olivia_june Member


  • If you have a lot to lose, you'll always lose super fast in the first month or so when you start dieting. Make sure you are eating enough calories, but you should be fine. It will slow down later. The average rate of loss is 0.5-2lbs/week (not sure how that equates to kg). :)
  • Stop doing that. Eat more. Fuel your body. FFS. This 1200 crap needs to stop.
  • You're not eating enough. As a "health coach" you should know that. You don't need stupid shakes.
  • Did anyone read my post, where I said that I twisted my ankle very early but still finished the race? I'm well aware that getting injured is a possibility (as it is for any distance). And those who are saying "why bother?" are race snobs. Back of the packers still finished the same amount of distance as those who cross the…
  • Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon, Geronimo - Sheppard, All To Myself - Marianas Trench....all favs for running at the moment.
  • The answer is never. The earliest I work out by choice is 9AM, but races usually start at 8AM so I'm forced to workout earlier, ha. I am not an early morning person. Also, it's 1AM and I'm on the MFP forums....lol... Edit to add that I'm a stay at home mom and go to the gym at 9:30AM after I drop my son off at school....so…
  • The average person burns roughly 100-300 calories an hour. If you weigh more, you'll generally burn more. But MFP notoriously overestimates how much you burn, so don't really take their numbers too seriously. There isn't a certain level that's "enough", it hugely varies based on the person and the activity that they are…
  • Get an ankle brace or a tensor bandage and wrap it if you haven't already. Take ibuprofen for the swelling. And then take a week off from any physical activity to give it a chance to heal! I know that's way easier said than done but it's better to take the time off then to make the problem worse by aggravating it further.…
  • 45lbs is the typical "men's" bar, 35lbs is the women's. Most gyms just have the men's.....for whatever that's worth. I think the best thing that you can do is to find a spotter, even if it's just a random person working out near you. Try out the 5 kilo plates [roughly 11lbs] and see what happens. You may surprise yourself.…
  • 1753. I try to keep between 1600-1800 and I don't eat back my exercise calories. I lift heavy s**t 4 times a week and am currently training for my second half marathon so I'm doing two short runs and one long run per week. In June I'm focusing on strength training for the most part. I've also just started training on a…
  • It's mainly inches that affect how clothing fits you. So you probably gained inches without gained much weight. Can you take an adult swimming class or just learn to tread water in the shallow end where you can still touch the ground with your feet?
  • Find your ideal calorie intake by using this link: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ And then add 300 calories for nursing. Make sure to weigh and measure everything, and see what happens! :)
  • Oh, and I also learned to just follow my craving. If I tried to replace it with something else, I'd still end up eating it anyway....so it's less calories just to go for it lol.
  • Stop restricting yourself. I had the same issue for years. I now have some form of dessert every night and don't allow myself to feel guilty about eating delicious things*. I still binge now and then but I'm finding it much less satisfying than I used to. * I mean, I try. Not always successful lol but I don't beat myself…
  • MFP is notorious for underestimating food calories and overestimating exercise calories. My number one tip for newbies is to find a good calorie amount for YOU (this will require some wiggle room), a good start is to go through this calculator: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ Take that number and then follow…
  • Join a class that you enjoy. Helped me start and keep up my fitness efforts, and get comfortable with gym equipment.
  • I can definitely relate! I've been dieting since I was 14. Gained 40lbs when I got pregnant with my son at 19, went from 190 pre-preg to 230 post. Lost 20lbs in the first two months PP, gained it all back and then some. Constantly yo-yo'd for 2 years and then quit trying to lose weight and focused on my mental health and…
  • I hate trying to guesstimate calories per serving when I make a big pot of soup or whatever, so I just look it up in the database and go with the highest calorie suggestion. I treat my calories like a rough estimate and I don't eat back my exercise calories, though. I like to keep a couple of prepackaged meals in the…
  • Pinterest is my best friend for finding good recipes.
    in NEWBIE Comment by olivia_june April 2015
  • The best thing that you can do is start. <3 You can't spot reduce, but by eating at a deficit and moving more, you will lose weight. The best part about the beginning is that when you have a lot to lose it really just flies off initially. You'll plateau and the weight loss will ebb and flow and sometimes stop altogether.…
  • Member since 2012 and on a 460+ day streak, feel free to add me :)
  • You also won't necessarily know your accurate BF% unless you get it professionally done....but you can get a rough idea with scales and measurements. If you're strength training while also losing weight you will retain muscle (and gain it to a certain point), you won't lose muscle mass. Most people don't lose muscle mass…
  • It's supposed to be total bodyweight. 0.8g per lb. So as a 204lb person I am supposed to shoot for 163g of protein. As a man you can probably eat a little more than that if you wanted. Protein helps build muscle, so you want that to be the highest percentage of your daily macros :)
  • Dumb question, but are you putting the scale in the same spot on your floor every time? 10lbs is a lot to fluctuate over the course of a day, are you getting your period? Did you have something very salty yesterday? Are you drinking enough water? The average person fluctuates 1-3lbs per day and women can fluctuate 5-7lbs…
  • * Note that I don't know what your training has been like for the last 3 months, though. Have you gone farther than 6.5 miles? You should try to get out and do a couple training runs without your stroller, if at all possible. I find it incredibly difficult to run with a stroller, personally, so you might find that you have…
  • Do it. The worst that can happen is that you DNF by being too slow, the best that can happen is that you finish. Clearly you're not going for time, so just go for the experience. I did my first half marathon in February and I was underprepared simply because I didn't know what to expect. I twisted my ankle not even half a…
  • Keep in mind that a deficit of approx 3500 cal is one pound loss, so even if you overeat by a few hundred calories, it's not a huge deal. Try not to stress too much and remember that everything in the database is sort of a loose estimate anyway (food calories are notoriously underestimated and exercise calories are…
  • Yeah I would guess around 1000 calories too...guac, bowl, cheese, meat....a cup of lean taco meat is approx 300 cal just on it's own, and the restaurant probably uses full fat. 30g of cheese is around 100 cal.