xtraquispe Member


  • Yes! REVIVAL! I started Crossfit a couple weeks back and would really like to get the most out of it. I am trying Zone, but am struggling to make the snacks!! How are you guys doing?
  • Go DUKE!! :-D I heart March madness!
  • Charm! Did you try it? I just bought this last week and was wondering what you thought of it! Thanks!
  • I just got done with a chocolate Shakeology drink (my first) and it is SOOOO GOOOD! It taste like a choco milkshake! I mixed mine with 1/2 a banana and 8 oz skim milk, and ice! YUM-O! You guys gotta try it! 70 ingrediants in one low cal, 1g fat drink!!! I'm a coach also, so if you have more questions, just e-mail me!…
  • I am in my first week of Push also! I lost 7 lbs and 9 inches the first month. I :heart: ChaLEAN!!
  • Steph- If you sign up with Beachbody, you can access WOWY (the online gym) and it will tell you which video is due to be done that day (this is free). If you need some info on signing up, give me a shout!
  • Looking great, keep up the hard work! I am also a career firefighter, and P90X is taking the fire service by storm! You'll be able to perform much better when you get through, and that in return will save your life!!
  • I heart Turbo Jam!! Keep up the great work ladies!!! :tongue:
  • I had a Mio and sent it back after a month. Hopefully mine was just defective. It would take FOREVER to get a HR reading and by the time it took it, it was MUCH lower than when I wanted it to read. Best of luck with yours!!
  • Hanna- I'm thinking of the F11, please tell me how you ended up liking it!
  • I have the motiva petite, and liked it at first, but now I hate it! When working out, you press the two sensors to get your HR (which then does cals burned). I've only had it a month and it takes FOREVER to get a reading now. I have to stop excercising and wait and wait and wait to get a reading. The website suggests…
  • I agree with Shannon! I set small goals while I'm running. Make it to the light pole, make it to another .25 before walking. This is what helps me. That and some great music!
  • The two cats are PRECIOUS!! I buy mine from walmart in the freezer near the broccoli and stuff!
  • Simple! Just start back tomarrow! We all fall, I slip for about a week sometimes, but you gotta brush yourself off and start back again. Tomarrow is a new day!! Go ahead and eat supper, if you can stomach it, and leave today in the PAST!! Chela
  • ARE WE THERE YET- I love your dog!! :-) I didn't realize spark people had that tool. I used WW before and they allow you to enter the recipe and how many servings it makes, ect, and the ONLY complaint I have about MFP is that recipes are hard to do...but saving as meal may be the way to go..thanks for the advice!! AND I…
  • I use a Mio Watch. I LOVE IT!! It's a stapless heart rate monitor that track cals in and burnt. It uses a formula from your hight, weight, age, sex to tell how many you burn. They come in like 5 models and start of at less thatn $50 and go up to $99. I have the Mio Motiva petite. I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING in the…
  • My friend was telling me about a mio watch. I am TOTALLY getting one next week! Check it out www.miowatch.com
  • I also LOVE Turbo Jam and P90X!! If you want some info on purchasing them go to www.beachbodycoach.com/xtraquispe ... click on products ..... if you have ANY questions about any Beachbody program, you can e-mail me from that site! Good luck, and I am here to help!
  • Michelle! Support is what makes the difference! Have you ever heard of Beachbody? The have workout videos that BRING ON the results! From Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Yoga booty Ballet, Slim in 6, Power 90, to P90X! YOu also get a FREE coach that will give you video rotation and diet advice, and mostly just be there for you as…
  • Try a yummy meal replacement shake! If you like coffee, you can use a shot of coffe, a scoop of chocolate Powder, half a banana, ice and milk or water and have a YUMMY breakfast that fills you up! You can get a GREAT tasting powder from www.beachbodycoach.com/xtraquispe ... click on products. The beach body powder has the…
  • Everyone slips from time to time!! Way to own it at the gym! Just keep your chin up, you're doing GREAT! :happy:
  • I have 10 min trainer and it DOES work! It's all about what you put into to it to get what you want out of it! Beachbody has alot of videos to choose from, and they all REALLY work if you do the program! You can check out more on it by going to www.beachbodycoach.com/xtraquispe If you have any questions, I'd love to help!…
  • I started with Turbo Jam, it's super fun and you work up a sweat! I'd give it a try! www.beachbodycoach.com/xtraquispe
  • Kendra- I would love to help each other! I had 50 lbs to loose, lost 30, now I have about 20-30 left! Let me know if you would like to trade addresses! Chela