sara Lee has 45cal a slice bread. And there are some low calorie high fiber tortilla's that I occasionally use as sandwiches.
  • This is what I keep asking in my head. It sounds like absolute nonsense. I mean each to their own: don't eat bread if you think it's helping you. But saying something stays in your stomach for three months is nonsense. That's like when we tell kids if they swallow gum it will stay in their belly for seven years. Rubbish. I…
  • I just found out about this online and am so excited I'm planning to truly start the couch to 5k program. This looks like so much fun! They're coming to DC in September! I'm hoping to convince a few friends to join in on the fun!
    in Color Run Comment by TheAnie March 2012
  • Like everyone else here, I am so glad you said something. I think you said just enough to put her in her place and keep your class. Well done! I'm also interested in your recipes! Let this hater make you famous!
  • If I have any craving(salty, sweet, chocolate, what have you) I just go ahead and satisfy it. I just don't sit there and eat a bag of chips or a king sized candy bar. I work it into my allowance for the day. I really love Mr. Goodbar's. I'll break one in half and give one half to my husband. This way neither of us is…
  • I actually got the surprise of my life the other day. I got measured for a bra at VS the other day and they told me 36C. My husband says the look on my face was priceless. I've always been an A. I'd say before I lost weight I was in a 38A. I expected my band size to go down, not my cup size to go up! I didn't believe her,…
  • That is awesome! I want to be you! I can't run! My asthma would kill me. But god how I'd love to! I'm working on building up my endurance now so that I can run! Go you!
  • ETA= edited to add NSV= non scale victory. Anything that doesn't involve the scale. So buying smaller pants(which I did last week!) counts as an NSV. There are so many NSV's out there!
  • You look awesome, wow!
  • :laugh: I never even thought about that but you are probably right! Less belly getting in the way of everything!
  • So my status update that my husband and I were making a baby last night was inappropriate? Damn. Anyways, as someone struggling TTC I know how painful it is to see posts like that. Sonograms, baby bumps, six thousand status updates about how much being pregnant sucks. It's awful and so distressing. I've actually taken…
  • Some of these look so yummy. I'm going to have to try some.
  • My advice? Don't listen to all the advice people give you. Every ounce of their advice is based on their own respective situations and experiences. My husband and I have broken so many peoples rules, and we're still here to tell the tale. Together 12 years and married for 5 years. We go to bed angry, yell if we need to,…
  • Toss that scale! Your inches lost are so obvious! Wow!
  • Wow! Those are some great quick changes! How in shape would you say you were before starting body rock? I've been interested but their site is a bit overwhelming and as a particularly out of shape asthmatic I'm unsure where to start.
  • Former bookseller here. I'm not sure about quirky, but I can suggest good books that most kids can't stop reading. All of Rick Riordan's books. This means The Lightning Thief Series, the follow up series to that, his Red Pyramid series, and the 39 Clues books. Margaret Peterson Haddix's Shadow Children series. That one…
  • :laugh: Okay, that makes me want to go do my Zumba. So I can laugh all the way to the fridge!
  • I LOVE threads like this. When I first started using MFP I would look at these threads for inspiration and motivation on hard days. I'm here to say, you can push through those hard days. This CAN be you. And if you are willing to work for it, it WILL be you. May 2011-170lbs. // November 2011-147lbs. I've been stuck for the…
  • No I'm with you on the never wanting to fit in wedding dress again. My mother-in-law had it cleaned, preserved, and boxed up for me after the wedding though so I'll never be trying it on again either. :laugh: I wanted to do a trash the dress shoot with it, my husband and his Mom insisted that was a bad idea because "What…
  • I honestly think it's because of her insanely low calorie intake. If I were eating that low I'd be ready to throw in the towel as well. Heck, I'd be trying to gnaw off my own arm at that point. Eat more! Eat things that are good for you. There's got to be some fruit out there that you like, experiment until you find…
    in I give! Comment by TheAnie February 2012
  • I'm 5'4.5" and my goal weight is 140(just three pounds away!). I've been thinking of moving my goal down to 135, but as these last few pounds are fighting me so hard I'll just see what comes off. I currently eat around 1400 calories a day. I sometimes go over, sometimes under, some days I'm probably close to 1200. I don't…
  • You look awesome! Biking you say? Maybe I'll get brave and fight my asthma and start riding my bike again. We live in a very hilly community, so it really will be a workout.
  • 2 eggos, blueberry or plain: 190 calories. I also like the chocolate chip ones for 200. And this does keep me full till lunch, but I was never a morning eater anyways. I make myself eat breakfast because my weight moves better when I get three real meals. Sometimes I'll have one eggo and banana and I find that keeps me…